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Everything posted by Bundooman

  1. The new, desperately needed assault ship has now arrived and is to be berthed inboard of Aircraft Carrier Chakri, currently sitting permanently alongside the jetty after one sea trial many years ago. Later this year the new submarine will also arrive to be berthed outboard of the Chakri. On Children's day, these mighty warships will spring into action, over-awing the boys and girls with the might and power of the Thai Royal Navy, (quayside only). Meanwhile, overhead, the heart-stopping thunder of fighter jet engines as the massed squadrons of the Thai Royal Air-force fly over this tremendous Naval task force, soon to be in action, against the ........... Who is the enemy? Oh yes, the Thai population! (I almost forgot, silly me). As the echoes of this massive air display involving two jet fighters fade away, all the little children, yes folks, even the grown-up little children will drift off home in a state of wonderment and happiness, safe in the knowledge that the Thai Armed Forces are ready, alert (?) and prepared to put down their enemies. Then it's back to the Laundry lines slung across deck, just as they were in 1964 when I first arrived in Thailand and we steamed up the Chao Phraya River for 10 days shore leave in Bangkok. The entire Thai Navy appeared to have done their laundry very early that morning, at 6:30 am. I'd probably see the same thing in 3 years time if I re-enacted that amazing Ceremonial 'entry into harbour' scene.....
  2. I'm totally in favour of rounding up these dogs and offering them for sale to Korea, Myanmar or wherever else they eat them. Good earner for the government - winner for tourists and for Thais wishing to dump their unwanted dogs. So many advantages, but sadly, unlikely to happen
  3. But maybe, if you asked him to explain 'Renewable energy', he might just point to his Zimmer frame?
  4. To be secured alongside the jetty, but inboard of the Chakri. Just so the kids can see it first on Children's' day. After that, it will be dragged out by tugs, displayed around the local area and then, it will simply stay there......... just like the Chakri.
  5. Wow! You've even provided your own clear-cut narrative for the whole incident. Clever boy...................
  6. I agree, but maybe also, a complete and inclusive break-down of the hospital bill in Thailand as well?
  7. "I suspect this young beer monster fell foul of 7/11's ridiculous alcohol serving hours. I drink about 2 beers a year and still nearly had a fit when they refused to serve me at 1 minute past 2 oclock or whenever it was". So, you have 365 days x 24 hours to buy beer and you decide to buy 2 beers, one minute after 2pm. You couldn't have planned it better!
  8. What we really don't know is: Are all official posts in the police force for all of the RTP - 'Inactive' posts? Now there's a question that needs investigation .............
  9. You're replying to a woman's experience of 2 Grab drivers. Your gender is 'unknown'. If you are a guy, your experiences late at night are going to be different from hers. If you are a woman, you would recognise her misgivings as a woman alone in a taxi late at night. So, fella - why not be a little more considerate, OK?
  10. So does Prayut and Prawit. Please tell me which one of the 3 are best - 'cos that's the choice.
  11. Click bait - I thought the same thing - ping pong shows - got excited for a moment!
  12. They loved him in CM and that isn't Isaan. your geography needs attention.
  13. What a crock of ****. I too was here in 2014, in fact, 2004 - now. I came here while Taksin was PM. Of course he was corrupt - but the common THAI people loved him. The military took that away. you obviously don't live here anymore so why is it important to you that the military run the country? This country needs change - democratically, not by stealth, guns and Generals.
  14. If a billion Chinese are eating bats - there can't be that many left. How many times a week do Chinese eat bats? That's 8 billion every month......
  15. I find all this so laughable: A chinese businessman, (here legally)? is fleeced out of 10M baht Results in a trip to Chaeng wattana Immigration, and they pretty much know who they are"? Hmmn. It is a Major and an RTP NCO..... They are applying for an arrest warrant today. The major and his accomplice(s) don't follow the news/listen to the radio or watch TV -so they don't know? They will arrest him and them. If they are still in Thailand......... Nothing like a heads-up on your pending arrest, eh?
  16. Both foreigners too. Sweden and Denmark - beware...... conspiracies will be rife!
  17. Surprisingly, her hair looks very nice - despite the contrasting colours. It's a very western style and it suits her and for her age, she's also quite attractive. It's her past that's being criticised, not her hair style. By the way, hellohello123 - do you actually have any hair yourself? Show us a photo for a laugh!
  18. I would love to see how you reacted to being slapped around a bit , handcuffed and humiliated whilst on holiday in a foreign country. Stupid opinion!
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