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Everything posted by bigt3116

  1. Unless you have Thai family here, that would entitle you to a 60 day visit family extension
  2. Seems awfully expensive? Work permit 3100 baht Extension 1900 baht Total 5000
  3. That was just during COVID
  4. As you are an American; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treaty_of_Amity_and_Economic_Relations_(Thailand–United_States)
  5. Not really the sign of a "true" tourist is it?
  6. You pay 432 baht per month
  7. For K1-M6 schools, yes you would need a degree to get both a work permit and a teaching waiver (assuming you don't have a BEd)
  8. That would all depend on what job you are thinking of doing
  9. Codswallop! "his cross-sectional study was conducted from October 2016 to April 2017. Self-administered questionnaires were distributed nationally to 3,629 RNs in the age group 55-59 years and working for the Ministry ofPublic Health (MoPH), " "Of the 3,018 participants, the proportion of RNs intending to extend their working life from 60 to 65 years was 30.5%. "
  10. Well done, though it only changed 3 years ago ;-)
  11. Though one must wonder whether this will come back and bite the people who don't do it at their next extension ?
  12. A TM6 does not get transferred per se, merely staple it into your new passport yourself.
  13. There are a few good schools in Sakon; https://sakolraj.ac.th/ https://www.facebook.com/th.tune?mibextid=ZbWKwL
  14. Though you can print one off if you wish too Information_Note_Visa_transfer_to_new_passport.pdf
  15. Well sorry to break it to you, but your "IMO" does not change the rules. PS true the passport is invalid for travel, but the VALID VISA is just that STILL VALID
  16. Not if you have a VALID VISA in the old passport, then you have to show both
  17. But that is what you do if you have a valid VISA in your old passport
  18. Jeez, learn the difference between a VISA and an EXTENSION !!!!
  19. https://www.1stclassvisaruns.com/schedule.htm Very comfortable van
  20. Because they are illegal and the owners want to stay under the (tax) radar
  21. 3 months only (Oct-Jan)
  22. It would seem that he can apply locally, but with more stringent checks https://vientiane.thaiembassy.org/en/page/nationalities-with-additional-requirements-and-con?menu=63bcd98646f2ee321b0dcb63 The 7 day "denied extension" was correct for his nationality too
  23. Do you have a link to these reports?
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