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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. Won one, lost one. Think we'll need to wait a couple of weeks to count the final match.
  2. I'm not sure a sign hung on a market stall is considered a legal notice. There are certainly no signs on street poles in that area about no smoking. I mean, I could hire a place in the market (40bht/day) and hang up a sign saying smoking compulsory, and you could all refuse to smoke with no fear of retribution. What we would need to check the legality of the sign would be a Thai government official, but it seems they're not interested in such a minor dispute. Asking for him to be deported would indicate, to me, some sort of mental illness on the part of the poster asking for such a punishment. Especially if that poster was a anti-Brit Australian Goat in a previous incarnation.
  3. Defamation laws are to replace lost income from people telling lies. 2 nobodies counting votes as a second job aren't likely to be large earners, so even if you defamed them in a way that stopped them ever working again ..... Maybe $1M each. But they'd need to prove they lost that potential amount.
  4. Hopefully, he'd be buying me the beers.
  5. And where they are in the world.
  6. That law was revoked earlier this year.
  7. 3bb, I have the normal 1000/500 connection and sometimes my torrent speed reaches 15, but normally it's 5-10.
  8. Are you his daughter?
  9. Nobody ever voted for Kamala, for any post. She had to sleep with an old married guy to get her jobs.
  10. And mine earlier this year ........
  11. Yeah, I've got the original PowMr 5k5 one, and it's been providing 80% of my homes electricity for the past 2 years. It even managed to shut itself off when my 14yo niece shorted the live and neutral together while using an extension lead. No bang, no shock, as fast as an RCBO. Had to turn all the breakers off and on to restart it, but that was the only shutdown in those two years. Paid 13kbht for it and that included the WiFi dongle. Fan is a bit noisy sometimes is the only complaint I could pick with it. A solid bit of equipment that does the job.
  12. Step down one from their recommended thickness, it'll save you $$$$$s.
  13. I only noticed the stall worker throwing stuff at the foreigner.
  14. Another political court ruling with a nonsense fine. How can you defame 2 nobodies $140M?
  15. No more than someone living in London pretending to be in Thailand.
  16. But I live in Thailand, and you live in the UK. "The Westgate on Sea (Kent, UK) based, family run business ......"
  17. Most of us use ZenniOptical online, quality frames and delivery in 10 days for under $50. Why pay more?
  18. No, I took it to mean foreigners publishing video advice while fronting for companies in Thailand were breaking the law. If you ain't being paid, you aren't breaking the law. But foreigners are prohibited from working in Financial and legal services in Thailand. Obviously they can work as office managers, but once interacting with the public are obviously criminals.
  19. Head coverings, and clothing.
  20. But JT claims not to be a sexpat!
  21. I always take one, it's only 100bht for a 6 month statement and can be provided at the same time as the bank letter. But then I never use my bank book, except the once a year I ask for my immigration letter.
  22. Think the problem is him previously living most of his life outside of NZ. Apparently they reduce your overseas claimed pension by 1/40 for every year you lived outside NZ.
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