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Everything posted by Maestro

  1. Thank you for your clarification. I'm sure not only I but also other readers will appreciate it if the names of immigration offices are written in full, not in two-letter acronyms or abbreviations.
  2. That's very interesting. I wonder if the consular department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs whipped the visa section of the embassy in London into shape generally or just for the DTV.
  3. Never too late to learn. In my lifetime, the ambassadors of all countries, not only of Kingdoms, have always had the title "Excellency"
  4. Is this 15-year-old TM.6 card from your latest arrival in Thailand?
  5. I remember that another member posted that ม.17 is a reference to section 17 of the Immigration Act, under the authority of which the new 60-day visa-exempt entry (VE-60) has been announced. ผ is the first letter of the Thai word that has been translated as "special" in section 17 of the Immigration Act ม is the first letter of the Thai word that has been translated as "section" in the Immigration Act.
  6. Removed an off-topic post.
  7. When entering Thailand with a new visa, the fist 90-day report is due 90 days after the date of arrival.
  8. I've looked at the excerpt of the screenshot of the page on the website of the Thai embassy in London you posted and see that it has the date stamp of 28 August 2019 with an update on 16 October regarding the temporary change of the vis-exempt permission to stay from 30 days to 45 days. The text about the limitation of maximum three visa-exempt entries for 30 days (VE-30) by air and two by land is shown to apply to the VE-30, which is understandable because this outdated webpage does not take into account the new 60-day visa-exempt entry (VE-60) available now. Therefore, I would say that it is incorrect to refer to this text as a currently valid rule, regulation or law applicable to the VE-60. For information about the VE-60, we must refer to the Announcement of the Ministry of Interior, issued under the authority of the Immigration Act. This makes reference neither to unlimited entries nor to a limited number of entries. It is tacitly understood, however, that all entries into Thailand are subject to Section 12 of the Immigration Act. Sources: Immigration Act, English translation: https://aseannow.com/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=991237&key=afcda8a9154676f45da42331902f33c8 60-day visa-exemption, original Thai text https://ratchakitcha.soc.go.th/documents/37563.pdf 60-day visa-exemption, English translation https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LsZZ2J7z5jI1S2HEKAcljhbyn34L--VM/view?usp=drive_link
  9. This news article of 27 February 2024 mentions Piccolo's law suit against Raglan Road Irish Pub, but not its outcome: https://www.allergicliving.com/2024/02/27/disney-and-pub-sued-after-doctor-dies-of-severe-allergic-reaction/
  10. That's interesting additional information. Thank you for posting it.
  11. Removed a troll post mentioning "ChinkPox"
  12. She's already getting measured for a stylish chador.
  13. You can get the multiple-entry non-O visa for the reason of living with your Thai wife. You cannot get the DTV for the reason of living with your Thai wife.
  14. The subject of this news article is already discussed here: https://aseannow.com/topic/1335494-disney-fights-thai-doctor’s-death-lawsuit-citing-husband’s-agreement/
  15. Removed an off-topic post and the ensuing bickering posts (total 8 posts) @Aussie999 and @Gottfrid, please stop it.
  16. Some scammers dial your number not with the intention of talking to you. The moment you anwer, even without making a sound, the caller, respectively his computer, adds your number to a list of real numbers that get answered, this list gets sold to phone marketing companies and the number of scam calls you get multiplies.
  17. Removed an off-topic post about "power centralizing tech" in China.
  18. Removed an off-topic post about "got 90 days"
  19. That's a good suggestion. @Boycie Yours is a special situation because the boy's mother cannot be traced and hopefully the immigration official you're dealing with will make an exception for you. He may have to get a superior official's approval for it.
  20. Removed an off-topic post about watching a video.
  21. Removed an off-topic post that was not about the TM.30 @chub I suggest you post your question in the topic https://aseannow.com/topic/1265383-ltr-visa-is-now-available-for-long-term-residency/?do=getNewComment
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