Bored in Pattaya what with the great weather, thousands of girls, lovely beach, cheap living, hundreds of bars. Sure i'll swap that for cold, wet Doncaster UK !!
I tried several times, i had passport, visa, driving licence even my condo chanote. They wouldn't do, said i needed a residence certificate from immigration. But that just shows my address which is already on my DL ! Goodbye SCB.
I wouldn't agree about electronics. I recently bought a large screen TV cost $1400 here, from the Amazon US site it's $1700 and in the UK probably well over $2000. Most of things i buy here cameras, laptops, mobiles etc are way cheaper than in the UK (with their 20% VAT).
Yes i used to sell all my stuff through Baht and Sold but i never get any responses now. I am not on Facebook so give any unwanted stuff to the maid in the condo.
Freezing the UK annual pension increase is a bummer. Not too bad when inflation was 1-2% but now it's 7-10% it will quickly erode the pension to nothing. The rules are stupid whereby someone say in the USA gets an increase but someone in the Commonwealth countries, Australia/Canada etc, does not.