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Everything posted by Thingamabob

  1. Long way to go before re-criminalization occurs. May never happen.
  2. Thais have won world boxing and badminton championships over many years, and has produced several world class golfers.
  3. So- called Buddhism in Thailand is, in the main, idolatry.
  4. Jill Biden likes being first lady. She's not going anywhere. Poor old Joe.
  5. False rumours spread by the friend of an un-named friend. Both should be prosecuted.
  6. Immigration rules in Thailand are guidelines. Officers make decisions based on their perception of individual cases.
  7. The husband should be closely questioned but it sounds as though a suicide verdict has already been agreed.
  8. When you come to Thailand eat Thai food. It's mostly excellent.
  9. The main attraction for me was/is Thai women. I must have been right because I am very happily married to one for over 40 years.
  10. He's just fear mongering. It's good for his business. Best ignore.
  11. Some of you will remember Nancy Reagan's 1985 visit to Bangkok to congratulate the Thai govt on it's anti-drug measures. Unknowingly she was cared for throughout her trip by one of Thailand's most notorious opium traders.
  12. It would take a communist takeover for me to consider leaving Thailand, as seemed likely at one point during the Vietnam war. If it were ever to happen I would head for Taiwan, where I have local friends, or Malaysia.
  13. People who have the misfortune to live near to slaughterhouses tend to become insensitive and disoriented.
  14. Very, very unusual in Thailand. Who said what to whom and why are the key questions.
  15. As with earlier posters my wife cuts my hair. As a result my hair style varies significantly from haircut to haircut. It introduces an element of suspense into what would otherwise be a rather boring exercise.
  16. The best type of foreigners jn Thailand is a long-gone generation who knew how to behave.
  17. Prostitution exists in every country in the world, hugely so in the USA. What makes prostitution in Thailand popular is the fun element, unlike the sordid atmosphere in most other places.
  18. it'll take something akin to an earthquake to get Jill Biden out of the white house.
  19. At the time of Britain's joining the EEC Heath's treatment of the former dominions and colonies was an utter disgrace. Many of us will not forget that irrespective of how things stand today.
  20. Yet another farce created by the Ministry of Finance. They'll be proposing a tax on foreign incomes and on inward remittances next....
  21. After 60 years of visiting, working and living in Thailand, and being happily married to a Thai lady since 1990, I still love the place. However, as a westerner, I can never become a Thai even if I speak the language, enjoy Thai food and the company of Thai people, the simple reason being I am not born and bred a Thai.
  22. Thailand, having never been colonized by western powers, unlike its' neighbouring countries, possesses a culture which many visitors find intriguing.
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