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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. I always pretend I don't understand when Thais try to speak English to me. Doesn't matter how good their English is.
  2. Wouldn't call a kid with Rwandan parents a normal English kid. Who knows what acts of mind shattering violence his parents experienced/inflicted/endured from their home country in the Hutu/Tutsi conflicts.
  3. These people probably don't speak central Thai as a first language, so find it hard to understand when accented. I've become used to Lanna Thai speakers, and find it much harder to understand Bangkok Thai speakers.
  4. 60l is about as big as they go, 2kbht on Lazada. I've always used gas hob and electric oven.
  5. Nah, it was listed as a hit and run RTA, he was found dead lying beside his damaged scooter on the road from Hang Dong to Chiang Mai.
  6. The first Thai lady I lived with admitted to murdering her previous Swedish husband.
  7. The foreigners sex doesn't change, so the rules stay the same. A gay marriage has 2x wives, or 2x husbands.
  8. I see no bots ............. The proliferation of trolls is due to the relaxed rules this forum now follows. As far as I can see outside 'community pub' where the trolls and mentally different play, and 'soapbox' where all the locked mindset political activists gather, It's the best it's ever been since I joined 10 years back. Well done George, CharlieH, the rest of the team and Thaiger
  9. I'll take your 'confused' and raise you a 'sad'!
  10. And I'm a worse person now having realised being nice gets you nothing. I regret caring about other people when I was younger. But now I realise nothing really matters ........ except, me, me, me, me, me!
  11. This is quite good. If a bit woke.
  12. Full Moon dark wine cooler 7% alcohol, 27bht/300ml in Makro.
  13. I would like the best candidate to get the job ....., if only there was one!
  14. It's essentially incurable, just wait and they go away in 1-2 years.
  15. Last time I voted was for 'Arthur Scargill's socialist labour party'. But now I would only vote for Marxists promising to redistribute land to the people and punitively tax large corporations and the mega rich.
  16. If you've considered a trike for shopping ....... You're old!
  17. I don't think it's clear anyone wants foreigners living but not working in Thailand to pay income tax in Thailand. And until the Thai tax department approaches me and requests me to fill out forms (printed in English), with rules (also printed in English), there's no question I or anyone else can answer with certainty.
  18. I don't care who wins the election. And I refuse to vote in any election unless they provide a 'no suitable candidate' box for me to tick and for them to count. As for Donald Trump, not a suitable candidate IMHO same as Ms. Harris.
  19. Mine is in CEP (Chinese and English Program) at a government school 8kbht/term.
  20. I never give my kids free money, they get paid for working (school). No work = no money. He currently has 13kbht in savings from money he didn't spend.
  21. Yep, YoK sells at 225bht/Kg, bit cheaper if you buy 10 bags. If you use the Lazada app, you might get a discount or free shipping.
  22. It's amazing all the Tax accountants that can predict the future tax rules for foreigners. Meanwhile the Thai government changes it's mind every week or so. Ganja ...... legal or not. VISA ....... 30 days, 60 days, 180 days 10k wallet ........ maybe MFP ban or keep

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