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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. As an old white guy, I would vote for someone how I thought would promote my self interest. Sadly, leaving only Trump as my choice.
  2. Mine tells me I'm the best father she ever had! Very good value for money compared with my former Brit wife.
  3. I can understand if you're poor, and have limited income, you may not wish to share. But I have plenty and might as well spend it before I'm dead.
  4. I did that, but gave away rather than sell. What's wrong or sad with doing that?
  5. I used to smoke there all the time, my hotel even provided a sala by the pool to smoke weed. There were bags of weed on every tourists table. I was told do it on private grounds and you won't have a problem.
  6. I like to drink Pepsi!
  7. All the philosophers were drunks .........
  8. Which raises the thought ......... Should someone that believes in invisible friends be allowed to hold any government office?
  9. All nonsense IMHO. I'm not sure any woman loves any man in a relationship lasting longer than around 2 years. They might stick around but the sex will be gone. Don't think I've encountered any women worldwide that contribute much financially either, she spends her income on herself, the man pays for everything else. After 15 years here, I've not lost anything to my misses that I wouldn't have spent on rent and hookers. As an old white guy in the UK I was already considering my self a second class citizen, so no change. Never had any problems with her family, but then I make no effort to mix with them.
  10. Compulsory 'free school' ends at age 15, when my daughter reached that age at her government school 80% of her year were chucked out as 'not worthwhile' or 'couldn't afford to pay'. This was in 2015.
  11. I paid 300kbht for the house deposit, then 10kbht/month for her mortgage. The monthly repayments aren't any more than renting the same house. A net loss to my total assets of 7,500GBP, I guess if you're working as a Thai schoolteacher that might be significant.
  12. My misses completed high school then went on to study 'Political Science' at university. I know, as I was there and financed it all.
  13. Less than 20% of the Thai population have completed high school
  14. But you are in in London, England ........ try moving to Thailand, and almost nobody finished high school. (I don't know anyone in the UK that failed to complete high school either).
  15. Why would I care if a bunch of people that failed to complete high school respect me or not? I'm betting you didn't complete high school either! (just from your country of birth)
  16. I've had a fabulous time in Thailand, sex with many attractive women, 2x LTRs and then the one I chose to keep for the past 15 years. Sure it cost me money, but not the 1/2 million pounds that the schoolteacher in the UK took. Essentially I spend less than my pension, so I'll likely never run out of money. Wish I'd discovered Thailand when I was in my 40s. Jump in , the waters fine, but never spend more than you can afford to lose!
  17. That's like shopping at Harrods and complaining it's cheaper in ASDA. Villamart and Topps are the highest cost stores you could find in Thailand, try local markets and Lazada to get much better prices. Supermarkets in Thailand are for those with cash to burn, not the discount stores we expect in the western world.
  18. Most people buy the cheapest alcoholic drink they can tolerate. Fine wine is a waste of money after the first glass or two. 1 wine cooler costs 28bht (3 bottles to get the effect) 0.5g of cannabis costs 10bht (that's enough) So clearly cannabis is a better option at 12% of the alcohol cost.
  19. I just change varieties. But at under 20bht/g why not just smoke 1g instead of 0.5g?
  20. Don't think the pm of Finland is really a world leader. Mayor of NY is probably more important to the world than her. EU is a united Europe under German rule.
  21. Imagine if her hubby accidentally kicks a doctor, Phuket authorities inspect the build and find it illegal in some way, then they get deported minus their $1.2M AUD. Why would anyone take such a risk, shouldn't they have at least rented for a few years?
  22. Sounds a bit iffy to me, can't afford a house in Oz, so moves to a country where she isn't allowed to own a home legally. Not to mention Phuket, island of illegally built homes with land stolen from the government, by a dodgy Thai builder. Huge risk of 100% loss. Surely there must be places in Oz where you can buy a home for under $1.2M AUD?
  23. Disagree with everything you wrote ........ 1. No job, same as me although was doing plenty of voluntary work, head of PTA, running HOC. As a political activist she mixes with all the local 'big wigs'. As for complaining about me to her friends, she daren't as they would all swap lives with her in an instant, and she knows it. 2. She had an 11 year old daughter when we men, lovely girl, always very polite, gone now age 25 and living in Nakon Sawan. Can't really feel hard done by looking after someone else's kid, after all someone back in the UK was looking after 4 of mine. 3. Nope, I don't want a woman that's 68, would rather live alone. Don't need to speak Thai, my family all speak English. Not sure why she would want to bad mouth me to her friends, maybe you should choose women that like you a bit more. During our first year of marriage, I was eating breakfast in my local western food eatery (Hash House) and she was off buying nasty Issan food from a food stall beside the restaurant. Three Thai guys roll up and try to pick her up, the stall holder says "the white foreigner at that table is her husband and understands every word you are saying". They turn around smile at me, give me a thumbs up and walk on. She didn't say a word during the whole encounter. My 3 tips for a successful relationship ....... 1. Be a man, you're in charge, she follows. 2. Never argue, discuss or explain, it makes you look weak. 3. Don't be jealous, don't check up on her, when she's not with you, forget about what she's doing.
  24. You need to change your own attitude, Stop being confrontational, stop arguing, no mansplaining. If you're really even tempered and fairly placid, she won't be able to pick fights. I've learned to do all that, and it makes our cultural differences much easier to manage. We were the same age as you and your misses when we married, 15 years on and it's great.
  25. Ask one of the doctors when you're mopping his office floor!
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