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Everything posted by scottiejohn

  1. You should know as you are full of it!
  2. But worse! I did not think that was possible!
  3. I just Ignore your asinine comments, just like the rest of the BOT/repetitive/dual posters like you are on here! I just look, and occasionally comment, at what drivel some idiots post here in response to your very obvious cr@p!
  4. If you are of a religious nature close this page immediately! YOU have been warned! I remember being a kid and my parents filling my head with nonsense like this; Santa; The Easter bunny; The Tooth Fairy. Well now that I’m older I don’t fall for that rubbish anymore; Thank God!
  5. Why did the farmer stop stuffing goats into his truck? There was no more ruminant.
  6. I saw a little boy at the bus stop eating a giant chocolate Easter bunny. I said, "Hey kid, eating that much chocolate at one time is bad for you." He looked me in the eye and said, "Well, my grandpa lived to 103." "Oh, really? Did he eat a lot of chocolate?" "No, he minded his own damn business."
  7. Of course some people/BOTS can! Just sign up with different profiles from different e-mails etc and off you go! What do you think many of the most annoying posters/BOTS/duplicates on here are/do?
  8. Please don't bother and go away again, except permanently this time!
  9. What into, Kermit the frog? (Oh I hope so as it can then hop off into miss Piggy's arms forever!
  10. So what are you doing with that comment? Apart from spouting forth your usual pointless cr@p!
  11. But on the occasional safely flying Boing you can kick them out for good!
  12. Not necessarily! I sometimes look and comment on posters I believe should not be allowed to post just to see what rubbish they are spouting forth!
  13. What have you got against poor pox ridden soi dogs to inflict Bob on them?
  14. Re TM30; Did my annual retirement extension renewal at CM recently where I had to provide, for the first time an annual statement from my fixed deposit account, along with the usual updated pass book and letter, they also demanded an update TM30 as mine was too old as it did not show my address, just the fact that it had been recorded! Cost was 50Baht! Redacted copies of both old and new attached!
  15. Whilst I totally agree with the statement it is unlikely that Mark Twain actually made it! One noteworthy find in our research was that, in August 2012, the quote appeared on Twitter with Twain's name for the first time, six years after Twitter was created and 102 years after his death in 1910. Did Mark Twain Say 'No Amount of Evidence Will Ever Persuade an Idiot'? | Snopes.com
  16. Less than Chrome? Google Chrome vs. Microsoft Edge: Which Is the Best Windows 11 Browser? (makeuseof.com) PS! I know the OP now states he is using win 10 not 11 but the results are similar!
  17. How to Uninstall Microsoft Edge from Windows 11 | TechRepublic
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