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Everything posted by Maestro

  1. Removed two troll posts and the replies to them.
  2. Removed an off-topic post (Thai Pass) and the replies to it.
  3. Prior to the Covid-19 pandemic I flew to Bangkok at least once a year for over 30 years and not even once was I asked for my boarding pass by Thai immigration on arrival.
  4. Is the attached Memorandum Number 0029.161/Wor 916 dated 18 March 2020 of the Immigration Police Office the basis for the so-called Covid-19 extension which has been extended repeatedly, most recently apparently until 25 July 2022? Covid-19 - Memorandum 0029.161_W 916 Covid-19 extensions - en.pdf
  5. I pointed that out to the Thai embassy in Switzerland a few years ago but they insisted on the equivalent of THB 400,000, which could be in a bank account outside Thailand. I thought of reporting it to the Consular Department of the Thai Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) but then let it be, more so since the MFA's website states that individual embassies and consulates have the right to add anything they like to the requirements listed on the MFA's website, and I happened to have the required amount in a Swiss bank account.
  6. Evidence of GBP 10,000 in the bank for the non-O visa to visit family sounds right. I can't find the corresponding page on the website of the Thai embassy in the UK, but on the website of the embassy in Switzerland the requirement is stated as follows: "a copy of the applicant’s bank statement showing a deposit at the amount equal to no less than 400,000 Baht"
  7. Are you talking about the e-Visa application in the UK?
  8. Removed an off-topic and incomprehensible post ("wuhan strain")
  9. Moved from "General Topics" to "Health and Medicine"
  10. 1.5% is more than the 0.0% (zero percent) UBS in Switzerland pays on a savings account. It is also more than the current 0.65% on my Kasikorn Super Senior Time Deposit account and the current 1.3% on my Krungsi Mee Tae Dai e-savings account.
  11. Thank you for correcting my error.
  12. I was posting on the phone and could not find the official text readily. Having moved to the PC now I have found the following and see that it is not the latest shot, but the second shot of a two-dose vaccine that must have been not later than 14 days before the travel date. Source: https://www.tatnews.org/2022/06/covid-19-vaccine-guide-for-travellers-to-thailand/#:~:text=According to the MoPH%2C travellers,their travel date to Thailand. I felt uncomfortable with my phrasing "...not later than 14 days before..." but could think of nothing less contorted at the moment. The wording "... no less than 14 days before ..." I subsequently found in the official text looks better to me.
  13. In forty years of flying to Thailand at least once a year I have never been asked for my boarding pass by Thai immigration on arrival at Bangkok airport. For the past many years, I did the online check-in, got a QR sent to my phone and got no paper boarding pass that I could have shown or given anybody asking for it.
  14. The latest thing I remember reading regarding Thailand is that fully vaccinated means at least two shots, except AstraZeneca only one shot, with the last shot not later than 14 days before arrival date in Thailand.
  15. As mentioned in an earlier post in this topic, the Thai driving license is still on the list of valid identification documents for check-in for a domestic flight.
  16. Does Thailand issue a digital work permit?
  17. Are you sure about that? See the version of the Nationality Act in force prior to the amendment of Section 7 in 1992 (thai text): https://www.thaikonfrankfurt.de/files/images/downloads/nationality4.pdf Google translation:
  18. The UK person you describe would have been born in Thailand and have a birth certificate issued in Thailand. If this birth certificate shows that this person has UK nationality and the certificate is shown together with the passport, this person is checked in for the flight, stamped out by immigration on the UK passport and allowed to board without a problem. There have apparently been cases where a Thai-born child was allowed to leave on its foreign passport even with its birth certificate showing Thai nationality, for example: https://aseannow.com/topic/1264491-children-refused-permission-to-leave-thailand-on-a-uk-passport/?do=findComment&comment=17455733
  19. It was suggested, proposed, mulled, discussed "ages ago", but only now it has been officially announced and will take effect on 1 July.
  20. There is no general rule and you should ask the consulate where you plan to apply for your visa.
  21. The website of the Thai embassy in France does not seem to be structured very well, but on the page http://www.thaiembassy.fr/fr/voyagecovid/ the insurance requirement is shown as USD 10,000 This visa should not be listed as a requirement for the visa but instead for the Thailand Pass, which will not be needed starting 1 July if the decision gets published in the Royal Gazette by that date. Theoretically, you should be allowed to apply for the visa without an insurance certificate. Try and see if it works. The visa will be valid for travel to Thailand within 30 days from its date of issue.
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