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Everything posted by Bundooman

  1. When you have finished - could you please pass her on to me? I wish you a Happy ending evening and congratulations!
  2. Click bait from a poster, (UK pensioner - or some other nationality with a chip on his shoulder), who probably tripped up as he left the bar stool and some Brit laughed at him. Can imagine this particle avidly listening to expert person 'Dan' and believing everything he says. Get a life and stop whining and moaning yourself about others - get on with your thrillingly exciting life - stop worrying about we Brits. In other words - Foxtrot Romeo Oscar! Me personally?- having a whale of a time - and have been for 18 years living here, 10 years before that backpacking through Asia, or 60 years - from the time I first came here as a 19 year-old, to this wonderful country. Give it a rest man-child - it's what we all would expect from a nothing post - from a dismal Doreen kind of guy........
  3. Maybe this will remind you of how good 'Big Joke' is? 18 year-old Rahaf Mohammed, Saudi national escaping family abuse and prejudice, almost sent back to Saudi from Thailand, where she faced certain murder from her family. Only when the world press stepped in, was she allowed to proceed to Australia where she is now safe. Yes, that's him in the picture....
  4. A bit ironic if French Fries were actually on the Restaurant's menu......
  5. I used Quicken extensively while I was working in the UK, some 20 years ago and it was a very easy and useful programme. However, since then, I have used Word XL Spreadsheet programme. I set it up with cumulative values and on a rolling annual process, and once I had refined it to suit my simple mind, it worked and does work perfectly. For the past 20+ years, I have checked it monthly without exception. I reconcile my bank statements delivered online monthly, and record all income and outgoings - plus any notetable unexpended expenses. I know exactly what comes in, what goes out and precisely how much money I have for savings and daily/monthly expenditure. I'm not a computer whizz kid, nor an accountant, just a normal guy who likes to know exactly where he stands moneywise. On the same homepage, I can flip to a similar set-up for everything that happens here in Thailand and I have maintained that since 2009. I recommend you think about it as an option. I swear by it for my own peace of mind Should you require an example, I would need to redact a lot of information I would not want to publicise. But I could do that over a period of time if you need further help.
  6. And I failed to spell-check my own word, 'teachers', not 'teaches'. Pot calling the kettle - but I don't profess to be an English teacher
  7. For an English teacher, you too appear to have poor skills: As my boss who is a master, not 'as my boss was a master'. (Unless he is dead of course). converse not, 'conversate'. only of importance, not 'of important'. A big change is needed, not 'a bit of a big change' but nowhere in Thailand can you, not, 'but nowhere in Thailand you can' 'and everything should be in Thai'. (I have no idea what this might mean, it appears contradictory to your previous statement and it doesn't make sense. former backpackers were better at teaching, not 'former back packers were better to teach' Normally, I wouldn't comment on things like this - but you openly state you are/were an English teacher, yet you are demonstrating multiple errors in your post while suggesting that Thai teaches are not up to the job. Nor are you then. My English is not perfect, but I certainly wouldn't criticise someone who cannot even spell check his own English. Moderators can delete my post if it is not appropriate.
  8. Are you a member of the case study police? Who do you think you are to challenge a perfectly reasonable statement, when you are too lazy to go and find out for yourself., Then, you may be, repeat maybe, in a position to challenge the OPs statement. This a forum - not your imagned interrogation station.
  9. I don't understand. You are saying that there are many pick-up drivers on this forum? How many? How many Thai pick-up drivers do you think can speak/read English, let alone understand the innuendos, sarcasm and English inferences? Why would normal Thai pick-up drivers, with few educational skills, be swarming to read what we foreigners think or write? You are maybe confusing 'pick-up' drivers - those who are collecting friends, etc., with the common perception that pick-up drivers refer to Thais and their driving skills. And besides, foreigners would not obtain a work permit - it is job undertaken by Thais -which means foreigners aren't allowed to do it.
  10. Meanwhile maybe more than a few Russian Expat/refugee/war escapees/deserters and crapping themselves and carefully avoiding the area. Particularly if any of them are aware of the historical 'Press Gangs' of the Royal Navy. Now THAT would be interesting, wouldn't it? You can see the headlines, "Russian warship Press Gangs 300 refugees to be sent to the front line in Russia. Thailand insists it is a misunderstanding!
  11. If you trained in the '20s, does that mean you are a geriatric 120+ 'trained killer'?
  12. Ooooh.....Bitchy! There's someone who doesn't like Brits. "Kamper' appears to be a german kind of word/name. I wonder where you got your prejudices. Particularly with all the other nationalities that appear to do the same. Most European countries spring to mind - emphasis on the French and German hooligans. You've got to spread your dislike around, see? Then, you don't get criticised .
  13. Nonsense. Of course it's different. British police are not setting up secret police stations in Portugal. Chinese secret police stations are proven to be operating in UK, Europe and Canada - possibly the USA as well. Go back to your bar stool and stop trying to think.
  14. The one who doesn't whine and moan about Thailand or the people and enjoys a simple lifestyle?
  15. Hahaha. Brilliant! If the Chinese police approach you - ask them if they come from Taiwan and welcome to Thailand! Should go down really well.
  16. Maybe Chinese Police and Chinese criminals are the same thing - they are everywhere else in the world.
  17. The first guy was described as a foreigner. The second guy was described as an American. Makes you wonder at the nationality of guy No. 1. Russian or Chinese?
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