Laws, regulations, Police Orders, etc. related to visas, immigration matters, and work permits
Visa (from Thai embassy/consulate)
Interactive website to check passport, visa and ticket requirements for travel to Thailand
Visa types and requirements website of Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Guide to Thailand E-Visa application
Permission to stay, extension of stay, re-entry permit and other immigration matters
Overstay Rules
List of visa exempt and visas on arrival countries.pdf Updated in May of 2022. Temporary list of VOA and Visa exempt entries until March 31st of 2023. Visa Exempt and VOA countries Sept 2022.pdf
New 60-day visa-exempt - MFA announcement 15 June 2024 - th
New 60-day visa-exempt - MFA announcement 15 June 2024 - en
DTV - MFA announcement 15 June 2024 - th
DTV - MFA announcement 15 June 2024 - en (translation not yet availlable)
Immigration forms download from website of Immigration Bureau
Health insurance - Police Order 548/2562 Criteria - en - Revised rules for retirement extension
Health insurance - Immigration Bureau Order 300/2562 Documents - en - Revised rules for retirement extension
Health insurance - Memorandum 0029.161-W 4603 dated 27.09.2019
Health insurance - Foreign Overseas Insurance Certificate - en
Immigration Bureau Order 327/2557 (2014) basis for extension of stay translated by Siam Translation for
Police Order 327/2557 Thai text
Immigration Bureau Order 14/2568 on visa inspection and change of visa type for aliens entering the Kingdom - Thai text
RTP-Order-No.654-2564-1 Revising Clause 2.22 of order 327-2014.pdf Changing requirements for an extension based upon retirement for medical insurance for those on OA visa entries.
.Police Oder 35/2562 Changing 327/2557 Clause 2.22 Thai text. Not available.
Immigration Bureau Order 138/2557 documents for extension of stay translated by Siam Translation for
Immigration Bureau Order 138/2557 Thai text
Amendment to police order 138/2557 Revising clauses 2.18 and 2.22 to include options for proof of income
Amendment to police order 138/2557 Thai text
Police Regulation dt. 14.01.2020 - notifications under Section 37 of the Immigration Act – discussed in this topic
Embassy letter rule 2013-05-29
Immigration Services Announcement 2013-08-26: no extension of stay beyond passport expiration date.
Immigration Bureau guideline 0029.1712076 - visa-exempt out-in checklist
Immigration Act B.E. 2522 English translation
Immigration Act B.E. 2522 Thai text
Royal Decree amending Immigration Act 2561 (2018) – th
90-day notification of staying longer than 90 days rules
Bangkok Immigration Office information brochure
Requirement to carry passport at all times?
Regulation For TM.30 Reporting (June 2020)
Work permit
Foreigners’ Working Management Emergency DecreeB.E. 2560 (2017) - en
Foreigners’ Working Management Emergency Decree B.E. 2560 (2017) – th (link not available)
Foreigners’ Working Management Emergency Decree (No. 2) B.E. 2560 (2017) - en
Royal Decree on Managing the Work of Foreigners (No. 2) B.E. 2561 (2018) – th (link not available)
Labour Protection Act B.E. 2541 (1998)
Prohibited occupations for foreigners
Work Permit forms
Personal income Tax Info and Tax Rates
Necessary and Urgent Work Acknowledgment (15-day work permit)
Permanent residence; Thai nationality
Guidelines and documents required for application for Thai citizenship by naturalization English translation by Arkady
Guidelines and documents required for application for Thai citizenship by naturalization Thai text
Camerata's Guide to Permanent Residence
Birth registration and citizenship in Thailand
Application for Permanent Residence
dbrenn's story of Thai citizenship application
Thai citizenship through Thai husband
Civil Registration Act B.E. 2534 - updated with No. 2 of 2551
Alien Registration Act B.E. 2493 (1950) - en
Alien Registration Act B.E. 2493 (1950) - th
Nationality Act B.E. 2508 (1965) with amendments until B.E. 2555 (2012) - English translation
Nationality Act Thai text with amendments until B.E. 2535 (1992) (dopa)
Revocation of Thai nationality - examples
Revolutionary Party Announcement No. 337 B.E. 2515 (1972) - English - see p9-10 (burmalibrary)
Revolutionary Party Announcement No. 337 B.E. 2515 (1972) - Thai (burmalibrary)
Constitution B.E. 2560 (2017) English translation
Constitution B.E. 2560 (2017) Thai text
Members are kindly invited to inform @ubonjoe or @Maestro if any link is faulty or has gone dead and to provide a new or valid link if available.
Immigration Memo For Income Proof (ENG).pdf Immigration Memo For Income Proof.pdf TM30 reporting regulation.pdf Immigration Bureau Order 327-2557 (2014) - extension criteria & conditions th.pdf
Police order 35-2562 change of 327-2557 clasue 2.22 (Eng).pdf