Hardly self governing. For example, and critically, the judiciary is controlled by the Danes which has lead to resentment by many Greenlanders. Further, an offer of 1 million dollars to each adult Greenlander would be gratefully received by most.
Two points. First, unlike many of his predecessors, Trump appears to be trying to implement the policies for which he was elected. Second, also unlike many predecessors. he has the attention of leaders world-wide.
Nobody has been able to explain how Biden came up with 81 million repeat 81 million, votes in 2020, the highest number ever cast, by a long way. for any presidential candidate.
I have no idea why Labour, and before them the Tories, are pushing this idea which in itself is a lousy deal from a negotiating point of view, and from a strategic point of view makes no sense whatsoever.
In order to keep our spirits up we need to kid ourselves that life is beautiful. The reality is that for most human beings, and for most other beings on this planet, life is tough, hard and, sometimes, cruel.
If Epstein was murdered there will have been a numberof people involved, including those who wanted him dead, those guards who turned a blind eye, and those who actually killed him. If no word is ever heard from at least one person from within these groups it will appear increasingly likely that he killed himself.
I doubt the dog would know that what he was doing was 'illegal'. Also, if there was fencing, was it adequate, or perhaps a gate was left open ? News reports appear to have ignored these issues.
In over 60 years of visiting, working and ultimately retiring to Thailand neither my Thai wife nor myself have ever felt threatened. I have, however, been mugged twice in my lifetime, once in metro Manila, and once in the UK in south London.