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Everything posted by Maestro

  1. Removed an off-topic post (asking a participant in this topic to go searching for a related post of his in another, unidentified topic somewhere on this forum)
  2. Removed a troll post (false information) and the replies to it.
  3. Write on a sheet of paper: "There is no person inviting me to stay with them, but I have read several news reports quoting the governor of the Tourist Authority of Thailand that he encourages and welcomes foreigners to visit Thailand" Save this to PDF or photograh it and then upload it with the e-visa application.
  4. No fine when you do it on the first working day after your arrival.
  5. The use of a foreign credit card in Thailand by a person who is a tax resident in Thailand is definitely not tax evasion.
  6. Yes. A separate forum with separate topics for each country with which Thailand has a DTA plus one topic for all other countries.
  7. Section 48 is awfully long, with several subsections from 48(1) to 48(5), but after going through it twice I found no part that I could relate to "only if we bring it into Thailand". I attach a copy of the English translation I use and should be grateful if you or anyone else could help me find it. Revenue Code - en - krisdika - downloaded 2023-09-30.pdf
  8. Some people drive through a red traffic light. They just do it. Some people go and kill somebody. They just do it. Just doing it does not make it legal.
  9. If the DTA does not override the local tax laws, then there is no need for a DTA. Therefore, where there is a DTA, it overrides the local tax law.
  10. I read it like this: if a tax resident has foreign income that is assessable in Thailand, this tax resident must include it in the Thai tax declaration. The DTA says what income is assessable in what country.
  11. 1. It depends on the DTA between your country and Thailand. 2. No. (I have this translation from somewhere: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MDPzd98gSCP5qFu8adZvqCW65qWDC8Dj/view?usp=drivesdk )
  12. Sorry, only English is allowed on this forum except in the Thai Language Forum (but if it is a short quote conveying some useful wisdom you may get away with it if you add an English translation). To spare you from sanctions, I give the translation for "illegitimati non carborundum" here: "Don't let the bastards grind you down" (not sure if bast**** will get replaced with <deleted>) Source. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Illegitimi_non_carborundum Otherwise, there is no harm in flaunting your erudition occasionally. Honi soit qui mal y pense (shame on anyone who thinks evil of it)
  13. A "1-year visa", ie a visa for travel to Thailand within one year from its date of issue, would have to be a multiple-entry non-O visa, which the OP's father does not need.
  14. The web page to which you have given a link is of little use because it uses "visa" and "extension or stay" interchangeably to mean the same thing. Quite useless, really.
  15. Well, the official name would probably be be "Non-immigrant visa category O for the purpose of travelling to Thailand for the reason of retirement". Calling it a "retirement visa" would seem an acceptable and comprehensible abbreviation.
  16. Correction Foreigners in Thailand with tax residence in Thailand only have to declare, in Thailand, foreign income that is assessable income in Thailand. Were a DTA exists, this DTA usually says in which country a particular type of income is assessable.
  17. Knowing what type of one-year extension of stay, if any, you have would help in giving you useful advice.
  18. Correction: Because when you are a tax resident, you need to declare assessible income, doesn't matter where you keep the money.
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