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Everything posted by Thingamabob

  1. Thailand is a monarchy. I agree it is, therefore, quite surprising that so many foreigners who have chosen to live here are democrats.
  2. I gather he wants to run away to Dubai, again, having upset those who allowed him to return to Thailand on the condition he stayed out of politics. He has found out his departure will be blocked at any airport and is raising medical issues as a last resort. it won't work, and he is stuck. Entirely his own fault. Should have kept his mouth shut and led a quiet life.
  3. Before spending money on professional advice, or worrying over much, wait until the situation clarifies.
  4. Seen from this distance, and not being an American, I think she can win if she holds her own under close questioning, and makes a good choice for her VP.
  5. Britain will need oil and oil-based products for many years ahead, until and unless fast progress is made in increasing atomic energy capacity. For now it is cheaper and more environmentally friendly to produce oil from domestic sources than to import. What on earth are the stop oil people trying to achieve ? It seems to me they have no idea about the realities of the current situation.
  6. Disgusting bahaviour. Jail and fine them if they are ever found. RIP little one.
  7. I'm 83. I feel saddened snd victimised by your proposal. I need to lie down for a while to get over it..
  8. Bhumjaithai becoming more powereful by the day. Future for cannabis use in Thailand looking good..
  9. I wonder how many of these captured pythons actually finish up in a cooking pot rather than being 'returned to the wild'.
  10. It hasn't taken Thaksin long to figure out that political power at the moment, and increasingly, lies with Anutin. Expect Srettha to be dumped, probably sooner rathet than later.
  11. Much ado about nothing. The criticism appears to come from a foreigner living in Thailand. I suggest he shuts up on this and gets on with whatever he's supposed to be doing here.
  12. The Olympics has become ridiculously over-complicated and expensive. It will soon become impossible for any country, apart from those under authoritarian rule, to be able to afford staging the games. A modest opening ceremony is all that is needed, and a review of the number of sports now involved.
  13. Trump will debate her once she is formally nominated.
  14. My understanding is that Trump will wait until Harris is confirmed as the Presidential candidate at the Democcratic convention before agreeing to a debate.
  15. Best not to get on the wrong side of this guy...
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