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Everything posted by candide

  1. They were discussing about possible members of the next government, so what? It's no proof that the U.S. orchestrated the Maiden protest. Nothing to compare with Russian operatives such as the Russian GRU colonel Igor Girkin openly leading the rebellion in Donbass and Donestsk. You need to face reality, Putin's model of society is not attractive to anyone. Economic failure, failure to trigger the well-being of Russian people, demographic failure, lack of freedom and autocratic government... who can be attracted by that? In particular when compared with being protected by EU laws and the ECJ, and have access to the same opportunities of economic and social development as former communist countries which joined the EU
  2. So what are the names of these people cited by a witness, who had sexual relations with many girls at Epstein's home? 😁 (Ok we already know about Andrew) The documents have been unsealed, so I guess all media rushed to examine them, including your fav right-wing media. Who else is cited because they allegedly had sexual relations with many girls at Eptstein home, according to a testimony?
  3. You are confirming what I wrote. They came to support protesters after the violent crackdown (BTW, McCain was an opposition politician at the time), they did not orchestrate the protest. The main reason for the Maidan protest is quite simple: they were not attracted by Putin's model of society, they were more attracted by the European model.
  4. More Russian propaganda. The U.S. supported them, but did not orchestrate them.
  5. And it's not like the previous Presidential election had been overwhelmed by frivolous complaints and fake claims of rigged election, nor that the GOP would play the same game again for the 2024 election! Oh wait! 😀
  6. Not now, but that's the trend. Emerging economies wil complete their emergence some day, and in the future there will be several large countries competing for power with the U.S (and also between themselves). However, I doubt that this multipolar world will be any better for smaller countries. I don't see how being under the domination of China or India, for example, could be more enjoyable than being under the domination of the U.S. It may well be worse.
  7. There is a certain number of comparable countries, with also a high debt ratio, which would love to enjoy the same economic performance as the U.S..... https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/sn02784/
  8. 1. Those who don't believe Russian propaganda know the the Donbass rebellion was led by Russian operatives formerly employed in Chechnia, that Russian troops and weapons have been also present there and that shellings went both ways. 2. Not really a promise, and the Soviet Union doesn't exist any more. Notably thanks to Russia declaring its independence in June 1991. 3. Russian missiles have always been pointed at European countries, and they have been publicly threatened of nuclear strikes by Russia.
  9. The usual fake equivalences and news. It's Trump who claimed the 2016 election was rigged by voter fraud (already). Before the election as he was expecting to lose it, and after the election as he was furious that Hilary won the popular vote. 😀 Report: Trump commission did not find widespread voter fraud BY MARINA VILLENEUVE Published 12:26 AM UTC+2, August 4, 2018 https://apnews.com/article/f5f6a73b2af546ee97816bb35e82c18d
  10. It reminds me.... JANE DOE, proceeding under a pseudonym, Plaintiff, v. DONALD J. TRUMP and JEFFREY E. EPSTEIN, Defendants. https://fr.scribd.com/document/326057168/Jane-Doe-Declaration-as-Filed
  11. San Diego has the lowest violent crime rate among the 10 largest U.S. cities...
  12. Hmmm... which country has been continuously making nuclear threats for months? Once more, Russia gets a taste of its own medicine! 😃
  13. A summary here "A flurry of polls conducted in the wake of the debate show Harris performs roughly the same as Biden against Trump (who has been leading the president by a slim margin for months), with some surveys showing Harris with a slight advantage to Biden and others showing Biden outperforming Harris in a hypothetical matchup with Trump." https://www.forbes.com/sites/saradorn/2024/07/09/heres-how-kamala-harris-performs-in-polls-against-trump-as-she-emerges-as-most-likely-biden-replacement/
  14. K Please keep up to date with Russian propaganda! You forgot to claim that the U.S. considers Ukraine as an American colony! 🤣 https://sputnikglobe.com/20240626/ukraines-minerals-what-the-west-is-fighting-for-1119119104.html
  15. It certainly has something to do with Russia invading Ukraine! 😁
  16. The most funny aspect is that they probably don't even get paid! 😀
  17. The cold war had been over for decades, and NATO was not particularly a threat to Russia. There are good indicators of this absence of threat from NATO, prior to the invasion of Ukraine; - the decrease of military budgets across Europe (I.e. measured as a % of GDP), since the collapse of the Soviet Union, - the decrease of U.S. military presence in Europe, - the fact that nuclear weapons have remained where they were during the cold war, and have not followed the extension of NATO 'borders'. No nukes have been moved to countries such as Poland or Romania.
  18. And appointments to the EC must be approved by the Senate! 😉
  19. Another lame attempt at blaming Biden for something which has been caused by the Covid crisis and is not specific to the U.S. Too bad you included 2020 under Trump's mandate in the comparison! Quote from the article: "According to research from Americans for TaxFairness and the Institute for Policy Studies, between 18 March 2020 and 19 February 2021, the combined wealth of US billionaires increased by $1.3trn, a 44.6% increase in the space of just 48 weeks. The concentration of wealth is staggering. There are now 661 billionaires in the US, with a total wealth of $4.26trn as of 19 February 2021, up from $2.9trn on 18 March 2020, nearly a year earlier." https://www.opendemocracy.net/en/oureconomy/covid-19-has-made-the-super-rich-richer-its-time-for-a-billionaire-wealth-tax/ BTW, who gave them tax cuts allowing them to become even richer, and still wants to give them even more tax cuts? This is not specific to the U.S., the same phenomenon occured in the whole world "The total wealth of billionaires worldwide rose by $5tn to $13tn in 12 months, the most dramatic surge ever registered on the annual billionaire list compiled by Forbes magazine." https://www.ft.com/content/747a76dd-f018-4d0d-a9f3-4069bf2f5a93 Not only did the rich increase their wealth during the pandemic, but they also have been able to buy assets for cheap, assets which value naturally increased post-pandemic.
  20. In nice from China to come to help Belarus, facing an imminent invasion by NATO. (Sacasm alert, as it looks so much like some real post we've seen on AN)
  21. It seems that Modi is raking down out of every pot. India is also part of a U.S. led military alliance targeting China, and the U.S and the EU are its two main export markets.
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