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Everything posted by Chongalulu

  1. And he's been <deleted>ting himself ever since... 💩
  2. Does your decor and age lines visibly change that much in those months. How do they know ?? 😝
  3. Because they are kept out of real hardship to maintain the apathy so despite the country falling well short of its potential and the real crime, poorly educated and informed it's not sufficient motivation to run the risks of severely discomforting themselves to make the changes needed. The current global tensions and wars further discourage displacing the status quo. It would take a large drop in the electorate's living standards to enable that. Not going to happen.
  4. History illustrates it's a long term loan at low interest rates 😔
  5. So it ”disnae” matter...?
  6. That's what I do with the washing up gloves with the missus, saying " Let's play customs officer and drug smuggler!"
  7. " First they came for...” Look up the rest of that quote for an informed answer
  8. Yes,it just needs the spin "76 tourists saved from certain death when fate saved the ferry from reaching it's dangerous destination '
  9. As Stellios,the owner of Easy Jet (UK) once said " If you think safety /maintenance is expensive try having an accident".
  10. You are confused/misinformed. Uk was never part of the Schengen Area/agreement,you had to be a full EU citizen to get in under EU freedom of movement ,so Brexit really achieves nothing much in that respect. EU national settled in uk only had to make a simple application to stay which was a formality. A EU citizen can still come to the uk for 6 months in any year. In fact we now have MORE immigration from outside EU. Another misinformed brexiteer.
  11. The point is a Labrador very rarely kills or does that sort of damage ,an attack by a pit bull often does lead to that tragedy. It only takes one slip of carelessness in securing them for that to happen and frequently those who are mostly attracted to that breed do so for all the wrong reasons. It’s like the difference between having a kitchen knife and an assault weapon. The irresponsibility endemic in so many Thais exacerbates the dangers
  12. Has he still not been released …or still on rations of bread and water?
  13. I think that’s all in your own head,those of this example,whatever nationality, will be rightly described as "farang kee nok" . I’m sure there are those of your own nationality (Drongos?) like this .
  14. That’s harsh…on poor Martin! 😜
  15. He’ll be seen amongst his kind at the Gallowgate end of Newcastle football club ..
  16. Would be classed as "a cruel or unusual punishment " condemned under international law.. 😜
  17. Somewhat disingenuous,the measures leave open the possibility that aspect may be introduced but that does not apply now. Also he said it should be forward rather than backwards looking, strongly suggesting those already there under existing rules would not be affected in retrospect. Nonetheless UK does have a serious problem with UK nationals of foreign decent bringing in large families with no means to properly support them . There are exceptions where it causes hardship but yes the scenario of the retiree here bringing back just his wife gets caught up.
  18. Even up here in isaan they haven't quite sunk to Bob's level. Lot of stray dogs so you might be in luck....
  19. " I dunno about you,love but I'm off to get my 72 virgins; what's the worst that could happen...I get a bunch of grapes? Tara,pity you can't get to be one of the 72.. "
  20. More like fighting over who has the best imaginary friend. Religion,the enemy of reason.
  21. Some misunderstanding, I ordered LEGO!
  22. Quite a lot of recycling is sent from the West to the far east
  23. You appear to be legless yourself 🍻 hic..!
  24. On the surface yes,but the ones arriving in Europe are costing a fortune, having to be housed,fed and supported,then frequently reward that kindness with criminal and terrorist acts. UK hotel costs for those is £6million per day! The overstaying German...not so much.
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