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Everything posted by jimn

  1. One of the many reasons why I could never live in rural Thailand, I think I would have taken a shotgun to his speakers if he blasted out nonsense at 6am, which is the middle of the night to me.
  2. Why do you think that there are stray dogs here. This Lion is in a house in a private gated village of over 100 houses. There are zero stray dogs, all the dogs are on a leash when they walk with their owners. I live in this village and I assure you we are all concerned about what will happen when this animal gets bigger. The property walls are not high enough and their is only a small cage. The owner is an irresponsible Mafia type guy who has only got the animal to make himself in his opinion look good. Only yesterday it was running around the grounds freely playing with some woman as I walked past with my dog. Its not going to end well. The lady in an adjoining property is terrified as her husband is returning to the UK for a few months work on Sunday. This needs sorting now.
  3. Obviously Russian. No Brits ever bring their wifes or girlfriends here.
  4. That looks like you would be drinking treacle. I could only manage 1 of those.
  5. I thought I said I cant find the comment. I will look again. Or maybe I wont or cant be bothered, but its there somewhere on a page in a large document.
  6. I am surprised that you, as the so called "expert" on here does not know about the limit on using private hospitals without prior agreement with the insurance company. I enclose a screenshot from the t&c of a well known UK insurance company. it clearly states its not for use for private treatment. Although I am able to find it, somewhere else in the document it states only government hospitals unless prior agreement is obtained.
  7. The chances are that the insurance only covers treatment at a local government hospital and not an expensive private hospital like the Bangkok Phuket hospital. This is common with travel insurance.
  8. Doha is a great airport but very upmarket and very very expensive
  9. You are 100% correct. This happens unfortunatey over here. For example last Wednesday I was paying my yearly car insurance renewal at Viriyah. I tried to pay with my UK mastercard which has over 7k credit limit and the girl twice tried the transaction and loudly shouted you are over your limit on the card, that I knew was wrong, very embarassing. Luckiy I had my UK visa card with me and it went through. I used the same mastercard at another store later and it was fine. My point is that this can happen over here for no reason at all.
  10. In my opinion its quite ignorant to jump on someone elses thread. It not only deflects from the question the OP asks but confuses everyone as they dont know who the OP is. Open your own topic to get better focused replies
  11. How can you make a comment like that without knowing the facts. Most cheap UK travel policies exclude motorbike accidents like this, I am assuming this is the case here. It is up to the individual to ensure that the policy meets their needs. You cant make a comment blaming the insurance when the blame is unfortunately with the individual.
  12. Personally at this time I have not got £20k to leave in a Thai bank, even if I did I wouldnt do it. I keep my money in property. My UK house £350k bought and paid for, my Thai house via my wife 7 milliion baht, bought and paid for. For me and 100's of others, paying and agent 12,500 to provide the funds and get a perfectly legal retirement extension, is a no brainer.
  13. Its worth it if you havnt got or dont want to leave nearly £20,000 in a Thai bank for most of the year, that you cant touch.
  14. Lol I cant believe this qustion keeps coming up. The 90 day report is for days spent in Thailand. If you leave Thailand the report is not required. It starts a new 90 day period as soon as you re enter. Nothing to do with re entry permits.
  15. Lol, you are paying an agent 6k just to go to immigration on your behalf. Crazy. In Pattaya 12,500 including the 1,900 for the extension gets you the extension without having to have the 800k in the bank and its a 100% legal extension stamp.
  16. No its not. Walk into the agent in Pattaya with your Bangkok Bank book, 2 photos and 12,500 baht. Visit the assigned bank with the agent. Visit immigration outside to have photo taken. 2 days later you have a totally legal 1 year extension of stay. Easy.
  17. Yes of course. Its a 90 day report for being in the country, if you leave and return, the clock resets.
  18. Oh dear, you really need to learn how to read before you point the finger at others. The report said it was a different pier than the one quoting 400 to 600 baht. " At the pier in question there is signage stating charges of 2,000 - 3,000 - 5,000 baht. But the sign is out of the way hidden from view. The real charge for an hour from two other piers in the area should be 400-600 baht depending on whether it is a paddled boat or a motorized one. Local operators said the prices were fixed and suggested that the rip-off occurred outside the market area."
  19. Lol you are correct that you cant keep up with changes. This changed about 7 to 8 years ago.
  20. Why are you posting this to me? I think its meant for someone else
  21. Nothing to do with immigration who are under the remit of the Thai immigration police. The consulates and embassys are under the remit of the Thai Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
  22. Unfortunately thats garbage as well. I bring Yorkshire tea bags over with me which are the best by far. They can also bought at expats shops like Siamburys in Pattaya.
  23. Lol why are you all messing about. IPTV is the way forward. Wizz TV is used by many of the bar owners in Pattaya. Its 3100 baht for the year via their app which you can access with an Android Tv or an Android box. You need a decent wifi or internet connection. In Thailand I have Wizz Tv. Have a look here https://www.wizztv.co.uk/downloads It can be used in the UK as well as they are a UK company.You get all sports across the world, movies, catch up and video on demand. You will need an android TV or an android box. Something like this https://www.amazon.co.uk/H96-MaxSmart-Android-Bluetooth-Receiver/dp/B09TZXJMQ4/ref=mp_s_a_1_4?keywords=h96+max+x2&qid=1673699913&quartzVehicle=16-2083&replacementKeywords=h96+max&sr=8-4 Its easy to set up and they support you online. Easy
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