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Everything posted by digbeth

  1. BMW and Volvos built in China are being imported to Thailand now to enjoy the 0% import tax, yet they maintain the artificial high price to preserve their traditional car market
  2. Before all the PC shop moved out of Pantip Plaza, when online selling start to take off, you could walk around and see what shop stocks what kind of thing, and especially when they ship out to their online customers, especially on certain parts there's a shortage of and restock are trickling in. Last time I built a full computer around 2017 the 1080 series graphics card were in short supply, many shop won't even give you time of day, but walking around Pantip and Palladium, you get the gist of which shop actually knows their stuff, and they see that you're serious and not just browsing, and see which shop deserve to have your deposit/preorder. you can't build relationship like that over emails or online store. I'm sure the current graphics card shortage/price gouging the situation's worse Talking to these guy who obviously know the Thai distributor, will have knowledge of what's coming to Thailand and when too, you only get this in Bangkok and not their upcountry branch it used to be worth it for the drive to Pantip/Palladium, maybe waste half a day walking around, see and spend on something you didn't plan on buying or even know that's it's available at all. Shopping online has its advantages, but I'll miss the good old days of physical shops for sure
  3. Thankyou for being considerate, we are starting to see friction between newcomers from countries where masks are optional, this is ranging from getting dirty looks or verbal altercation in public, and wearing them incorrectly like under the nose you'll get told off by staff or other shoppers immediately even from the usually meek Thais If you are walking out on the street alone and far from people, like exercising in the park it's fine to lower your mask, but be prepare to have one to put on when going near other people. But some parks seem to want to enforce mask wearing rule and some gyms are very cautiously watching their members, only allowing mask off to have a drink, and must be on during exercise which is silly It'd be silly to ask people to have mask on while swimming, so at the pool side should be okay, if the hotel can serve drinks to the pool then it should count as restaurant, where people can sit with their mask off to eat. While mask wearing indoors like malls and supermarket's pretty strict, if you walk to the floors where there's multiple restaurants or food court you'll see hundreds people without masks on sitting at their tables, but once you leave the area you're expected to put your masks back on. In market setting where you can buy street food type thing and eat while you walk around is a bit of a grey area, you should have your mask on, as there's other people walking around too, but to sneak a bite or drink what you bought, you have to lower your mask, then immediately put it back on. so unless you're sitting down to eat, don't remove your mask completely.
  4. Jib and Advice are comparable, I go back and forth between them for most things, you can go to their headquarter warehouse if you need things over the counter, their 2 hours or same day delivery is pretty good too Invade IT for more specialized stuff that's not available anywhere else, they're in Huahin so not as good for visiting For shop you can visit, since Pantip the IT mall is not longer, there's a few shops spread out over a few location computeandmore at Palladium is probably the last hold out, some good specialist in NUC and NAS in Pantip Ngamwongwan and a few at Fortune Mall
  5. A will could take time to execute, at least going to the court to appoint an executor etc, at least months You can give them power of attorney to withdraw/manage your account, this can be the form of letter witnessed and recorded at the bank, or just a signature on the back of the withdrawal slip for one time use
  6. in case of injuries, your first class insurance would ask the party to make a claim from the mandatory insurance first, then anything above that they pay on top, so it's not like it don't get used
  7. if it went before a judge, maybe the judge would have them knocked off the collection fees and interest to a more reasonable amount, but the figured they offered is probably convenient for both parties involved
  8. There are many ways to make the police get their act together, asking nicely by someone higher up, lubricating with incentives, or their inaction being covered by media is starting to make their higher up uncomfortable, without connections or cash, media is your best option, it don't even have to be the police bad, won't do anything angle, it could be ooh. look at scary robber in front of ATM You'd be surprise how effective Thai police can be if there are right motivation, suddenly somebody's that's got gambling debt just paid off, Somchai just bought loads of gold at Big C without winning the lottery, and if it's a small town
  9. I wonder too, if they police won't act, there are ways to make them if it was as serious as she claimed
  10. A few months ago there's a couple of dealer who had ordered extra some sitting in their lot, didn't know if they let it go for over the selling price though. After this 'winter' season is over some of the existing owner would probably be selling theirs to move on to something else too, if you can wait that long. get in touch with grey market dealers who have existing relationship with shippers/dealers from the UK, they already know what to do, they only need their guy in the UK to get a hold of unregistered or low mileage example, as Thailand is no longer allowing imports of 2nd hand vehicle. They should be able to get in under Toyota's Thailand list price, as they don't have warranty to worry about. note: UK cars will have their indicator/wiper stalks on what's considered the 'wrong' side here that may affect the values a little
  11. I thought the housebook can be empty, you don't need to move the child into the house at all, this should be separate from owning the deed to the land and shouldn't be an issue right?
  12. Believed the OP, having heard stories of places being robbed and such myself, but the vague detail of 'somewhere in Isan' could have been the new sick buffalo recounted to lovers overseas to remit more money
  13. get the media involved, if you only report to the police nothing could happen, if you have the popular thai talking heads involved things will starts rolling, start from the local reporter they're sitting around waiting for things to happen, your wife's story will be the most exiting thing they have this week, start there and kick it up to national news
  14. I usually alternate between the Ars powder in the green fluo box thing and Bayer expensive drops, usually it takes care of the ants in about 2 days. Recently small quick ants seem to be ignoring the stuff, usually upon first drops of the Bayer quantum, they'd signal back to the nest and get a whole loads of them out in droves lining up feasting on the drops and bam - all dead or gone by the next day. but these ants are ignoring the Bayer now, only a few seem to be drawn to feed on them
  15. they're more concerned with frequent amounts of over 3000 transactions per year or 400 transaction totalling over 2 million baht per year to catch traders
  16. The sales have a 'margin' of what they can work with, usually this turns out in the forms of 'feebies' thrown in from floor mats to tinting and body kits, which they can get at trade price because they're often cheap to appear better value when they quote the 'worth' to you. if they can close the sale with what they offer, they might pocket the difference. If you can find a salesperson willing to work, you can have cash discount instead
  17. Getting colours to match the new Thai standards is a challenge, years ago it's Red White and Green, now it's black blue and green/yellow stripe for ground, most thai subcontractors who handle wiring just grab what they have left, wiring for three-phase colour complicates matter too What exactly is inspected for when the utilities come and inspect your new home for connection? Anything goes after they've connected your meter right? What's the minimum that's required? even RCBO seems optional in Thai consumer unit
  18. You can pretty much ignore your address and passport number on your driver licence, update it when it's time to renew sure, but for day to day, it hardly matters. You can keep your car plated in any province, only problem is that to transfer it when you sell it on, you have to go to the original province to make a move to the new province and new owner, say in your case, if you want to sell your car, you'd have to go back to Chiang Mai to move it to wherever the buyer is first. Otherwise, for paying yearly tax and renewal, you can keep it in Chian mai even though you've moved. If you move the plate to Bangkok now, it makes it a bit less hassle when you sell. plus some say having Bangkok plate attracts higher selling price if you care for that sort of thing.
  19. By the way things are going, USB-c with Power Delivery standard is the way forward, in 2-3 years time your device probably won't come with USB-A to C but rather USB-c to c which has faster charging, you'll be stuck with the slow USB-A in your wall socket which is already too expensive and not easily replaceable. Imagine if you're stuck with 1 amp charger and micro-usb cable to charge your phone all over the house in these day and age 2 years ago I start buying the big row of USB charger with 5 or 6 USB-A and single USB-C with PD, the usb-c port is used most, for things like our daily phones, power banks and iPads, only a few things that I don't need straight away get to use the slow charging usb-a and then using USB-A to C cable I won't buy any device that has micro usb charging port only now
  20. Insurance paper on the window is not a requirement since you need to show proof of insurance to renew the annual tax and get the tax disc square to stick up your window, so it's safe to have a copy or the original in the glove box, but I suppose should there be a fire, getting your insurance policy might be difficult if the only original you had was in the car The blue/green book should never be kept on the vehicle, with a simple forgery of sale contract, anyone can transfer the vehicle into their name. Also make sure to sign under your name in the blue book, it makes it a step harder to forge a transfer
  21. Chatuchak Market is the biggest place, The annual book fair has 2nd hand dealer who has their shop from all over gathered in one place too but COVID means Chatuchak market is mostly empty, I don't know if the shops that are there are still open most weekend, same with the book fair which was cancelled this year plenty of facebook group that trade in 2nd hand book in Thais
  22. I think that's 'Bon' https://th.wikipedia.org/wiki/บอน used in some specific dish, unless prepared in a specific way it's supposedly itchy in your throat colored non edible 'bon' are popular right now is calladium https://th.wikipedia.org/wiki/บอนสี
  23. the only way having a canopy (carry boy) over the bed would affect the yearly tax is that if you'd gone and register the truck as a passenger van ie: vehicle with more than 7 seats, (typically 11) and you'd be issued with a blue on white background number plate, which is the cheapest to tax, if you were then remove the canopy and seats and were caught around driving without, then you'd be liable for a hefty fine and back taxes another class is cargo van or truck, which would get green on white background plate, and doesn't apply to pickup truck with 4 doors which already attract the highest tax rate same as passenger car. it used to be that you could 'borrow' a carry boy canopy to go register your pickup as 11 seater van to get the cheapest tax, then never have it on again until inspection is required, but with the color-coding number plate, eagle eyed police men would find you easy prey so no, not insane at all
  24. I think it's a response to the random 1 dollar amount deducted from debit cards all over Thailand earlier this month, so instead of finding the fraudulent charge, they just outright block all international use
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