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Everything posted by Thingamabob

  1. Using an agent for a simple retirement or marriage visa is a waste of money if you meet the 800k etc requirements. 1900 baht, and a few hours once a year, is all you need to pay to complete the process yourself.
  2. First came to Thailand in 1960 aged 20. Lived here permanently since 1983, apart from a spell of 6 years living and working in Taiwan. I would make only one observation, the nightlife was incomparably better/more fun in the 70s and 80s than anytime since. That is a fact, not an old man's rose-tinted memory. The relationship between foreigners and Thais was far friendlier in those days.
  3. For a number of reasons my first wife and I decided on an abortion when she became pregnant with what would have been our third child 50 years ago. All I can say is that not a day goes by without us wondering what that little life would be like today had we not taken that action.
  4. First came to Bangkok 60 years ago as a 20 year old. Have lived here continuously since 1983, with the exception of a six year break in Taiwan. Still love the place and have no intention to ever leave.
  5. I once stayed with a family in Mumbai who kept a large python in the house as a pet/pest controller. They also had large dogs but no cats. The snake was called Desi and was very friendly.
  6. Wearing a mask has never bothered me. I'll continue to do so outside home.
  7. Calm down. They're just two low turnout by-elections. Nothing to get excited about.
  8. This is a shambles. Stop messing about. Either maintain cannabis as an illegal substance, or make it entirely legal with no restrictions.
  9. This is a perfectly logical purchase. Why buy a submarine with an engine if it's not going anywhere ?
  10. 73 years old should not be a problem if he is in good health. What is inexscusable at any age is not wearing a helmet
  11. The 200 stitches seem to have disappeared from the story. Expect further amendments in due course.
  12. Sad to see what started out as a benign philosophy has been turned into a religion.
  13. Taiwan doesn't have a grovelling British government to give it away as happened with HK when they were only bound to hand back the New Territories but gave back the Island and Kowloon as well. Pathetic. Taiwan is weii-armed, some say more than very well-armed, and will not be an easy take. Also I suspect the US will back Taiwan all the way. I certainly hope so. I lived and worked in Taiwan for 6 of the best years of my life.
  14. So much sneering and loathing of Thailand and Thai people in these postings. If you don't like it here do the rest of us a favour and go and live somewhere else.
  15. Maybe you could consider moving to a less 'silly country' as you describe Thailand. Personally I do not regard Thailand to be a 'silly country' and, by the way, in my case, and in my family's case, I have never had any problems with stray dogs here.
  16. How would an automatic gearbox prevent the driver from carelessly engaging drive instead of reverse ?
  17. Most animals world-wide are, and always have been, treated with appalling cruelty.
  18. In nearly 40 years never once used an agent, however at 80 years of age it is likely that sooner or later I will have to. Gone are the days, apparently, when the old and infirm could ask for house visits by immigration in order to complete the annual extension.
  19. Trump entirely right to try to decrease the disastrous trade dependency on China. Hopefully other Western leaders will do the same, but don't bank on it.
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