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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. Comparing vaccines that stop you catching or transmitting the disease for the rest of your life with vaccines that don't ........... Would also point out polio vaccine was fairly dangerous in the first few years it was out. Better to let less cautious people test out new vaccines first IMHO.
  2. I had a Thai gf that insisted on showering me. She definitely didn't do it in a motherly way.
  3. That's great, you want to stop people who overeat and/or under-exercise to be refused health care. After all, it's their personal choice to let themselves go. I'd be happy to go along with that, and let's not forget that same group are the ones that die from COVID.
  4. No countries have ever done this before for any reason. Not even passports can be checked for validity outside the issuing country.
  5. Honda CB300F, single cylinder, bought it last year 5 years old for 48kbht. It just needed a new chain and grips, the old chain wasn't worn out but had some frozen links.
  6. It's just those blood problems are well known among vegetarians. They may go away if you start eating normally again. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12460231/ "vitamin B12 and iron status were compromised by a vegetarian diet. Variations in mean corpuscular volume were determined by iron and vitamin B12 status. Lower lymphocyte and platelet count were accompanied by metabolic evidence that indicated vitamin B12 deficiency."
  7. Will this be enforced like not driving a motor vehicle without tax, insurance, driving license, helmet? As for not letting me into a bank ......... will they really not be wanting their home loan repayments?
  8. Yeah, and 300bht. Took my strimmer to the local m/c shop, said how much and he replied maybe 100bht. Which was what he charged me when I collected it 2 days later. The pump bubble and fuel hoses had rotted.
  9. Kin, Bit annoying really as it's obvious the family will be picked off if they don't kill Caesar. Don't chase the minions, go for the boss. Animal Kingdom, Agree that the only thing good about the flashbacks is young Smurf's body, which we clearly won't be given a good look at.
  10. Not at all, if my former wife hadn't divorced me I'd still be living in the UK and sleeping with a 63 year old woman. As it's worked out, I'm living in the tropics with a woman half my age. In an odd sort of way she did me a favour.
  11. Plenty of farmhouses with a couple of fields and a barn for E10K-E20K. I'd just park a caravan in the barn and live there while refurbishing the farmhouse. Sadly Brexit has removed our right to live there more than 6 months without jumping into their tax and health system which costs $$$$$$$$$s.
  12. If I has 'sufficient funds' I'd be sailing in my yacht off the Bahamas. Most of us on this forum are eking out our sunset years with the meagre funds our (former) western wife's failed to get during the divorce.
  13. Cambodia, The Philippines, maybe France as they have really cheap rundown farm houses for sale. France would have been more of a goer without Brexit. Vietnam would have been above France if they didn't keep changing VISA requirements.
  14. Same, considering the average age of death is around 75, I'm surprised most of my pals died way before then. Doubt I'll make 75 either, the guys that carried on working then suddenly died missed out on the best years of their life.
  15. White men are just as bad. Tell them about your adventures and you'll be called a liar, homosexual or a pedo. I learned very early, what happens in Thailand, stays in Thailand.
  16. I also retired early, age 45. Yay, for retiring early.
  17. Tough luck, I had two teeth rebuilt, 800bht each. Internet 630bht (+35bht for HBO), Electricity 800bht, Council rates 400bht inc refuse collection, water 300bht. So you're paying ....... $800 (20,000bht) ..... and I'm paying 2,000bht ...... for essentially the same services.
  18. You'd be wrong about the bottle of wine costing them anything, company expenses was paying for all those meals. My boss used to roll in of a morning, "Come on chaps, down to Claridge's for Bucks fizz and salmon kedgeree, on my 'entertainment' expenses" We usually had jugs of Margarita's as well. The Ramada also used to do great all-you-can-eat breakfasts.
  19. I agree with you, real Thai food appears to be mainly white rice with garden weeds and insects. Can't beat pie and chips! ......... and my 10yo Thai son agrees with me!
  20. Most homes would cost 20-25 years rent up front to break even. I was divorced (and lost my home) age 52, so I'd need to live in one place until I was 72-77 to make a purchase worthwhile. As my parents both died in their mid-60s (I'm there now), I've always viewed it as a pointless expense to buy myself another house. I seriously doubt any guy aged 60+ would save himself any money buying a house/condo.
  21. It's the lessor of two evils. The guy that insisted on replacing my shower heater (I was gonna DIY it) drilled the tiles (wrong drill bit) and cracked em all. I'd have preferred him to drill the back of the heater.
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