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Everything posted by soi3eddie

  1. The "best way" to ensure entry is that she adheres to the stated plans as declared on the visa application that was granted to her. If anything is different then expect questioning.
  2. Same here. I was looking at a condo in Bangkok about 5 months ago. It was listed as "Thai Quota". Told the agent I wasn't interested. Then the juristic advised him that another condo in the building was being sold from a foreigner to a Thai meaning that "foreign quota" became available. I reckon that added 25% to the value of the condo I was looking at. Ultimately, I went on to buy elsewhere though.
  3. If he was 53 then quite possibly after many years of receiving "bonuses" for services rendered. At age 23 there's zero chance of 27 million. Sad loss for the parents of the young lady. This happened not far from where I live.
  4. So what is his agenda? To get "disappeared"? Brave or foolish I'm not sure which. I hope he has a good network of safe houses. Maybe something good comes out of his "revelation". I expect not though.
  5. Cold calls from Brits are in my experience typically trying to sell investments to get their hands on pension pots of expats. Your number may be shared around. I'm guessing they get our numbers from insurance or property companies who might know we have money. Tbh it's gone pretty quiet in recent years as I rarely get calls these days.
  6. You forgot the Scots. Many who would agree to the above. Great friends. Got a few Jewish friends. They're a bit more sensitive but still are quite chilled. Let's just get on together and enjoy what we have in life and don't over think things!
  7. I was departing Suvarhnabhumi at 01:50am on Friday morning. Having got to the airport way too early, I visited both the Singapore Air and Thai lounges from 9:30pm until 1am. As some might know, the walkway on concourse "D" looks right down on the arrivals and immigration areas 1 & 2. Both looked very clear at 9:30pm, 11pm and 1am. I actually stopped for a few seconds to observe as they were nothing like as busy as when I arrived a few weeks ago. I guess it can be down to day of week (weekends busier?) and whether or not fully loaded A380s have just landed. Another point of note regarding enhanced scrutiny of foreigners; on Thursday I renewed my Non-O retirement extension of stay at CW Bangkok. No appointment. Got queue ticket at 09:15am and was seen at 11:00am. Walked out with new extension in passport at 11:30am (all papers were in order). Easiest yet in last 5 years. No extra paperwork or requirements. Not a single question from a very polite and efficient I/O at desk L35.
  8. Does obtaining a commercial pilot's licence require parallel parking or reversing into a parking space?
  9. I have bicycle toured in SE Asia and Southern Thailand. It's not easy. I just watched part 4 of Paddy's trip and have not seen part 5. Filming whilst riding will make it even more difficult and time consuming. The bike looked fine and I used a mountain bike then hybrid for my rides. It's not a race and one has to accept that it will never be easy if pushing to cover large distances each day. I thought Paddy was being a bit ambitious in his time frame. 60-80kms per day is doable (my last long distance ride was in Myanmar in 2016 from Kawthoung to Mawlyamine at age 49 and it was tough on me). Occasional days were 100kms to get between towns with places to stay - no issue with that in Thailand. When I heard a few weeks ago that Paddy was doing this, my immediate thought was how tough it will be mentally on him, not just physically. So different to motorcycle touring. Long distance cycle touring is for adventure and achievement and experiences. I hope Paddy tries again at a slower pace. Maybe Paddy could look up "Ed Pratt" on YouTube for inspiration. Ed solo unicycled much of the world over a number of recent years. Some very remote and harsh conditions.
  10. Did the family ask for their donation back? Services rendered or entertainment value? Whatever next, it'll be katoeys boxing on the streets of Bangkok! 🙂
  11. A tempoarary measure is a big stick. A permanent measure... well, others have suggested above. The stick should be sufficient to ensure safe passage each time.
  12. If this goes ahead, are there enough jail cells to hold them all?
  13. soi3eddie


    Brits, then Swiss, now Kiwis. Which nationality can raise the stakes further and top the antics of the Kiwis?
  14. That seems a very harsh sentence given that all the ladies involved were likely willing participants (no mention of them being forced). I see that there were 55 charges so wonder what the sentence for a single charge would be. Many countries would run the sentences concurrently rather than consecutively. Particularly when other crimes, such as murder etc. seem to get a much lesser term. Just my thoughts on this.
  15. Any sensible country would apply strict vehicle safety inspections, limit driver hours, enhance driver training and licensing, design safer roads and enforce all the rules. They would also hold highly accountable the corporation and their executives or insurers. But not Thailand. So sad for the unnecessary loss of life and suffering. Life is way too cheap here and some on this forum think it funny. Clearly they haven't suffered personal tragedy of a loved one or head of the family. Shame.
  16. Expect longer processing times on entry/exit to/from Thailand with possible questioning leading to ever longer queues. Expect long processing times for extensions of stay - especially Non-O. They will be looking through every line on bank statements multiple times and will thumb back and forth through passport at least 6 times going forward. Just looking for something. Any slightest discrepancy will be questioned and likley rejected. In related news. Jomtien immigration finally broke a record for queues. Now you can sit on the beach while waiting your turn for interrogation! Of course, using an agent for fee will not change, and will expediate your application as always 🙂
  17. Milking her assets and talents for all their worth. No doubt there's a long line of Somchais (and likely a few farangs now) hoping for more than mango sticky rice. Could even say they might like to boom boom Boom Bin.
  18. Aussie and Kiwis not being able to apply for visas to Thailand... best news so far today 🙂 Clearly, the Thai MoFA has a tech issue so hopefully they will get it back online soon. Likely after enough phone calls to the Thai embassies in OZ & NZ.
  19. Good question. I was wondering same. From the picture it looks like the train track (the wide strip) will have to be elevated over the top of the "culvert". See no mention of trains passing through the "culvert". It say's vehicle pass though the culvert so the trains must go up and over.
  20. I don't know the answer to your question. I would simply find another dealer that can supply the latest model.
  21. The fees could be something to with bringing it back in to Thailand. As OP say's, it's not coming back to Thailand, so no issue.
  22. Something may have been lost in translation. Expect the article meant "pub/bar/venue serving alcohol" rather than "liquor store". Either way, not nice to see someone injured. Could have been worse. But surely the police will also be investigating why it was still open at 04:30am. Or do they have a "special" licence?
  23. Some people never learn. Good luck to the OP. No upside in marriage for men.
  24. I travel to/from Thailand a lot so last time I was here for 90 days was during Covid. I was here for 13 months and that was the only times I filed the TM47 (90 day report). Assume TM47 is not required unless in country for 90 days or longer.
  25. How about "some of the above". I selected digital nomad as I run my overseas business from Thailand. I'm not retired but work only 7 months per year. I'm not looking for a wife but have a lovely long term partner here. I'm not a businessman in Thailand but do have business elsewhere I'm an entrepreneur but have not yet found anything compelling for me to set-up in Thailand I'm not a sexpat, but have been known to enjoy the company of other ladies (less nowadays).
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