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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. Chicken Jalfrezi and Naan bread. Butter, Madras, Korma, Masala are just as good.
  2. My misses is pals with a very expensive lawyer who lives down the road from us. She says let my wife do everything on her own, unless the outcome looks unsatisfactory, in which case she will step in. My misses is a local social activist, knows everyone worth knowing, involved in everything, so she's in a position of power. Early stages at the moment, police still waiting on a hospital report from the doctor. Not much point in me seeing the police, all I can say is 'something hit me'.
  3. I always stay at the Garden Village Guesthouse and Pool bar, about 100m from Pub street. rooms were around $10/night, great swimming pool with attached bar serving food and drinks 24/7. Mix of young and old people staying there, dorm rooms for the backpackers. Everyone very friendly and we all mixed well.
  4. Small update 3 weeks after the event. Seen the hitters police report, he admits to following me and running me down because my bag knocked his car. Police have photos of his car smashed all down the left side from him ramming me ...... what a tool. Wife is off to his insurance company this aft to discuss compensation for my pain, suffering and injuries. As for me, Most of the cuts and scabs have now fallen off. Lots of muscle damage, blue right foot, blue right shoulder hip and elbow, knee painful, hip doesn't work properly so hard to walk. I can just about get around the inside of the house by myself, up and down stairs. Feeling a lot more hopeful of a full recovery now, even if it is still 1 or 2 months away.
  5. No foreigners in my MooBaan, hardly any foreigners in my local area either. I'd suggest moving out of the foreigner ghetto.
  6. Been many times, always enjoyed it. Always booked a hotel with a pool right in the middle of the entertainment area. It's worth the extra money for a morning and afternoon swim every day, and a nice walk down the promenade in the early morning.
  7. I'm here for the entertainment, and Bob provides plenty of that.
  8. Women are for sex and childbirth, men are for friendship and sporting activities. If you don't try and mix the two, you won't get so disappointed.
  9. Hi George, Just my my opinion, but in the last few months I've felt moderation has become much more, positive, fair and even handed. No need to ban anyone, just remove any posts that break community guidelines. I'm particularly happy that personal attacks and insults are being removed so quickly these days. No need to be rude or insulting to anyone, whether you agree with them or not. Good job George, and your Moderating team! Personal note, I can't believe that this forum has been so supportive to me during my difficult time after my hit and run injuries in the past month. Many thanks to everyone (both friend and foe) for their support on my thread, you've really helped me through a really low point in my life.
  10. Just had my first Full Moon dark wine cooler with breakfast. Breakfast was a CP double cheeseburger with an added slice of Mainland Vintage Cheddar.
  11. If they just want to sleep, I've got better things to do somewhere else. The one time i was stuck with one that 'just wanted to sleep', I called security and he dragged her naked from my room and escorted her to the front entrance of the hotel. I assume the moment i fell asleep she'd be sorting through my stuff looking for things to steal. On the other hand, The few times where I just wanted to sleep (too drunk), they were naked and on top of me the second the light went out.
  12. I agree with you, my Thai wife an kids are very polite, considerate and loving. More so than my Brit family ever were. I notice the complainers always seem to be surrounded, by a host of distant relatives. Quite frankly, those apparently living in some communal Thai family hell-hole need to clear out the ungrateful hangers on.
  13. Probably same was as the rest of us, looking at the condom sizes in 7-11. Haven't you noticed how small they are?
  14. If you don't want to have sex with someone, it's probably best not to invite them into your bedroom. No blaming, just common sense.
  15. Doing pretty well now, first 2 weeks I was suicidal from the constant pain and disability. Then this weekend I turned a corner, and am recovering quickly. Ribs still give insane pain spasms, arm strapped for at least another 4 weeks to protect my broken collar bone. Yep, bleeding and fluids filling my lungs appeared to be my doctor's greatest concerns, but I appear to have avoided that, you gotta be lucky!
  16. Forget the surgery, it's a last resort. I have been symptom free for the past 3 years after smoking 0.5gm of high THC Indica cannabis every evening just before bed. No other medications required.
  17. Tell that to the Thai guy that tried to kill me 2 weeks back!
  18. Her children get 50% and her parents get 50%
  19. i thought she was speaking out against vaccinating healthy children and young people against COVID. Not sure many, if any of them, would have died from COVID.
  20. Follow the government line or lose your job! In our modern world no dissent will be tolerated.
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