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Everything posted by GreasyFingers

  1. Except where there is no electricity.
  2. Except for some reason Google has banned me from the internet on my phone. I will admit that it is not usually connected but when necessary ? it will not let me in. Just love the kid's world as they do not know if there is a problem, and would not know how to fix it.
  3. And none of the paperwork required to renew, not like getting an original.
  4. Have that same unit but no trouble in 2 years. I now know what to do with if it stops working properly.
  5. Have been using diclofenac for about ten years for arthritis, but only one a day with a couple of days off when no pain. No obvious side effects and I only have one functioning kidney.
  6. Very good article in clear language.
  7. Would not have anything to do with the USD dropping.
  8. Common problem with sellers just testing the market. Don't need the money and think if someone is willing to pay their price they must be selling too cheaply.
  9. Australia's exported beef is not the same as you would buy in Sydney or Melbourne. a lot of the export is Brahman or Brahman cross grown in the north and dryer areas.
  10. With only 30% of the vote they have some work to do.
  11. Not sure what you mean by more stable. B ut yes the baht went up, then down, then back up against the USD.
  12. Not a political person, even in my home country, but good to see the old frts replaced by a young one. Pity America and China don't do the same. But the most important thing for expats: what will happen to the baht?
  13. As Jesus often said: "beware the Teachers of the Law and Pharisees"
  14. Condolences to all of his family. i trust they know of his great help to us expats.
  15. Normally dry season in the south in those months, good luck.
  16. wet season started here last week with rain every day except yesterday.
  17. No need for separate septic tanks, easy to pipe both bathrooms to one. The location of the septic will depend on whether you want the kitchen waste to also run into it.
  18. Yes, swap the ensuites with the robes, then less noise transmission to the living area. Do not see the necessity of a hallway door to the bathroom. The way it is configured the door to the bedroom will not be too far from the bathroom for extra guests to use.
  19. Why would you have the en-suites backing on to the living area. Bad design.
  20. Do you look at the sky during wet season?
  21. If you want so slightly cooler (4-5C) temperatures you should stay in the Khao Kho district in preference to Lom SaK. Drive up HWY 12 to Camp Son (post office spelling, Khaem Son on Google maps). More than a thousand resorts to choose from, from shoe boxes to 5 star. You will also be near the biggest temple in the area, Wat Phra Thart Pha Sorn Kaew, but try to visit on week days as the weekends can be crowded.
  22. Have been on the edge of thunderstorms for 2 days after a month of 36-39 temperatures. yesterday had a real storm with rain but today back up to 34 with no rain, My take is that wet season is starting but will be a mild one. Last year started in March and was one of the wettest.
  23. We had summer showers yesterday and today after a month of 36-40 degree temperatures. Hopefully the wet season has started in a mild way.
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