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Everything posted by digbeth

  1. If your UK passport is valid and your work in Korea is not contingent on you having the Thai passport, is it necessary to keep Thai passport updated if it's such a hassle?
  2. to get back on topic, tourists from South East Asian countries from Cambodia to Singapore and even South Korea can already use QR scan to pay, but only for certain banks from their home countries, while China also has their own QR payment like Alipay and WeChat but that requires an EDC terminal like credit card swipe machine to accept like TrueMoney, so not much use for market traders, whereas in most market from tourist traps ones in Bangkok or out in the boondocks accept PromptPay QR As for signals, I've been in markets out in the province where there's only signal in some corner of the market only, meaning in order to scan you'd have to walk over to where the signals are, power is no issue as phones should have batteries, and beside even markets in the most backwater town manage to string power for lights, the trader only need their phones to see if the money has indeed came through, some even operate on honour system where the buyer just flash the screen that shows they've scanned and transferred, some do got scammed but I doubt that'll be a problem for long in small town.
  3. it's not supposed to as the bead for tubed tyres are different, if the wheel was made for tubed, but doesn't stop people from putting tubeless on, plenty of conversion kit with valve that screws into existing hole, some use valves from cars but that'll require enlarging of the hole in the rims to fit,
  4. Some do it for the status too, seen in the Tesla groups that while their vehicles are delivered with white plate, some went to procure red plate and put them on just for the hell of it (probably fake plate too, due to them being in short supply) most that want to play keeping up with the jones/somchais next door are probably happy to have red plate for the first few months, the minority that don't or had bad experience being given the run around from dealers about white plate know to demand immediate delivery of white plate or registration kit to do it yourself and save the courier fee. Now with the EV subsidy, there's probably extra paperwork involved that needs to go back to the government or importer, so no dealer's gonna let you drive home with registration kit to do it yourself at the DLT, so it probably comes down to the courier/DLT agent they use, whereas in normal circumstance they could save the trouble and bundle up a few of the dealer customers and only go down to DLT once a month, but with the expiry date of subsidy looming, the agent might not be used to the workload, plus all these EV dealers are mostly new (save some that are existing ICE cars dealer) I'd expect there are hiccups in getting plates in time
  5. Tesla are only delivering cars with white plate, and in my experience of a few new cars and motorcycle the DLT isn't the hold up, if all the paper works are in order, you go to the DLT with registration kit, and you come home with the plate in a day, unless the plates are out of stock which is rare. It's the delays in getting the paperwork from the manufacturers that's usually the hold up, traditionally for legacy autos like Honda or Toyotas in Thailand, the car is delivered on consignment as in the dealers don't pay anything to the manufacturer like Honda until the customers take delivery, and only after the manufacturer has been paid, will they release the paperwork or 'registration kit' back to the dealers to register, so it's in the dealer's interest and cashflow to stall or delay paying the manufacturer, imported cars work under similar deals too where technically they don't pay customs etc until the customers register the vehicle. But with the looming deadline of subsidy expiring, it's in everyone's interest to get customers out the door as soon as possible, looks like the sales team are already working overtime delivering cars which was rare
  6. unless it is something that actively harms you like drain covers that break resulting in you falling in, something broke and fell on your head... or you can build enough traction on social media or getting media coverage back home complaining loud enough, it's not worth it life's cheap here, you are advised to exercise due caution, or stick to the bubbles of hotels and air conditioned malls where they have liability insurance
  7. I'm pro cannabis, I smoke occasionally and grow some myself, I'm just not pro being a dick If you want acceptance from general public you have to behave
  8. So you probably won't care if the ones above you start pissing out their balcony every time you smoke then
  9. You already can't have gas stove in condos, anything the majority of co-owners voted in as long as it's within the law of the land is legal, say you can't have pet in the room, even though it's your own room the condition of living there is you agreeing to that
  10. I used to smoke, I don't mind people smoking in their room or out on the street away from entrances, but in my condo the room several floors below me smokes heavily, before it was cigarettes and now with legal weed it reeks When I smoked I smoke on my balcony too but it's understandable how it can become a nuisance, plus there has been issue of people just flicking hot ashes out the balcony, the odd cigarettes are fine but chain smoking packs after pack let alone cannabis is intolerable to the rooms next to you smoking in rooms just turns into hot boxes, without air filters, any smell that escapes out the door just makes the corridor smells like cheap bars considerate smokers in my condo come down to the carpark in designated corner where it won't disturb the rooms above so much If you have way of ensuring that smoking in your own room doesn't disturb other then by all means go ahead, same as playing loud music
  11. you don't need to re-register and can continue to use the car 'out of province' annual tax can be paid normally, you'd rarely need to visit the original plate province's DLT, things like transfer of ownership can be done at any province's DLT
  12. The riders are complaining that they are bundling multiple orders together, resulting in less pay for the riders and longer wait as they are picking up from multiple restaurant and drooping off different customers before reaching you, maybe by pressing that they've delivered they got the customers off their back and contacting the restaurant or grab support to chase them down instead of being contacted directly
  13. On the roof glass, I'd say forget ceramic and go for old school metallic, unlike the windows where the metal blocks phone and gps signals, the roof doesn't need ceramic, old style metallic ting film reflects heat better and cost less than ceramic film only maybe if you want your roof to match your window
  14. Why would BYD or the Dealer care how you source your electricity, just choose not to buy wall charger with them and install yourself or use what you already have
  15. here's a list of article/category 2 controlled substance https://mnfda.fda.moph.go.th/narcotic/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/PK_MOPHVJ2_050865.pdf or this diagram of all controlled substance in each categories https://bdn.go.th/attachment/news/download.php?WP=q21Zn21CM5O0hJatrTgjWz05qmEZZJ1CM5O0hJatrTDo7o3Q
  16. bigger loads like hot water heater and aircon are usually run separate from the consumer unit, with separate breaker to prevent the it tripping the whole house back in the day as these appliance would be late addition and the aging consumer unit in the house probably wont have the space or main breaker able to handle the load, the electrician that did your install probably did it out of habit without knowing why
  17. that's some good points, to get checks on universal you have to be of correct age and goes through endless grilling before they give you test choosing hospital is important too, if you live in some area where government hospital is not so good or forces you to go to your local clinic first but you don't need to continue on section 39 for your family to receive your pension money and funeral assistance right?
  18. What happens to RCBOs in cases where there are no central ground but some appliance has their own ground? in many Thai house without ground wiring, there are often grounds from the appliance chassis to the nearest ground or metal bit of the house, like hot water heater, air con units or washing machine to oven, would this complicate thing should one fit an RCBO or RCCD? it is advisable to rip these separate 'grounds' out if one were to rewire the house
  19. no do not pay if you have contributed over 15 years, and especially in this case she is a Thai national entitled to universal healthcare, unless they can find a good reason to be on Social Service after leaving work
  20. live to about 70 and you'll have collected the pay to be worth what you paid in (not adjusted for inflation) if one were to die before that, next of kin can also receive a lump sum too not considering any compensation or medical treatment received thus far
  21. you just pay extra to the hospital, the special private rooms can be full depending on the hospital though, I don't think better foods are available anywhere
  22. 15-20 years ago when there were still Thai-Chinese owned tailor shops catering to Thais you can still get decent value, ever since then all shops on the main Sukhumvit Road has been bought up by the Indians targeting tourists it's not quite the same. The non-indian shops still left around the area in Thonglor or Ekamai either has lead time in weeks or months due to volume of their clientele, you won't get your shirt or suits next day like from those indians in Nana, or the newer generation Thai tailor has moved into malls with corresponding price
  23. the combined life/health with saving element usually don't cover outpatient treatment, leading to unnecessary hospital stay in order to qualify there's plenty of the separate health only options that covers outpatient treatment too, usually bundled with accident covers, but often limited to set amount per visit, usually a few thousands baht, anything more you either pay out of pocket or ask to be admitted in order to use the life insurance
  24. Quit before 15 years and you can take a lump sum payment
  25. If you just quit at 15 years or more, your final salary used to calculate the pension is at the maximum 15,000 which works out to 3000 baht per month pension, or a bit more if you have worked more than 15 years however if you continue paying into SS after leaving work (section 39) but before the age of retirement to receive the pension, the base salary used to calculate pension will be 4800 Baht, which results in 960baht pension instead of 3000 you'd have got if you not continue paying Only thing you got from continue paying is healthcare, if you have better private insurance or a Thai National that can go on the universal free for all system, there's no point to continue paying (This is for where you've paid into the system for more than 15 years of course) If you've only worked for a few years, continue paying into the system is good cheap access to government healthcare
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