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Everything posted by digbeth

  1. live to about 70 and you'll have collected the pay to be worth what you paid in (not adjusted for inflation) if one were to die before that, next of kin can also receive a lump sum too not considering any compensation or medical treatment received thus far
  2. you just pay extra to the hospital, the special private rooms can be full depending on the hospital though, I don't think better foods are available anywhere
  3. 15-20 years ago when there were still Thai-Chinese owned tailor shops catering to Thais you can still get decent value, ever since then all shops on the main Sukhumvit Road has been bought up by the Indians targeting tourists it's not quite the same. The non-indian shops still left around the area in Thonglor or Ekamai either has lead time in weeks or months due to volume of their clientele, you won't get your shirt or suits next day like from those indians in Nana, or the newer generation Thai tailor has moved into malls with corresponding price
  4. the combined life/health with saving element usually don't cover outpatient treatment, leading to unnecessary hospital stay in order to qualify there's plenty of the separate health only options that covers outpatient treatment too, usually bundled with accident covers, but often limited to set amount per visit, usually a few thousands baht, anything more you either pay out of pocket or ask to be admitted in order to use the life insurance
  5. Quit before 15 years and you can take a lump sum payment
  6. If you just quit at 15 years or more, your final salary used to calculate the pension is at the maximum 15,000 which works out to 3000 baht per month pension, or a bit more if you have worked more than 15 years however if you continue paying into SS after leaving work (section 39) but before the age of retirement to receive the pension, the base salary used to calculate pension will be 4800 Baht, which results in 960baht pension instead of 3000 you'd have got if you not continue paying Only thing you got from continue paying is healthcare, if you have better private insurance or a Thai National that can go on the universal free for all system, there's no point to continue paying (This is for where you've paid into the system for more than 15 years of course) If you've only worked for a few years, continue paying into the system is good cheap access to government healthcare
  7. not PO box at the post office but rented ones from places like self storage, just looks like normal address or business address, some even scan the mails and have them email to you
  8. With their economy's state, The Party itself could be encouraging this rumour to stop their people from bringing money to spend abroad too much Not to dismiss that the kidnappings aren't there, they were a few reported, who knows how many were just paid off? Also having seen how some of these rich Chinese kids behave being high off their minds walking around Bangok, no wonder it happens
  9. lump sum is only available for those with less than 15 years (180months) contribution, the catch for self contribution where it'll reduce the pension only applies for those that has paid in for 15 years or over, also another catch where if you quit before 55 and by continuing to pay under section 39 brings your contribution to over180 months then you can't have the lump sum when you turn 55
  10. Exactly, and by continuing SS payment after (section 39) you've left your job will means reduced pension payout as the final salary used to calculate the pension will now be 4800 instead of 15,000 maximum you were based on during your employment, that's the difference between 3000 (or more if you've been contributing over 15 years) and 960 baht under section 39 you'll lose off your pension, let alone the 432 baht a month extra it'll cost you So work out your pension you stand to receive first before deciding to continue payment If you've worked and pay into SS for less than 15 years, the pension maybe negligible to not care and having access to government hospital if you're not Thai could be a lifesaver
  11. A staff is seen in the video next to the door talking to the driver on the intercom next to the emergency stop lever If it were done in nanny state gone mad, the train should have stopped, the track de-energized meaning trains in other direction stopped in case any idiot fall into the track from the open door and electrocuting themselves, passengers evacuated and walked back to the nearest station or have another train transfer them, or wait half an hour for an engineer to come and fix the door, making everyone stuck on the trains and commuters in other directions stopped too and whole day ruined. In a triumph of common sense, the staff see that the door is open and directed passengers to stay away from the door and presumably got it fixed at the next station I'd be mad if I'm stuck in the train because some Karn pulled the stop lever because the door was open
  12. There is no allocation,, when there's 40-60% parking space to the number of rooms the salesperson can say each room is entitled to a parking space, but what happens if all residents turn up to park? Often if the room is allocated a spot and is included in the deed they'll have room number painted on the spot, or incase of posh condos that have like 110% parking space to room number, not needed. I understand most of us here can't imagine living in a place with such situation condos around 1-1.3 million baht in Pattaya might not see the car park full all year due to foreign tenant not having car and only in the holidays that the Bangkok owners show up but this is reality for most working class Thais in popular commuter areas for condos in this price range, with cars double or triple parked and spilling over onto the street and if you don't make it home before dinner time on Sunday you're not getting a spot
  13. SS approved medicine list is more restrictive, the doctor would have to tiptoe around what they can prescribe Acute Diseases treatment like cancer is better on the Universal system, on SS they just cut you off chemo if you've reached their threshold Dental on SS you have to pay out of pocket to be reimbursed, and quite limited compared to universal system, but getting appointment at local government hospital will be a drag Only plus of SS is that you can designate private hospital as your primary care, but private hospital will shove you in SS wing with wait times similar to government hospital, but at least the nurses won't bark at you like poor people. some Private hospital do have external clinics for SS you can visit which is nice for not so serious needs.
  14. If you buy a condo and didn't ask about parking situation and expecting there to be a 1:1 parking per unit, in most cheap condo, you'll be in for a surprise cheap condos with 1:1 parking exist, expect to pay extras for them though, most work out to about 60-40% car park per unit in the real world
  15. not without prior notice, no it's a rule owners voted in or agreed to when they bought in
  16. it's not, most of these place, there's like 60% parking spot compared to the number of rooms at best so it's first come first serve, having a co owner or tenant came in, while legal and they are entitled to, but hogging the same space for months without moving is not fair on the rest of the residents. It is a rule voted in at AGM, not law Most condos don't have this but the cheaper ones full of workers do and it's understandable The rule are usually that you can't stay in one spot for more than 7 days, so if you drive out once a week you're fine, and if you have extended leave like going away overseas, you have to let the Juristic Person office knows in advance so that they let you off, some would even come and start your engine to keep the batteries topped if you leave them your keys. If playing musical chairs with parking spot and the endless rules are too much, (which it can be) yes living in a cheapish condo building is not for you, at least with some rule enforcement and fine collections it prevents the place from becoming too much of a dump
  17. the salary base used to calculate pensions in case of having contributed for over 15 years will be the maximum 15,000 baht, should come out at around 3000 baht per month if you continue to pay under section 39, the salary base used to calculate your pension will be 4,800, works out to around 900 baht per month unless you are continuing treatment already arranged under SS system, and can't get/afford private insurance, not continuing payment and get more of what you paid in back is better. For Thai nationals there's the universal system they can fall back to which has better coverage than the SS system too.
  18. be mindful that in case you have been paying into the SSF for more than 15 years by continuing the payment on your own under section 39 after leaving your job means your pension will be significantly reduced
  19. I wish I had kept renting mailbox and UK bank account,
  20. You're not forced to do a return, but I suspect they have mechanism to check or report overseas transfer coming in at the bank, while there may not withhold the tax straight away, they'll certainly know if you have If you think hell has broken loose here, the Thai investor in forums and facebook groups are going mad, any Thai that has enough savings worth sending abroad to invest in place with decent return will be taxed on the initial capital that went out of the country too, unless there are ways to declare money you sent abroad. When it comes in effect, I suspect instead of wiring in transfer, it'd be wiser to fly in with liquid assets like watches that can be conspicuously worn and pass through customs
  21. Be mindful that the Shoei and Arais sold around here are definitely 'Asian Fit' for rounded rather than oval shaped heads and padding are different to the ones in the west.
  22. This is true, plenty of this happening in Thai ebook readers group, the only safe store to use for international user is US store, otherwise you'll need to connect via VPN
  23. Bangphlee Amphur hospital in Samut Prakarn for the initial care and operation and the Samut Prakarn province hospital for the only oncology department in the province, this is not under the social security system but the universal healthcare for everyone. Wait times are long, but bearable keeping in mind it's free
  24. Cancer is some of the thing where the Universal Healthcare system is doing better than the Social Security, free upfront, free throughout care my MIL on the universal free for everything just went through with operations and chemo for a year now, only thing we have to pay was the hospital room upgrade, the diagnosis, referrals and multiple expensive tests even at private hospitals for things like MRI was all taken care off, so yes, unless you have an existing health problem you are seeing with a hospital under the social security plan, there are no reason to continue paying into the system until retirement if you've left your job.
  25. yes, you get less pension per month if you do continue to pay in to the system after quitting the job, best to just stop only reason to keep paying is if you want to have medical coverage from social security system, otherwise you just move to the free for everyone universal healthcare system, the social security system does have access to private hospitals, but usually just as bad wait times as government hospital, the universal system have better treatment and coverage for acute disease if you never use the hospital coverage, already has private insurance, best to leave and collect the pension
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