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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. No need to speak a 'lick of Thai' our children can do it for us. Knew a guy from Oz, aged around 50, got a vasectomy, 6 months later got married, 6 months later had the vasectomy reversed and impregnated his wife. Nothing like making a decision and sticking to it! As for me, I love having children, my youngest is 10 years old now and I'm 65, I'd have been OK with another one or two, but it didn't happen. Ever seen those fat male cats that just sleep and eat all day, never go out hunting any more, a vasectomy has the same effect on most men, makes them soft, fat and lazy.
  2. Went to both cities just before COVID. didn't notice much difference in prices. Saigon was a great party city, very relaxed. Hanoi was a great sightseeing city, but rather uptight.
  3. Yep, I'd totally agree with you, I'm thinking most of the guys over 60 on this forum don't want to run 10Km in the mountains or cycle 25Km every day. My Thai BiL (policeman) age 56 was walking along the road in BK early this year, fell over completely paralysed down one side from a stroke, may never walk again, can hardly talk. From my experiences, this is the norm for men. Lots of people here have completely unrealistic dreams of their sunset years. Of course if they never do anything active to start with, they probably won't notice the change.
  4. I would have to disagree with you as almost everyone I've known has died before age 65. Mostly in their late 40s and 50s.
  5. As far as I can see it was only ever for Yellow fever, and even then for countries no sane person would ever want to visit. I went all over the world with no vaccinations (except whooping cough, polio and tetanus given me when I was too young to say no)
  6. What you want and what you will be able to do are entirely different. I'd like to go trail running and mountain biking in the mountains ..... that all finished for me at 63. At 65, I can still sit around eating and drinking but that's about it. I can't even wee without daily medication.
  7. At 65 I've pretty much had enough, can't imagine why anyone would want to live to 80.
  8. I know a super rich Thai guy and his wife, and they're the unhappiest people in the world. They never stop complaining about each other.
  9. My daughter wears more clothes when she's swimming, than when she's driving her m/c. Nearly all Thai ladies wear shorts under their skirts and dresses.
  10. Would point out under Thai property law, only a court order would allow the gf to sell her daughters house. And the courts never allow that sort of sale.
  11. Lazada sell tarpaulins at very reasonable prices. I purchased 4x 3m x 2m sheets and hang them outside to increase privacy, deflect rain and provide shade. I also planted mango trees all along my front, which have grown up to the power cables now.
  12. I'd choose a more co-operative construction company. One which doesn't have any prior contact with your gf. I've always suspected the guys saying 'no' have conspired with the Thai lady.
  13. You forgot lack of slim young available women, who can't divorce rape you. Which is the main negative in any western country. The west is a great place for guys that don't want women. For whatever reason.
  14. Best not to fly at all. Let them destroy their airlines and their tourism industry with no customers. Until all this COVID nonsense is over I won't be flying anywhere. No tests, no vaccination certificates, no COE, no COVID insurance, no hotels. The only way to win this game is by not playing. I wonder what the shops would do if everyone refused to wear masks?
  15. When I was 25 my 24yo Brit wife wasn't any more real than my 35 Year old Thai wife when I was 60yo. Nothing wrong with the 'love' delusion ..... as long as you don't splash out on a house upfront.
  16. My thoughts are 400bht for 100 is a bit expensive. These are 150bht for 100 ......... https://www.lazada.co.th/products/rj45-cat5e-100-6040-rj45-h-i1057392302-s2359612399.html?&search=pdp_v2v I use loads as my rabbits are always chomping through my network cables.
  17. Old people are generally unhappy because they're old and their bodies are failing. Doesn't matter where they are.
  18. Shalako = Sean Connery and Bridget Bardot 1968 ...... aristocrat hunting party attacked by indians Cowboy = Glenn Ford and Jack Lemmon 1958 ........ Hotel desk clerk becomes a cowboy on a cattle drive
  19. Don't see anywhere calling her a tourist. Probably a working girl from a neighbouring country.
  20. Batteries are good for three to five years. If it's more than three years old, buy a new one.
  21. And yet, in mine the only noise is the birds tweeting and the insects. We also get the occasional bellow from a buffalo or two in the fields over the wall
  22. I'm in a gated community 10Km outside Chiang Mai city center. 250 x 3 bed houses on small plots around a village green where the old folk sit around drinking beer of an evening. Early evening at dusk all the kids are out playing in the road, mine included. After dark it's deserted, no noise at all. Don't bother to lock the doors or close the windows when we go out, zero crime.
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