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Everything posted by digbeth

  1. they're more concerned with frequent amounts of over 3000 transactions per year or 400 transaction totalling over 2 million baht per year to catch traders
  2. The sales have a 'margin' of what they can work with, usually this turns out in the forms of 'feebies' thrown in from floor mats to tinting and body kits, which they can get at trade price because they're often cheap to appear better value when they quote the 'worth' to you. if they can close the sale with what they offer, they might pocket the difference. If you can find a salesperson willing to work, you can have cash discount instead
  3. Getting colours to match the new Thai standards is a challenge, years ago it's Red White and Green, now it's black blue and green/yellow stripe for ground, most thai subcontractors who handle wiring just grab what they have left, wiring for three-phase colour complicates matter too What exactly is inspected for when the utilities come and inspect your new home for connection? Anything goes after they've connected your meter right? What's the minimum that's required? even RCBO seems optional in Thai consumer unit
  4. You can pretty much ignore your address and passport number on your driver licence, update it when it's time to renew sure, but for day to day, it hardly matters. You can keep your car plated in any province, only problem is that to transfer it when you sell it on, you have to go to the original province to make a move to the new province and new owner, say in your case, if you want to sell your car, you'd have to go back to Chiang Mai to move it to wherever the buyer is first. Otherwise, for paying yearly tax and renewal, you can keep it in Chian mai even though you've moved. If you move the plate to Bangkok now, it makes it a bit less hassle when you sell. plus some say having Bangkok plate attracts higher selling price if you care for that sort of thing.
  5. By the way things are going, USB-c with Power Delivery standard is the way forward, in 2-3 years time your device probably won't come with USB-A to C but rather USB-c to c which has faster charging, you'll be stuck with the slow USB-A in your wall socket which is already too expensive and not easily replaceable. Imagine if you're stuck with 1 amp charger and micro-usb cable to charge your phone all over the house in these day and age 2 years ago I start buying the big row of USB charger with 5 or 6 USB-A and single USB-C with PD, the usb-c port is used most, for things like our daily phones, power banks and iPads, only a few things that I don't need straight away get to use the slow charging usb-a and then using USB-A to C cable I won't buy any device that has micro usb charging port only now
  6. Insurance paper on the window is not a requirement since you need to show proof of insurance to renew the annual tax and get the tax disc square to stick up your window, so it's safe to have a copy or the original in the glove box, but I suppose should there be a fire, getting your insurance policy might be difficult if the only original you had was in the car The blue/green book should never be kept on the vehicle, with a simple forgery of sale contract, anyone can transfer the vehicle into their name. Also make sure to sign under your name in the blue book, it makes it a step harder to forge a transfer
  7. Chatuchak Market is the biggest place, The annual book fair has 2nd hand dealer who has their shop from all over gathered in one place too but COVID means Chatuchak market is mostly empty, I don't know if the shops that are there are still open most weekend, same with the book fair which was cancelled this year plenty of facebook group that trade in 2nd hand book in Thais
  8. I think that's 'Bon' https://th.wikipedia.org/wiki/บอน used in some specific dish, unless prepared in a specific way it's supposedly itchy in your throat colored non edible 'bon' are popular right now is calladium https://th.wikipedia.org/wiki/บอนสี
  9. the only way having a canopy (carry boy) over the bed would affect the yearly tax is that if you'd gone and register the truck as a passenger van ie: vehicle with more than 7 seats, (typically 11) and you'd be issued with a blue on white background number plate, which is the cheapest to tax, if you were then remove the canopy and seats and were caught around driving without, then you'd be liable for a hefty fine and back taxes another class is cargo van or truck, which would get green on white background plate, and doesn't apply to pickup truck with 4 doors which already attract the highest tax rate same as passenger car. it used to be that you could 'borrow' a carry boy canopy to go register your pickup as 11 seater van to get the cheapest tax, then never have it on again until inspection is required, but with the color-coding number plate, eagle eyed police men would find you easy prey so no, not insane at all
  10. I think it's a response to the random 1 dollar amount deducted from debit cards all over Thailand earlier this month, so instead of finding the fraudulent charge, they just outright block all international use
  11. Tax hike has already taken effect, prices has gone up now so hoarding due to speculated price increase should not happen anymore. Looks to be packaging change regarding warning pictures/message soon that's causing pause in manufacturing/ordering as there might be fine if shop is found to be selling older style packaging after the cutoff date
  12. I mean to get the registration renewed and road tax paid, between getting a new tank and removing it, removing the tank definitely the cheapest option
  13. There seems to be more mid-end 2.0 speakers geared towards desk use these days Personally I had listened to these 2.0 speakers Yamaha NX50 Edifier R1700 and they sound decent enough for the price even specialist computer shops don't have much range on 2.1 speaker these days, definitely more toward lower endhttps://www.advice.co.th/product/speaker-sub-woofer/speaker-2-1
  14. if only there was a number affixed to the vehicle, issued from a government body that can be used to identify owner and drivers/riders, you know put it on a plate and fixed to the vehicle or something
  15. LPG fitted cars needs annual inspection of the system and the tank needs special inspection/engineer's report every 10 years which is the expiry date or the expected life of the tank. It could be cheaper to get a new tank fitted or cheapest to remove the tank and no longer use LPG
  16. the problem is that thieves now has the tools to make the more than 2 meters away be like less than 2 meters away, in the UK there's a big problem of people parking the car in their drives or off street and hang their keys in the doorway living room and signal repeater/extender makes stealing the car as easy as just walking up next to the car
  17. for weight under 5 baht bars, there might be a 'block charge'
  18. On a scale of desirability, 1 is not as desirable as other auspicious number like 9 or 168 that's homonym with prosperity or rich in Thai or Chinese. Unlike cars where desirable numbers are auctioned off with the special background plate, for motorcycle plate you can just pay to reserve your number and wait for them to come up, but good luck trying to reserve the desirable ones like 9 or 168 without paying 'extras'
  19. used to be available on the 'normal' Wave125 instead of the special WaveX too, only for a couple of years but dealers rarely stock them. Plenty in the earlier Carburated era Waves too I think the model is called the Wave R
  20. My Honda RF keys has a switch off function where you can turn off the keys and even if you're near the bike, it can't start and be ridden off unless you press the button to turn the key back on again, useful for when you're at a cafe or camping near the bike unfortunately later models seem to have done away with this button
  21. Even if you don't buy the jewelry gold, which attracts the 'workmanship' charge over the 'spot' price of gold that day, essentially the shop's commission this is usually 500-1000 baht per baht weight of gold, depending on the intricacy of design and the shop's prestige, hard to calculate into percentage as the commission is charged per weight and the spot price vary daily but this works out to around 2-3% at the current price there's still the 'block charge' if you buy bullions, this is a bit less than the % charged for the jewelry (instead of 500-1000 per baht it's now 500 or less) and can be waived or negotiated if you buy over 5-10baht weight of gold
  22. They are not arbitrarily increased, but rather the officer can exercise discretion to decide which category your item falls under. A good shipping agent should know how to file these appeal to save money
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