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Everything posted by Maestro

  1. Employment with a Thai company is not lIsted as one ot the qualifying criteria for the DTV.
  2. I see. You were looking for the word "consecutive" and could not find it. Tough luck. None of the other multiple-entry visas include that word either.
  3. It depends on your situation and needs. If you visit Thailand for the any purpose outlined for that visa, you do not need the elite visa.
  4. All this talk about who is responsible for submitting the TM.30 notification is really off topic here. It is not what the OP asked about. The OP has been given clarification on his situation and this topic is now closed.
  5. That Information is not accurate. For the implementation of the Immigration Act, the only definition of householder is the definition given in Section 4 of the Immigration Act.
  6. Landlord is an ambiguous term and I do not know what you mean with it. The immigration Act uses a term that is translated as householder, sometimes as housemaster or house-master. With a rented dwelling, the definition is "householder means the chief possessor in the capacity of tenant" Source: Section 4 of the Immigration Act
  7. With a rented dwelling, it is most practical for the householder to submit the TM.30 notification. It is he who knows when he arrives and whether a particular arrival requires the notification. It is also he who decides whom else he allows to stay with him at his place.
  8. A lot of people don't seem to know that different visas are for staying in Thailand for different purposes and that different criteria exist for applying for different visas.
  9. Where in the official announcement of the DTV does it say that the legal requirement to notify the arrival of foreigners at a hotel or private place is waived for foreigners who arrived with a DTV?
  10. Where in the official announcement of the DTV does it say that the legal requirement to notify the arrival of foreigners at a hotel or private place is waived for foreigners who arrived with a DTV?
  11. What exactly is your business visa? What is your business? Look at the limitations of doing business in Thailand with the 60-day visa-exemption: MFA infographic https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pKX8FaUVvvua5NKD-28Hivgu-65j2jcw/view?usp=drive_link Ministry of Interior announcement in the Royal Gazette: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1scynBS9KdojNUhEXVQlqeCOKU68eYcC5/view?usp=drive_link
  12. Interior Ministry Announcement in the Royal Gazette: https://ratchakitcha.soc.go.th/documents/37565.pdf Infographic on MFA website: https://www.mfa.go.th/en/content/thailandnewvisa-en?page=5d5bd3da15e39c306002aaf9&menu=5d5bd3cb15e39c306002a9b0
  13. Yes, the Thai embassy in London has built up quite a reputation for getting things wrong.
  14. I'd love to have a link to that "current Ministerial regulation". Can you oblige?
  15. See here: https://aseannow.com/topic/1333205-dtv-issued/?do=findComment&comment=19073000
  16. You are the first I have seen posting about getting the DTV. Congratulations.
  17. You don't have to carry the printout of your visa all the time for 5 years, just your passport with the permission to stay (arrival stamp or extension stamp, as the case may be). Keep a copy of the eVisa document (PDF file) safely on your computer, your phone, in several places in the cloud. You will need to show a printout of it at the immigration desk every time you arrive in Thailand and give a copy to your local immigration office if and when you apply for the optional 180-day extension of stay.
  18. It suggests nothing different to me. That image you posted is part of this infographic on this web page of the MFA and the text is of course only a summary of the corresponding part of the Announcement of the Minster of Interior published in the Royal Gazette on 15 July 2024. Let's look at this translation of Section 3 which I made with the help of Google Gemini (Highlighting in bold is mine), but feel free to make your own, better translation. Regarding "the principles, methods and conditions prescribed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs", I cant find them on the MFA website. The pages in the area Visa Requirements have nothing yet about the DTV.
  19. Why do say that it was unlikely? Anyway, I'd still like to know the fact and it will be easy for @decline, to whom I addressed my question, to give this information. No need for guessing or speculation by other members.
  20. Topic title: @decline Did you get a receipt for the 1,600 Baht?
  21. The tenant is the householder, ie the chief possessor of the dwelling in his capacity of tenant. Source: Section 4 of the Immigration Act
  22. Removed an off-topic post ("60 day visa exempt entries)
  23. Because it is not necessary to say it, the same as it is not necessary and is not said for all other types of multiple-entry visas for travel to Thailand.
  24. It is an unlimited number of entries for the purpose of tourism. There have been cases and there will probably continue to be cases of foreigners being refused visa-exempt entry when an immigration official has serious suspicions that the true purpose of the visit may not be tourism.
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