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Everything posted by xylophone

  1. Ah, missed the point yet again, but not surprising given that you are a trump supporter....and we know the type of supporters he likes!!
  2. So this is the type of "leader" that you would want to lead the USA in the future?? This dumbo has difficulty stringing meaningful sentences together, wanders off script at a tangent and cannot help himself when denigrating others (much the same as he did with Senator John McCain). Other leaders see him as an idiot, apart from the usual suspects, and this clip from the New Zealand Herald is on the button........ "Former President Donald Trump, at a weekend event ostensibly meant to boost his preferred candidate in Ohio’s Republican Senate primary race, gave a freewheeling speech in which he used dehumanising language to describe immigrants, maintained a steady stream of insults and vulgarities and predicted that the United States would never have another election if he did not win in November". "While discussing the US economy and its auto industry, Trump promised to place tariffs on cars manufactured abroad if he won in November. He added: “Now, if I don’t get elected, it’s going to be a blood bath for the whole — that’s going to be the least of it. It’s going to be a blood bath for the country”. The former president opened his speech by praising the people serving sentences in connection with the January 6, 2021, riot at the Capitol. Trump, who faces criminal charges tied to his efforts to overturn his election loss, called them “hostages” and “unbelievable patriots”, commended their spirit and vowed to help them if elected in November. He also repeated his false claims that the 2020 election was stolen, which have been discredited by a mountain of evidence. Trump issued vulgar and derogatory remarks about a number of Democrats, including ones he often targets, like Biden and Fani Willis, the Atlanta prosecutor overseeing his criminal case in Georgia, as well as those widely viewed as prospective future presidential candidates, such as Governor Gavin Newsom of California and Governor J.B. Pritzker of Illinois. Trump called Biden a “stupid president” several times and at one point referred to him as a “dumb son of a — " before trailing off. He also compared Willis’ first name to a vulgarity, called Newsom “Gavin New-scum” and took jabs at Pritzker’s physical appearance. https://www.nzherald.co.nz/world/us-election-donald-trump-says-some-migrants-are-not-people-and-predicts-blood-bath-if-he-loses/5JO56LSBGZHFHMWZESFBDAIBIY/ Definitely an educated and high-class leader, yeah right!!, or more like someone who is as dumb as a bag of rocks and favours the poorly educated as supporters. The man should be locked away, not just because he's an idiot, but because he is driving a wedge through America. AND he also repeated his false claims that the 2020 election was stolen, which have been discredited by a mountain of evidence. Just how stupid can he get?
  3. It's not surprising that you have missed my point completely, given that you're a supporter of the orange cult leader, so let me explain something for you: – when Fox News says that people are not to believe what they see or hear on their channel because it's not news/factual, just opinions from some people on the channel, i.e. it is not to be trusted, but still you refer back to that untrustworthy news medium, without really thinking, but then again..........
  4. Still relying on fake news I see............what don't you understand when the company's own lawyers said that people should not believe what they hear/see on Fox News because it is not real news. Go and look it up then come back on here and say that you understand what the lawyers had said..........but you won't because you don't like what they said as it undermines your confirmation bias, or perhaps there is another reason and trump likes those folks!!
  5. My highly stressful corporate job, starting and running the investment division for a major bank, led me to a burnout and also reflux, which culminated in Barrett's oesophagus (a potential precancerous condition of the oesophagus). My doctor suggested I needed to get out of the rat race, so I did that and moved here, selling everything in NZ, investing some of the funds and also receiving a pension. All of this has ensured that I have a comfortable retired life here in Thailand – – so no complaints. And as a bonus, I have unofficially adopted the daughter of the Thai woman whom I lived with for five years, and taken care of her living and accommodation needs, and that is very satisfying.
  6. It is a good New Zealand cheese and the one I buy most here........Mainland Vintage Cheese, aged up to 24 months. I also buy the occasional French Brie.
  7. No, I just needed to take a break from the trump/Maga rednecks and goobers, especially those quoting links from Fox News.....when will they ever learn!!!
  8. Not sure what you mean by your post, however it is illegal for a farang to own land in Thailand. He can elect to lease land through a Thai company in which he owns only 49% of the company, but that company has to meet certain criteria inasmuch as the Thai partners of the 51% have to be bone fide partners who have invested their own funds into the company, not just nominee folk. Owning through his wife who has to show that she has purchased the land with her own funds, is possible, but then again the farang does not own it.
  9. Interesting post because a friend of mine here in Phuket had his house "stolen" by his own lawyer who had forged documents and sold it whilst my friend was away working in Singapore. He decided to pursue this lawyer through the courts and despite the case seemingly being clear-cut, the judge ruled that:- because my friend had bought the house through the "company/nominee route" (when he didn't have a company) then the purchase was illegal and ruled that the house was therefore never his, and he lost everything. I don't believe anything was ever done about the crooked lawyer, so it shows that one has to be on one's guard here, even when one has a lawyer who is supposedly looking after the clients interests – – it doesn't always work like that here!
  10. I've always had "top of the range cars" in NZ, but when I came here I didn't think it was necessary what with all of the crazy drivers and potholes around, so I bought a second-hand car (private sale) for my own use pottering around the place. A friend of mine came over from Oz and we went down to Rawai to have a look around and got stuck in a traffic jam on the way back and my friend noticed I was keeping an eye on the temperature gauge, and when I explained that it had overheated in the past, his answer was pretty straightforward – – – "look mate, you've always had good cars in the past, so why are you running around in this heap. Buy a new one and it will probably see you off this mortal coil, and you won't have any worries about breakdowns etc". So I went out and bought a new Suzuki Swift in 2012 and it has been a great little car and very reliable, and the Suzuki service garage here is excellent. So I will echo what others have said and encourage you to look at buying a new car. Also look at buying a car which has a service centre/garage near your home.
  11. My question was really relating to who can legally buy it/lease it, because although the land is up for lease, as others have pointed out, it is not easy for farangs to lease it unless their wives can buy it (and the law states that if the wife does by it, then it has to be with money that she has accumulated by her own right) or if they set up a company, but then as others have pointed out they can only own 49% of it.......and so it goes on.
  12. That area is a potential minefield, because once the land is sold to new owners, they have no obligation to abide by the original agreement, whatever it was. There was also a similar "scam/ruse" whereby agents were telling prospective buyers that land could be bought on a 30+30+30 year lease. That was ruled illegal in a Thai court of law.
  13. Are you?........then welcome back, you havent been missed!
  14. OOPS....sorry to have bothered you as have just found it. Thanks all the same.
  15. Well I can't complain as mine has been in use for 8 years, so would certainly buy another if necessary!!
  16. I struggled through it and found it a strange and odd movie with more than its share of CGI , and overall would rate it as nonsense and a waste of my time. However I am sure that someone/some folks will sing its praises suggesting that it had a deeper meaning/allegory into the human condition or some such like........but for me, still a nonsense movie!!
  17. I bought as cheapie from Big C and it is a "Kashiwa" and has been trouble free for about 8 years........gets used about 3 or 4 times a week!
  18. Judging by what I've seen of your posts, it's you that needs a gig on Comedy Central!! You keep providing links from Fox News, and expect others to believe it, when in fact that very same organisation posted a disclaimer after it was prosecuted, and their own lawyers said, basically, "that one should not believe the news that one hears/sees on Fox News because it isn't really news, just opinions". Furthermore, there are two significantly different investigations into classified documents because in Biden's case, his attorneys promptly returned the records after discovering them. Trump meanwhile is accused of wilfully keeping the classified documents and then actively trying to obstruct justice department efforts to get them back i.e. in effect, lying about them. Actually there is a place waiting for you on Faux News, give them a call! This might help.................. Special counsel Robert Hur is set to testify before Congress on Tuesday about his investigation into President Biden's handling of classified documents, speaking publicly for the first time about the probe that resulted in no charges but set off a political firestorm about the president's age and mental fitness. In a nearly 350-page report released last month, Hur said charges were not warranted against Biden for his alleged mishandling of classified materials after he left the vice presidency. But that decision was overshadowed by Hur's description of Biden as a "sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory. Two significantly different investigations into classified documents Trump is facing a separate investigation, led by special counsel Jack Smith, into his own alleged mishandling of classified documents after leaving the presidency. Trump was indicted on more than three dozen federal criminal charges after boxes of classified materials were found at his Mar-a-Lago residence in Florida. Trump and his two co-defendants have pleaded not guilty in the case. Although the Biden and Trump cases both involve classified materials, there are significant differences between them. In Biden's case, his attorneys promptly returned the records after discovering them. Trump, meanwhile, is accused of willfully keeping the classified documents and then actively trying to obstruct Justice Department efforts to get them back. In his report, Hur pointed to what he called "several material distinctions" between the two cases. https://www.gpb.org/news/2024/03/12/special-counsel-set-testify-on-capitol-hill-about-biden-classified-documents-probe
  19. Rest assured Bob, that my post was not specifically aimed at you, so therefore not "ad hominem" as you suggest, but to state that charges against trump, stealing from a charity for example, inciting an insurrection, and others, are an "injustice" throws some doubt on the last few words of your post, and I don't consider that to be ad hominem. Perhaps to backup your post, what injustices do you consider have been levelled against trump?
  20. Worth a watch if only for the way the marriage was viewed by the prosecuter and the tense courtroom scenes, not to mention the role of the son and their lawyer friend. As for the ending...............
  21. I don't know if it's been mentioned on here before, however last night I downloaded and watched, "Anatomy of a Fall" and found it pretty good and also intriguing in its own particular way. As a result of police investigating the death of a husband, the whole relationship/marriage came under scrutiny and the French prosecutor was someone whom you wouldn't want to meet in your worst nightmare – – smart, cunning and ruthless. I played it through VLC media player because it was part in French and part in English, even with some subtitles, so that made it easier. It had good reviews, but I was disappointed with the ending overall.
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