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Everything posted by TheAppletons

  1. This has happened to me for the past two months. My transfers are ACH transfers from a linked credit union account. In each instance, once I was told it would take five days, I was offered the chance to cancel the transaction and use a different method (either debit card or SWIFT transfer) to make the transfer occur faster. Naturally, these methods are more expensive. It would appear, on the surface, that WISE is slow-rolling some transfers in an attempt to incentivize one to choose an option that results in higher fees for WISE.
  2. I lived in the Lisbon 'burbs for three years circa 2008. Cannot say enough good things about the area (and the country.) If one moved out of the metro area, it's still pretty inexpensive (relatively speaking.) Great food, nice people, fantastic weather.
  3. ^^ THIS. If there is an international flight leaving, the re-entry desk will be open. Why is this? Because if there is an international flight departing, the Immigration bureau needs to have Immigration officers on hand to stamp passports. If there are Immigration officers on duty, they are available to provide one with a re-entry permit. Why is this? Because Immigration officers are the ones who process re-entry permits.
  4. Americans.....Somalia wants you! Summary of cost of living in Somalia: A family of four estimated monthly costs are 1,311.4£ (1,655.5$) without rent. A single person estimated monthly costs are 392.8£ (495.9$) without rent. Cost of living in Somalia is, on average, 56.0% lower than in United Kingdom. Rent in Somalia is, on average, 86.5% lower than in United Kingdom.
  5. And many of us wish "they" wouldn't have come back. By "they", I don't mean you, of course.
  6. I'm told his attack on the taxi driver was pharaoh-cious. Rumor has it he was running a pyramid scheme too. Classic De-Nile though.
  7. One can only hope that the "extended" Songkran celebration isn't misinterpreted by drunken tourists to mean that they should be spraying water all over the place starting on 7 April.
  8. Where, pray tell, is your point of origination? Bangkok, by chance? Because the air in Bangkok has been significantly worse than the air in Chiang Mai for the last four days.
  9. Criminal geniuses who crowdsource their plans on public internet forums.....priceless.
  10. Agreed. My guess is that it has something to do with this: "Newly-issued instructions include… • All foreigners entering and leaving the kingdom to be strictly screened. Enhanced screening will also apply to those seeking extensions of stay, visa stamps, and any change in visa status. • All crimes committed by foreigners to be investigated and prosecuted, including violations of the Immigration Act, the Alien Employment Act, the Entertainment Places Act, illegal business operations, nominee arrangements where Thai nationals own shares or real estate on behalf of foreigners to avoid legal compliance." https://aseannow.com/topic/1322743-immigration-officers-told-to-increase-screening-of-foreigners-in-thailand/
  11. I didn't say anything even remotely close to that, simply making bad laundry puns to amuse myself. But you go ahead and do that "cranky old man in diapers" thing for which AN is famous (or is that infamous?)
  12. When you think about it, that's absolute tripe. Their business model is to transfer your money - refusing to do what you pay them to do unless you answer a customer service survey is unsatisfactory.
  13. Big Soak, washing money. Hope he doesn't "take a powder". Does he have liquid assets, though? How's he going to "spin" this? Will his partners leave him "hanging out to dry"? A definite tumble from grace. You gotta know when to fold 'em..... (There's a bleach pun in here somewhere too but I can't find it.)
  14. People make appointments so they don't have to wait six hours in the Immigration Office.
  15. So what reason did you select for the "first step" you mentioned above? (I don't see a screenshot.)
  16. It's disappeared from my drop down list also. It's no longer an option on either the mobile app or the desktop version.
  17. Anecdotal evidence from a Redditor (LegitimateDrink903) who recently traveled with VietJet: "I had a really hard time finding a good answer to these same questions before my last trip so thought I’d add here for future help- this works for air Asia and vietjet airways and my experiences were in Thailand. If you add that extra 15kg you get 35kg total. You can check as many bags as you want, as long as they total up to 35kg. Same goes for those in your party. We traveled from the US and each had big checked bag and small wheeled carry on and backpacks- what would be considered carry on and personal item in US. We both had 20kg and purchased an additional 15kg in advance as a precaution as it was $9 usd. That means we had 55kg total to split between the two of us. We checked 2 bags each." Link: https://www.reddit.com/r/ThailandTourism/comments/1avmyfh/thai_vietjet_checked_luggage_allowance_question/
  18. If I were terminally ill, the last thing I would worry about is whether - some time, some day, some year, when they get around to it - the Thai RD wanted to look at my financials. (Note: I am not making light of terminally ill people here.....just that they have other priorities.)
  19. It may be "one out of thousands" but at least the authorities have finally taken one small step forward. I hope this gets massive publicity in Thai language media and becomes a hot topic of conversation. (Thank you, ladies and gentlemen, I'm here all week. Please remember to tip your bartenders and waitresses.)
  20. To clarify for others, I believe you mean that's for a single re-entry permit (mine, as stated, was for a multiple re-entry permit.) One thousand thb for the permit and 200 thb "fee" so that you don't have to fill out the paperwork or bring a photo.
  21. I admire the uncharacteristic restraint of the 78 AN members who viewed this story before I did.
  22. 1. It's co-located next to the outbound immigration lines on the right. So, you obtain it prior to going through outbound immigration. 2. TM8, copy of passport pages (front page with bio info, latest entry stamp, latest permission to stay), copy of latest 90 day report, copy of TM30, passport photo (4x6 cm). 3. I paid the fee for obtaining a multiple re-entry permit, which is 3800 thb. There was no "additional" charge, if that's what you're asking.
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