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Everything posted by bigt3116

  1. I think you mean Forensic handwriting analysis, graphology is used to determine a persons personality from their handwriting.
  2. Please explain how your Google form is going to "improve Thai schools."
  3. I have not seen a single report of somebody entering on a multi-entry Non-Immigrant visa having to show flight details. Can you post a link to where you saw "Some reports of land borders asking to see outbound flight. " ?
  4. True, but that has nothing to do with changing passports does it.
  5. the dependent person is a child, he/she must not be married, reside as a member of the referred family and must not be over 20 years of age. chrome-extension://gphandlahdpffmccakmbngmbjnjiiahp/https://www.immigration.go.th/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/8.A-PERSON-WHO-HAVING-RESIDENCY-IN-THAILAND-NON-O.pdf
  6. The money only needs to be in the account on the day of application - however, it must be shown to have come from abroad. (Jomtien, not sure if that office sets their own rules)
  7. Wow, which office lets you view the status of your application online?
  8. If a foreigner staying in the kingdom over 90 days without notifying residence to immigration officer or notifying later than the set period, must notify in person and a fine of 2,000.- THB will be collected. If a foreigner who did not make the notification of staying over 90 days is arrested, he/her will be fined 5,000.- THB with an additional fine not exceeding 200.- THB for each day which passes until the law is complied with. https://bangkok.immigration.go.th/en/90days-report/
  9. Nope, happens all the time, not illegal. The agents that get you the visa and the extension on the same day.............. that is questionable
  10. It is not a conversion, you are issued with a nice new visa, nothing is converted.
  11. OK, 629 baht is the cheapest hotel I can find in that area, but of course they are not all on the internet.
  12. 260 baht? That is a short time resort, not a hotel
  13. Wrong, any Thai or foreigner working for any company can be enrolled into the Social Security system.
  14. Totally the opposite, the fines imposed by the court are nearly always much LOWER than the 500 baht per day.
  15. My initial post did assist the OP, insofar as warning them that your "advice" would lead to illegal working. :-)
  16. I however do not have you on "ignore", as you so often need correcting :-)
  17. Appalling advice as the people want to do volunteer work and that is not allowed on a tourist visa More appalling advice for the same reason as above. The final piece of appalling advice from you. Did you even read the OP's post? You added nothing but incorrect advice and what would lead to them working illegally - well done! (not)
  18. No they could not, because the initial extension must be for the same reason as issuance of the visa, in your case marriage, not business. And you also said you do not want to be reliant on work for your permission to stay.
  19. Make your mind up gf or wife in the story
  20. That is for holders of "for holders of valid official/service passports", not your average Joe
  21. But the first extension would have to be based on being married, the same as the reason for the issuance of the visa Education visas are Non-Ed not Non-O
  22. Are you on about visas to visit the UK? Looks like that is done by UKVI a government department?
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