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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. Best Thai restaurant I know is Number 9 at Huay Tung Tao lake. Hardly expensive, 1,000bht buys more than 4 people can eat.
  2. I'm hoping 'Joan Bond' will be Sean Connery playing a trans guy in a frock.
  3. Easy answer, don't tell them where you've been or what you were doing.
  4. All my bridges were burnt for me before I came here. My friends have all died, and my family are (poor) Thai. Nobody for me to borrow from, even if I wanted. I don't waste money on insurance, I'll accept death when it comes for me.
  5. Get married to a Thai and apply for a 1 year marriage extension.
  6. My 10 year old is happy at home, and is no problem at all. Youtube videos, Xbox 360 games ........ he prefers it to school. I think western parents obsess too much about their kids school and education.
  7. Every Chinese take away I ever had in the UK was good. Never needed any specialist local knowledge.
  8. Your Passport, marriage cert, Kor Ror 2 (document stating still married from Amphur office), Her ID and house book. 2 copies of each, and the originals for immigration to look at.
  9. I certainly prefer Chinese food in the UK to Chinese food in China. Chinese food in Thailand is also bad.
  10. I thought the whole idea of a condo was to ignore everyone living in the boxes around you. Don't care who's next door to me, I don't interact with those outside my immediate family. Same as the Thais.
  11. The title bears no relationship to the OP. But I'll answer the title ........... only the morality of the person judging can decide the answer. There is no absolute good or bad.
  12. Unless you're mega-rich it's always been about 'where will I be allowed to live'. Not sure why you need to bring skin colour into the discussion.
  13. Hospital issues notice of birth, which you then take to your Amphur office and they issue a Birth Certificate, and update your house book. Some hospitals will do it for you at extra cost, Also best to do it yourself as the hospital usually manage to mess up foreigner names, it's hard to correct and many people don't like some strangers name in the 'reporting the birth' box of your kid's BC. I don't know about quickly, My kid was born late at night, I collected the notice at 8am along with all the other dads, and we drove to the Amphur office, the BC was in my hand my 9:30. I guess it might be more difficult for foreigners who can't read, write and speak Thai.
  14. Birth certificate is issued by the Amphur Office, it's nothing to do with the hospital.
  15. That's a very modern 'seaside' hospital room for a place like Cambodia. Looks exactly like an American "Earnest Health" hospital room.
  16. I have 4 different mango trees in my front garden, just asked for some different mangoes at my local nursery. The biggest is Mexican purple mangoes ...... more than 1Kg a mango.
  17. How much does it cost to load rubbish into bin bags then mop the floor? Can't see this as a big deal, 2000bht/month is slum rent anyway.
  18. Comparing vaccines that stop you catching or transmitting the disease for the rest of your life with vaccines that don't ........... Would also point out polio vaccine was fairly dangerous in the first few years it was out. Better to let less cautious people test out new vaccines first IMHO.
  19. I had a Thai gf that insisted on showering me. She definitely didn't do it in a motherly way.
  20. That's great, you want to stop people who overeat and/or under-exercise to be refused health care. After all, it's their personal choice to let themselves go. I'd be happy to go along with that, and let's not forget that same group are the ones that die from COVID.
  21. No countries have ever done this before for any reason. Not even passports can be checked for validity outside the issuing country.
  22. Honda CB300F, single cylinder, bought it last year 5 years old for 48kbht. It just needed a new chain and grips, the old chain wasn't worn out but had some frozen links.
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