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Everything posted by TheAppletons

  1. You mean like this nonsense, posted by AN member Presnock: "I continue to regularly see questions about the taxation by the Thai govt of US pensions - I queried a foreign tax advisor concerning this question. They informed me that even though the US and Thai governments have a tax agreement, legally the Thai govt could tax the pension funds sent into Thailand. They said that any taxes paid to the Thai government from pension sent into Thailand, then the US will refund the same number of dollars taken out of those funds by the Thais. Previously in this forum someone provided the tax brackets for Thai taxes and it indicated that the lowest tax bracket begins at 150,000 and I think that was in US dollars so if one is on a US pension, they probably would not have to pay any taxes to the Thai government......." https://aseannow.com/topic/1312534-taxation-of-ex-pats-pensions-etc/page/3/
  2. "ItBit was the first crypto exchange to be licensed by the New York State Department of Financial Services, ensuring a certain level of security and insurance for customer assets.5 It also maintains FDIC insurance, as well as insurance for its PAXG coin and a set of standards to secure custodial assets.11 ItBit has taken steps to become one of the more trusted crypto exchanges on the market." https://www.investopedia.com/itbit-review-5220978
  3. Congratulations, you've just described the criteria for holding the LTR visa for wealthy pensioners. "Wealthy Pensioners Applicants must be retired and be over 50 years old. Personal passive income: min. USD 80,000/year. If personal income is between USD 40,000/year and USD 80,000/year, applicants must invest min. USD 250,000 in Thailand." https://harveylawcorporation.com/thailand-long-term-resident/
  4. I'm relatively certain this applies only to the "built-in" exemption for people holding the "wealthy pensioner" Long Term Resident (LTR) visa.
  5. "Social Security is considered a mandatory program, and it isn't funded by the shorter-term appropriations bills passed by Congress and signed by the president. That means its operations and funding don't stop when the government shuts down." https://www.nbcnews.com/business/consumer/social-security-payments-what-happens-during-government-shutdown-rcna117359
  6. https://www.google.com/maps/place/Bb+budz.cnx+Weed+Dispensary+Chiang+Mai./@18.7876598,98.9989774,15z/data=!4m6!3m5!1s0x30da3b6fbcdd8ea7:0x7b164da7afe4fee7!8m2!3d18.7876598!4d98.9989774!16s%2Fg%2F11tjbyxj0h?entry=ttu
  7. I've had much better luck in finding some potent gummies here in Thailand. In Hua Hin, I bought some "Froot Loops" gummy rings with 63 mg THC/gummy ring.....excellent. Eight gummy rings so 500 mg/package for 850 thb. Here in Chiang Mai, I just bought some "Sugar Punch" gummies with 100 mg THC/gummy....again, really good (made with Purple Hindu landrace indica, according to the package.) Five gummies per package so 500mg/package for 850 thb. (I cut each of the above into halfs or thirds and it's still a good buzz.)
  8. Wouldn't you be better off investing the SS payments rather than letting them "accumulate in my bank account"? By collecting early you're passing up 6-8% annual appreciation of the benefit (plus COLAs on a larger base amount). If you aren't generating that return on the funds you're collecting, then you are potentially giving up gains you would have received otherwise. (Perhaps that's what you meant and you were using bank account as a euphemism for investment. If so, please disregard.)
  9. There are no credible and verified instances of this happening, that's why you don't know which immigration offices currently ask for tax returns.
  10. You may be underestimating the number of people who went through the process of legally emigrating to the USA who hate the fact that others are being allowed to cross the border illegally.
  11. Pretty sure the OP was asking about visa agents in CM.....hence his phrasing of the question "any agents up here" and his posting of the question in the CM sub-forum.
  12. 1. Probably one of the Soi 33/1 pubs: O'Shea's, Royal Oak, or Laughing Tiger. (Bonus: O'Shea's also has Kilkenney.) 2. 280 thb/pint at each place (price all inclusive).
  13. The mere idea that credit card transactions will somehow be taxed by Thai authorities as "income" is ludicrous enough that most people reading this thread should realize that we've moved into the Twilight Zone of logic, if we weren't already there. Who knows what the end result will be - if anything - but the level of paranoia now is just beyond the realm of belief.
  14. You can always get a reentry permit at the airport. If there's an outbound international flight, there will be immigration officers there.
  15. a. Don't we all. b. Unless someone asks you to obtain one, don't. c. Doubtful, since 1 Jan 2025 would be the first Thai tax date/year you may potentially have to file, which is not yet determined. (Caveat: I am not a Thai tax expert nor am I a tax attorney. The post above should not be interpreted as professional "tax advice.")
  16. Hardly. More like rich Thais who shelter money in off-shore accounts to try to avoid taxation.
  17. Apologies for going a bit OT but this is a topic that is deserving of its own thread somewhere - when to take US Social Security and for those who have already started, in hindsight would you have waited. Weighing my options on this decision now. From an overall "total money received over your life" perspective, the "break-even age" appears to be 79 or so. Live past 79, you'd receive more money overall by waiting. Die before 79, you'd receive more money overall by taking it early.
  18. No kidding, genius. If you weren't so invested in arguing every nuance of this issue 50 times a day, you'd have realized I was making a joke about publicizing that actual week long tourists would have to file income tax forms as a way to incite panic in the Thai government. WHOOOOOSH!
  19. I like this approach. We should all be beating the drum loudly that tourists will have to file Thai income taxes. Hit 'em where it hurts - tourism - and let's see how quickly flip turns to flop.
  20. I've been using Surfshark for years and have been happy with its performance.
  21. Oooooh, a sad face emoji. Emojis - the fallback response for illiterates and people with no spine.
  22. As someone who was smoking weed at 15 years of age, not really too upset to hear that my successors in life are following in my "enjoy your life" ways. Too many sticks up too many derrieres these days. Let kids be kids.
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