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Everything posted by Bundooman

  1. This piece of filth and his accomplice should be arrested and the poor woman invited to the police station. She should then be provided with a litre bottle of sulfuric acid for each assailant. They should be chained up to allow her to show them what the pain and subsequent disfiguration means. Cowards. Nothing but petulant, vindictive cowardly little boys.
  2. They don't walk, they swagger.... usually with beer belly a' swinging from left to right!
  3. The Royal Thai Police has been asked to educate its officers across the country about the new legal status of cannabis and hemp, following the arrests of two elderly women growing the plant. Everything that is wrong within the RTP is declared in this one sentence, which should read: The Royal Thai Police has been asked ordered to educate its officers ............ Failure to do so will result in their immediate dismissal!
  4. Nor can I, but I asked what this sign meant years ago as I had seen it so many times in the past on long journeys It was obviously a warning of some kid. Now, I can recognise the sign - 'in red' for what it means. I do not need to read Thai to find out what it is. Why can't you?
  5. I have sympathy for the father at losing his children in this way. However, for someone who was speechless - he sure seemed to have a lot to say!
  6. Five million Baht to erect a shed-like structure less than 2 years ago? I would be seriously looking in the direction of the builder and materials used....... and the guys that 'authorised' this deal. 5 million? Wow!
  7. I assume that when this latest fantasy fails dismally, TAT will review its tourist targets. The next initiative will be: "Thailand targets 20 million Myanmar nationals, with free visa and work permit opportunities"! Yay!
  8. Exactly what I was thinking last night when I read the headline to this article, Will B Good. When China walks in to Thailand ......... and China probably will eventually if Putin's agenda plays out as Putin wants, then Thailand will be quite understanding when the rest of the world takes a similar neutral stance. Cowardly and self-serving attitude by this 'leadership'.
  9. Each and everyone of them dictatorial in their 'governance' methods. Pariahs to the rest of the world.
  10. Right on cue. Yingluck appears on Thai national TV on Monday, 28 February. Tuesday morning, 1st March - criminal charges surface!
  11. 1 million planned from the middle East, thousands planned from Saudi Arabia. OK, I understand the idea........ But, ......... what exactly, is the plan?
  12. This girl's parents have a right to be suspicious of her disappearance, discovering that her companions, (friends), including her bodyguard, (apparently), failed to tell anyone about her demise for some hours thereafter. For me, the names of Natalie Wood and May-Jo Kopechne immediately sprang to mind , followed by a memory of the girl on the River Thames in UK a couple of years ago and her 'accident' in a speedboat late at night with her boyfriend. Very sad.
  13. Hey Ho! New crackdown. Again. and again. And again. and again. and ............... Bla-de bla-de bla!
  14. Of course she should. "Do you have anything to do with drugs"? "No, of course not - do I look like that kind of guy"? "OK, I've been careful". Stupid remark!
  15. I don't agree with that view at all. She may not have known her boyfriend was a dealer. Why would he tell her? She appears to have known him for only a short while. We would all possibly do the same as her - sign for a package addressed to him - she may have been asked to do that, and why would she find anything suspicious about it? He, on the other hand, would likely be the type to divert suspicion on himself by asking her to sign. That is the other side to your argument - it's just an alternative way of looking at things, yes?
  16. I've been contacted numerous times by 1175. I just ignore them
  17. That is correct, but I doubt if either a soldier or retired policeman, (or both) would be stupid enough simultaneously, to dispose of easily identifiable weapons so carelessly. Would you?
  18. One of the men was caught on CCTV calmly strolling through Phuket airport dressed in blue jacket, dark shots, white sneakers ....' It was the dark 'shots' that gave him away.........
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