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Everything posted by johng

  1. But will Biden debate with Trump or stay in his basement like last time ?
  2. It's not a conspiracy theory its a witch hunt anyone with an ounce of sense can see it plain as day.
  3. Surely trump supporters would brag about polls supporting Trump not an also ran. I really do hope so just for the sheer "Schadenfreude" of seeing him defeat those who amassed a witch hunt against him and his supporters.
  4. You realise that if they sent troops that would mean a declaration of war against Russia and hence WWIII ? Russia has said it reserves the right to use nukes if it's territory is threatened ( same as all other nuclear bomb wielding nations)
  5. Methane is bad too hence the push to kill all the livestock decimating farmers and get people eating bugs and lab meat..do you like eating bugs ? Water vapour is also "bad" for global warming should we remove H20 ? How about a nice big space umbrella to reflect the suns warming rays or some stratospheric particulate matter to reflect it whilst the umbrella is built. So again what do we do about this "unprecedented cataclysm" second time asking you this do we go back to living in caves own nothing and be happy ? Yes you are because modelling AKA computer simulations is all you have in fact its all anyone could have because we do not have a parallel earth to compare the other scenarios to.
  6. There are so many variables,interactions and cycles going on, many of which are poorly or totally not understood, all the climate alarmism is based upon computer models and hypothesis ( hunches/guesses) But lets assume that the models are accurate what is the solution ? and is the "solution" worse than the "problem" for mankind as a whole shall we all go back to living in caves own nothing and be happy ?
  7. Ok lets say (or make believe) we all believe you (we don't) what can the human race do to survive, mitigate or reverse this cataclysm ?
  8. Did I ? I must have flunked because I don't agree with you and the mainstream media ? maybe I'm Elon Musk the space entrepreneur who has friends at NASA.
  9. Even if you slip up just present your UK licence then all you need to do is the eyesight,reaction tests and maybe watch a video...you also always need a medical and residence certificate if using Barnglamung office.
  10. It has been for the Banglamung office others seem to have accepted yellow book or work permit instead.
  11. At Banglamung office ?
  12. I believe the 3 letter agencies,5 eyes countries,mossad,Bejing and the Cremlin all monitor,surveil,intercept and record whatever thay can sometimes in coperation with the "big tech" companies.
  13. Yes that could be a problem perhaps rooftop "ponds" or raised beds I don't think they need to be deep for algae ?
  14. I would call it a mostly peaceful protest up until the police opened fire with tear-gas on a section of the crowd whilst another section of the crowd where ushered in and escorted around the Capitol building by police. Can we talk about the pipe bombs and Rey Epps yet ?
  15. Nope but don't let the facts get in the way of TDS sufferers.
  16. Nobody assaulted the Capitol to steal elections, Biden took office as planned one event was dismissed as "mostly peaceful" even though there was much more death and destruction the other was hyped to oblivion into "the end of democracy"
  17. Yep already said I'm not a scientist that doesn't mean I should just take the word of those that claim to be scientist (or know someone at NASA) as "gospel truth" I can believe of disbelieve anything I like of my own accord. I can also come on these here "discussion" forums and express my views even if you don't like those views or think they are wrong. I suggest It's you who are trolling trying to goad me into an emotional response..so I won't suggest that you are supremely arrogant. Though perhaps you are Elon Musk the space entrepreneur ??? or as postulated earlier by @thaibeachlovers "I'm beginning to wonder if you can actually read or if you are in fact a real person, and not an argument bot."
  18. 9/11 was an obvious false flag to usher in the heinous "patriot act" "legitimising" torture indefinite detention,surveillance on unprecedented scale and never ending war.
  19. not much but someone brought up Jan 6th saying it was a violent insurection and someone else says the "summer of love" was worse for death and destruction but one event is portrayed as "the end of democracy" and the other as "mostly peaceful"
  20. Yes I think so Thailand is already quite excepting about eating the bugs and is in a good position for mass production of the critters. I suppose algae production would be viable too with the massive sunlight available....lab grown meat perhaps limited to the huge conglomerates. None of which (except algae) I would touch with a barge pole.
  21. Only way is for Palestinian acquiescence to Isreal's demands? Maybe If Isreal also hands over it's war criminals to an independent third party for fair prosecution there might be a chance of a deal.
  22. If they are Thai foreign couple and the shop won't rent to a Thai then why didn't the foreigner rent it or even better just go to another shop.
  23. Yes first time I drive my auto I was trying to use 2 feet constantly stamping on the brake pedal quickly gave up and went to right foot for everything mode. I only ever use D and R mind you there are not many hills or winding mountain roads around the Pattaya/Jomtien area. I did a couple of tours around Thailand firstly in 2001 Ford Laser bought in Bangkok drove all the way to Phucket then up to Chaingmai and then back down to Pattaya one highlight being the front left wheel was almost ripped off after hitting a pot hole on the way to Chaingmai at 3AM and having to drive extremely slowly for about 75 Kilometres to reach a garage in Chaingmai to fix it. Then a couple of other times in Pickup trucks up to northern Thailand all manual..I'm too old for (this s**t) those long drives now 😢 even if someone else is driving (bus or coach) can't take sitting for hours on end.
  24. My American friend has told me it is possible to bump start an auto but it needs pushing/pulling faster than any human could do it,I have never seen it done and won't try it with my car.
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