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Everything posted by digbeth

  1. Oh I understand in case where you paid for the electric company to extend their 'service area' to your property and someone further down the soi connects It's not a problem, yes you don't own it but if you paid for the soi to be wired, you'd be annoyed if the guy that came later can connect with no hassle if you're fine with the concept then there's no problem,
  2. they can't connect to your cable run, as that's stealing power from behind your meter, they would have to run their own cable and place the meter at the main road too or if they decide to pay the electric company to extend the service area to the back of the soi, normally if you're being a nice neighbour, you're supposed to chip in and share the cost, or you can be anal about it and after they've paid to have the electric company run poles and wires down the soi, just ask the electric company to move the meter to one of the poles that's now outside your property and they can't do anything again with sharing of the cost, should the guy at the front of the soi pay as much as the guy in the back to run the poles and cable? and in case where putting the meter on the main road is an option, why bother at all?
  3. the black 'walkie talkies' are for amateur radio (HAM) operators, you must have HAM licence to own or operate one, to get one, you'll have to get training from NBTC and get tested, skills include up to sending and receiving morse code and various theory tests, if you can't navigate NBTC's website, you're probably lacking skills to make it through the process and even if you have HAM licence, you can't just buy a couple of them for your staff to use in a business This is not a formality like the license to own the red ones where the shop can do it for you, this is like license to own a gun serious
  4. other options instead of paying the electricity company to 'extend' their service area out of your pocket where anyone else that come after you in the soi could also enjoy at your expense, is that you could opt to have your electricity meter located at the main road, and the cable run from your meter to your premise is yours to maintain
  5. the problem is that once you paid to 'extend' the power's company reach, it's not exclusively yours, should you have a neighbour further down the road in your street, they could connect up to the poles you paid to 'extend' from the main road
  6. if you went to the casino, you actually made the border crossing yourself, so hardly a 'ghost run' is it? A ghost run is probably where you don't need to inconvenience yourself with going to the border, staying in Pattaya or Bangkok and have your passport sent to get the stamps It used to be that only big border crossing and airports have the camera that records your face when you're being stamped in/out, it'd be pretty obvious going through the records and see if you had stamp without matching photo of the entry/exit
  7. I just had visit with relative to the only government oncology department in the whole province, after we had operations at the local amphur hospital (breast cancer) we were referred to the central hospital of the province, got an appointment within 2 weeks, on the day of the appointment, we sat waiting for about 5 hours for the doctor, which looks like there are only 2 for the whole province sharing the load, upon being called from the crowded waiting rooms patients was lined up in a queue to go see the doctor, musical chair styled, the examination rooms door were left open so all in the queue are able to hear each decision and interaction with the doctor, privacy was none, but it gets those in the queue in the right mindset and knows what to expect from the doctor. Plus before getting in the queue, in the waiting area we see those that's already on chemo coming for their weekly dose had a nice discussion among the patient themselves as a sort of quasi-support group. Most were prescribed chemo after being sent for other tests from CT to MRI which, to the system's credit, we never had to paid but often need to travel to private facilities to get it done. In all, we had about 5-10 minutes with the doctor each time and it was understandable due to the mass of people in the waiting area outside, in the end we decided chemo wasn't for our relative as she's not strong enough to eat properly already and the doctor was understanding and prescribe us letrozole and appointment for monthly checkup. Going private would just mean less waiting time and maybe the doctor going through the patient needs and maybe spend 20 minutes more discussing things with us Throughout the whole ordeal through the system, we never paid a single baht except for the private room during the surgery, they never hesitate to order tests or refrain from giving treatments or medication,
  8. while you can print from mobile, in the app it's really not formatted for printing, whereas in the online site there's option for printer friendly statement or even pdf export, I'm sure if they bothered they could implement that in the app... but all I see is request an official statement sent to you for a fee
  9. best way to evade the radar is wear it on your person, but to be safe, don't have the empty box, receipts etc accompanying you on the same flight, sending the empty boxes via courier also don't attract that much duty
  10. SCB has announced they're cancelling their internet banking service, moving their customers to app only in July So far it's only 2 Banks, KTB and SCB that is closing internet banking making app and biometrics mandatory, I'm sure more will follow suit They probably have the numbers on how many actually use the browser-based internet banking. I only use it occasionally now but it's useful for printing out statements
  11. if you want the nurses to feed and bathe the patient, go for private hospital the public hospital nurses and doctor are already overworked and underpaid Thai family are expected to help, If you don't want relatives to sleep on the floors or are in corridor you can pay to upgrade to special rooms at most government hospitals for the price of nearly free, I don't see what there is to complain about, sure the wait is slow and nurses can be short tempered but seeing the conditions and workload they're working in it's understandable For the odd case of elderly living alone with no family support, that might be a bit of a problem
  12. if you still have access to the old house, and she has the documents to be the housemaster to that place already and can do TM30 herself, and you continue to use your current immigration office for your reporting/extension there is no need to let immigration know that you have moved, unless you'll be using immigration office closer to the new place
  13. https://eservice.dlt.go.th/esvapp/login.jsf you can buy the mandatory insurance as part of renewing the tax, which you can skip if you had bought the insurance from somewhere else
  14. You can buy the insurance 'online' from DLT's website, it get sent in email, or you can pay more to have it delivered. If you had freebies thrown in with your 1st class insurance, you can enter the info in instead too either way the system requires a policy number before letting you proceed to pay your raod tax. buying with DLT means the dates of insurance is synched with your annual road tax plus the info is linked automatically
  15. did it online and there is now a column for unpaid ticketS in addition to the usual tax before you pay
  16. totally not the job of condo managers or letting agents, even if the co-owners of the condo that rents out room deputize the duty to the condo manager, the condo staff still can't be held liable for not doing the TM30
  17. because they're rich (renting an entire villa) and this can't possibly be happening to them Thai people also naively tend to thinks certain nationalities are beyond reproach, like Japan is a paradise and crime-free, I mean.. they're in paradise... how could this happens.... not beyond the reporting from tabloid from the west that reports accidents that happens to white tourist, to locals it's idiots rents motorcycles, plenty more in the ER to the tabloid headlines of "troubles in paradise" sells
  18. if the system has a leak and the compressor ran dried, you're probably gonna need a new compressor
  19. Realistically, how much would this slow down the mule account used in phone scamming? if the daily limit is still 200,000 for transactions, they can only move the money out 4 times a day, that might give time for the account to be reported and frozen. But I don't see them being able to implement face scanning for internet (browser-based) banking soon, granted, some banks have discontinued the service already. The phone scammers are already kidnapping people to man the call centres in border towns, now they'll just keep kidnap the mule account owner too
  20. https://www.google.com/maps/dir/Wat+Mangkon,+Charoen+Krung+Road,+Samphanthawong,+Bangkok/''/@13.7415302,100.5077777,18z/data=!4m14!4m13!1m5!1m1!1s0x30e29923cd73718f:0xca3f4511d203a471!2m2!1d100.51021!2d13.74204!1m5!1m1!1s0x30e299221b5b80cf:0x9759e60ce1b4d8ce!2m2!1d100.5078146!2d13.7416691!3e2?entry=ttu Walk
  21. we can discuss prescription only medication on this forum, so if weed moves to that category we can still discuss which 'clinics' attitude towards dispensing Kratom on the other hand, doesn't seem to have medicinal use they can hide behind on, but even before the decriminalization, some café with traditional medicine certificates are already serving brews with them
  22. We've seen case where people install sockets along with their charger behind the TOU meter and the power company is fine with it. Only MEA in Bangkok makes you switch your whole house over to TOU before giving you a separate meter for EV before you automate everything, make sure the clock on the meter itself is set to the correct time, there has been case where the TOU meter's time is off and incorrect rates applied even while charging on off-peak times
  23. ฺBankrupcy could be difficult, any sale/transfer within 3 months before the declaration of bankruptcy or a lien if the landowner owed somebody could be reversed. Before it comes to seizing of land/property, there would have been noticed served as in posted stuck to the property gates so a local should know of their reputation
  24. thais just goes hand-in-hand buyer and seller and maybe the agent who's getting commission to the land office due dilligence is checking the back of the chanote that there are nothing unusual recorded like usufruct or right of way cash/cashiers cheques is only handed over once both party is satisfied, in case of transfer they would have a relative at the bank to verify that the money has arrived and phone back to the ones at land office to go ahead(doesn't help in the case of fake cashier's cheque where the amount would appear and be voided a few days later) only case where things could go wrong later would be if the land office official is in on it, from issuing deeds where they shouldn't have, or the deeds was stolen from another relatives and sold by someone who shouldn't have been able to would a lawyer be able to discover these?
  25. if she shows up to negotiate, by getting a loan to consolidate the debt or even just asking the judge, she can get almost half the amount that's usually collection fees and interests knocked off the asking amount.
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