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Everything posted by johng

  1. The link to the scuppered Boris Johnson talks agree with what i've said.
  2. As I said before Ukraine should sign a peace treaty surrendering the territory they have already lost..There is no take over of Europe and no WWIII
  3. Neither are you but who cares really.
  4. I an not a troll and have been discussing the topic you just don't like what I have to say as it does not coincide with your own views.
  5. Yes there will be peace when Ukraine surrenders that is not a contradiction.
  6. Not going to happen...why would the side that is winning give up all it has gained at quite a large expense ? No it is Russia that will set the terms for Ukraine's surrender not the other way round.
  7. Ha ha you are funny..I told you already I dont support Liverpool and dont eat McDonald's Putin is not the "new Hitler" nor is Trump by the way. I would like to think I would have been at the Lancaster Bomber factory with my grandparents during the WWII...but thats just someone a bit wierd thinking out loud as if he had a time machine.
  8. Nothing could be further from the truth..I am the person advocating an end to the war...a peace deal...you want the war to continue...there are no need for links as it is my opinion that a peace deal is the better solution...rather than a nuclear war...wouldn't you agree ?
  9. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2024/apr/22/boris-johnson-ukraine-2022-peace-talks-russia
  10. proove what exactly...that you push for escalating a war to nuclear catastrophe instead of pushing for peace ?
  11. I've often been described as a bit wierd...and nowdays take that as a badge of honour. No dribling of any kind don't play footie dont support Liverpool or Man U either
  12. Yes...they had an advanced stage treaty nearly agreed upon at the start...Boris Johnson "persuaded" Zelenski that it would be better to fight.
  13. Hold on I thought you where all for Nuclear war...are you a Putin apeaser in disguise ?
  14. That is because Biden invited them in whilst Trump said in no uncertain terms do not come ! Better for them never to come than be apprehended in record numbers at the open border with record numbers making it across the boarder without apprehension..no ?
  15. I think the Russian helicopters will will be swooping over Ukrainians capital again in the near future..if not helicopters then drones and missiles..maybe even a tactical nuke.
  16. Nope its exactly what they have done...then have the audacity to say only we can do these things.
  17. A load of intercontinental ballistic nuclear missiles yes exactly !!!
  18. Ukraine never stood a chance...except at the very beginning..but those peace talks where scuppered by Boris Johnson. A US NATO war against Russia isn't something I want..I'd rather Ukraine give up the land they already lost sign a peace deal and stop the killing.
  19. No he is not allowed he "just does it" same as America was not allowed to invade Vietnam,Iraq,Syria,Afghanistan but "just did it" same as Israel is not allowed to invade Gaza but "just does it", those wielding the nuclear bomb "just do it" Thatcher "just did it" with the Falkland isles..Cameron thinks he can take on the worlds largest nuclear power
  20. Have you read it yet ? I have an audio book version that is rather long but haven't listed to it yet..one of those things to get round to eventually.
  21. Seeing as the "management" refuse If you can do the repairs yourself or hire someone else to do the repairs then do that..its probable that it can be fixed internally even though the root cause is outside where the management will not allow access. sometimes you have to think outside the box like @Rampant Rabbit did above.
  22. I have another idea as to why but expressing it here would be futile so I wont.
  23. Age and co-morbidities of these poor souls ohh never mind I see some statistics from and earlier report. Why don't they just report the actual ages of the victims ?
  24. Those laughing might like to stop for a moment and remember that Putin /Russia has the largest stock pile of nuclear weapons on earth as well as a very large conventional weapons stockpile, has ramped up military production lines the last couple of years and has millions of men to call up for military service if they need to.
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