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Everything posted by xylophone

  1. I just completed this quiz. My Score 100/100 My Time 36 seconds  
  2. Just found it on BBC iPlayer, so will start watching that tonight!!
  3. Sorry I can't remember where, but it also stated that they had no ovaries or a uteris as well as male chromosomes!!
  4. Seems like a nice boy!! And has testicles although they are positioned internally!
  5. It only goes to show that which we already knew, although his supporters seem to be oblivious to it, that he is as dumb as a bag of rocks. And to support that, when he rounded up a few CEOs to have a meeting at the White House, the comments from them after this meeting, included, "he hasn't got a clue", "he doesn't know what he's talking about", " and the CEOs said that "he was remarkably meandering, could not keep a straight thought, was all over the map." Dumb? Stupid or early stages of dementia.........
  6. I thought I would update that piece of news with regards to the narrowing of the Soi and why nothing has been done about it since the building was demolished. I had a look at it yesterday and when that abomination was being constructed, to accommodate its incursion into the Soi, the electricity providers installed two concrete "posts/pillars/pylons" to enable the power supply cables to circumvent the would-be building and now the electricity supply cables are supported by those, along with a whole myriad of other telecommunications cables. And they are actually in the Soi/road themselves, so to get the Soi back to a normal size, the posts would have to be removed/dug out and the cables rerouted, so that is quite a major job – – and because of this I can't see it ever happening. Having said that somebody has decided to put some tarmac in the Soi where it merges with the "middle road" to at least make it usable now – – as for the rest of it, well it's still an abomination.
  7. He seemed all right when he first arrived, and then went through a very rough patch where he was seemingly "lost" in that position, however after some time out of the first team I think his performances have improved. As for Dalot he seems to have become more of a utility player, and they're always useful to have as cover when necessary.
  8. Agree with you on the food aspect as regards the Rock Bar, because a friend of mine used to go there specifically for the Rock Burger, but now he's gone back to England so they have lost his custom! I may be wrong, but I suspect that one of the reasons the patrons visited the Rock Bar was also to have a chat with the genial Aussie owner, whilst having a beer or two, but I do believe the new owner is Eastern European?? So maybe there are not too many of these folk around who would venture in for a drink? Regarding Soi Banzaan, that old half constructed building was pulled down a few years ago and they have done nothing about the narrowing of the street, which as you quite rightly say, causes terrible traffic jams at times. However I believe I read that this is a "private soi" so it doesn't come under the council's jurisdiction, hence the reason nothing is done about that road problem. It would also explain why nothing has been done about the very large depression/crack further on down the road, as well as the terrible condition of the surface where the Soi joins the main "middle road". Having said that, something will have to be done about the large depression/crack because the way it is looking, it is going to end up being a very large hole, probably large enough to fit a car in if it carries on like this!
  9. I must have opened the link on my pc and then played it through to my TV!! Thought I had put it on to a USB, but maybe not!! Never been quite the same since my accident and concussion, resulting in a very poor memory now. And I also find PB good for most movies whereas 1337x.to is a bit suspect" now I find.
  10. Try this one...... https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6uabjq (Film Gorillas).
  11. Sorry about this Giddyup but the only link I can find on my other laptop is one using youtube and this does have a few other "oldies" on it?? youtube.com/watch?v=8u2tooYxicE Highlight the link and open it.
  12. Didn't realise that so I will keep looking, as I did download it........will look on my othe laptop shortly. PS. I seem to recall the word Gorilla in the link??
  13. Hmmm.......I thought I could access it through the "Aguirre" movie but seems not so I will keep trying!! But did find this website which has all of the movies I mentioned and more and it is: https://www.azmovies.net/popular-movies Try this and I will keep searching.............
  14. I visited the Nagasaki peace Park in Japan about 20 years ago and what I saw, completely changed my view on the dropping of the atomic bomb. The haunting images of the outlines of people who were completely disintegrated by the blast, on buildings and suchlike, left a lasting impression, so I won't be watching this doco as I have seen all that I want to see of this terrible, terrible occasion.
  15. I have taken to searching out a few older and "different" movies and came across some which I liked, a couple in particular starring Klaus Kinski! The first one being "Aguirre: The Wrath of God" where much of the action takes place in South America at the time of the Spanish "expeditions", and Klaus Kinski plays the part of a driven soldier, who turns mad towards the end of this expedition. Much of it takes place on a makeshift raft, but was well worth viewing IMO. The second one starring Klaus Kinski was called "Fitzcarraldo" as well as Claudia Cardinale, and deals with the man's obsession/madness (he seems to play these parts very well) as regards building an opera house in the jungle. The film is remarkable in its portrayal of a large boat being hauled over a mountain. I also found a movie I had never seen before called, "The Hunting Party" which is a western, starring Oliver Reed as a cowboy, would you believe, as well as Candice Bergen who stayed pretty well immaculate throughout it, and Gene Hackman. The movie had shades of "Peckinpah" about it with regards to the bloodshed, and was worth watching although the story was very weak. In looking for these movies I came across a website which features many unusual movies, and I accessed this through the link to the Aguirre, the Wrath of God movie. I will be searching on that website for more rare movies and docos.
  16. Looks a bit like a young Denis Law??
  17. If you really want to see who should be ashamed of themselves, you should see what the Republicans have been saying and posting about Kamala Harris. They should be ashamed of themselves, but they won't be because they know no different....... 1) Within hours, far-right forums were awash in vitriol aimed at almost every aspect of Harris’ identity, mounting what analysts call a smear campaign led by the most intolerant – and menacing – elements of Republican nominee Donald Trump’s Maga universe. For example, former Trump adviser Sebastian Gorka, speaking to Britain’s right-wing GB News, described Harris as “this disaster whose only qualification is having a vagina and the right skin colour”. 2) Some of the GOP go after her Indian and Jamaican ancestry and use anti-Semitic slurs against her Jewish husband, Doug Emhoff. QAnon-style conspiracy theorists portray her as part of a deep-state cabal and they spread fake photos of Harris with convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein. It is almost unbelievable how low trump/republican/Maga supporters will go in their efforts to disparage and insult Kamala Harris. You can read the full article in the Washington Post. How very sad the political landscape has become in America…unbelievable and abhorrent to see these comments from supporters of trump. Shouldn't be surprised because they are showing their true colours after all.
  18. Can't argue with that paragraph, because everywhere trump has appeared in public, he has sounded like the dumb, compulsive liar and grifter that he always has been. And the only thing he wants to see restored is his bank balance and tax cuts for his buddies. If you wanted proof that this clown is losing his marbles, then listen to his speech at the Republican party get together and you will find that it is a complete and utter mess, which some have called a "word salad", but that is being kind, and some. I will add something to your "remained consistent" mention, because he has certainly remained consistently dumb and is getting worse. PS. Forgot to add that in the diatribe by thaipo7 "they" mentioned that Kamala Harris spoke to the audience like she was speaking to children!!! If you really want to see what that is like then you should view the difference between Obama and trump giving a speech on the killing of a terrorist – – it is absolutely laughable what trump delivers. It can be seen here: –
  19. Is that a Government Hospital?? I seem to remember accompanying a friend along there a few years back and he was waiting well over an hour to be seen by the doc?
  20. Deleted as file too big!!!!
  21. As I've posted previously, I've not been out and about much since my motorbike accident, however the coccyx is gradually healing and a little more information coming shortly, but for now a couple of observations: – The "recovery" after Covid has been very patchy, and some areas have been okay, such as Bangla, whereas others seem to be struggling and Nanai Road would be one of them. The "Blue Sky" bar (opposite the entrance to Soi Banzaan from Nanai) appears to be permanently closed and that has changed owners three times over the past couple of years and never seems to have been a success, and is not hard to see why that is when you look at the location and its size. A little further along, south, is the "Rock Bar" which was doing pretty well under its previous genial Australian owner, but since he sold it, custom seems to have dropped off quite markedly and when passing by and looking at the forlorn new owner, I wonder if he regrets buying it? Almost opposite is the "Chang" bar, which although larger than most bars, rarely seems to have any customers in it?? Having said that, I don't ever recall there being that many customers in it at any time since its inception. A few other bars in Nanai are suffering the same fate – – lack of customers and it will be interesting to see how long these last. Getting back to Soi Banzaan, that Soi is an absolute disgrace, with a couple of the very large metal drain grills sinking a couple of inches which makes it perilous for a motorcycle driver, not to mention the very large crack/dent in the road a little further down which surely shows signs of a drain being broken under the road and it's getting bigger, and as if to paint an even darker picture, the end of the Soi, where it meets the middle road has broken up and despite efforts to repair it in the past, it is still broken and dangerous. Having said that, it has made me notice the disgraceful and perilous state of the roads in Patong, in the main, and although the road south of the strange roundabout, is being re-laid, I wonder how long that will last and I'm not sure if it's the amount of traffic which is responsible for the poor condition of the roads, or the poor workmanship when roads are being "re-laid"? Now for some brighter news......I took my Thai daughter to hospital because of a problem she had and decided to go to Bangkok Phuket Siriroj (previously Phuket International Hospital) because I have a friend who works there and wanted to know which doctor would have been best for her to see, and he gave me the name of a very good doctor who had previously excised the cancerous lesion on my chest, so I was happy about that. I have to say that it was the best hospital experience I've had here, even though I've previously posted good things about the Bangkok Phuket Hospital, this one topped the lot because everything ran like clockwork and when I mentioned to the doctor that I was still feeling a little pain from my fractured coccyx four months ago, he said he could do an x-ray there and then and passed me on to his orthopaedic doctor/friend for an opinion – – so I took him up on that, after making sure that my daughter was fully taken care of. X-ray completed in quick time, consultation with the orthopaedic surgeon, who said that the fracture was slowly healing and that I still have to take care with it, and a chat with the original Doctor and we were set to go to pay the bill, which I thought might be a little high, however imagine my surprise when the bill came to just over 3000 baht, and I couldn't believe it because my daughter and I had been seen by two different doctors and I'd had an x-ray, and she was also given some medication, so the bill seemed extremely light to me. In light of the above I will make the Siriroj hospital my hospital of choice from now on and will probably book a colonoscopy there within the next few months, as I am well overdue one. I was very pleased to get Tuesday out of the way!
  22. Irrespective of the above it certainly wouldn't have done any brain damage as you cannot damage that which isn't there!
  23. When I was young I was poor. But, after years of hard, honest & painstaking work, I'm no longer young.
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