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Everything posted by rwill

  1. Good way to get support from the people.
  2. No eyebrow tattoos. No fake nose.
  3. Of course he doesn't state if he was having other relationships at the same time too.
  4. Except she would most likely face charges of defamation and end up paying even more or face jail time too.
  5. Can't really tell from the video but it sort of looks like she was standing there filming the traffic.
  6. Actual Thai law says you must not enter the intersection when the light turns yellow.
  7. They are probably making more money from the donation box than if they charged for the drinks.
  8. Except he was found innocent and let go for a lack of evidence. (Videos must not be reliable evidence.)
  9. It doesn't matter what the laws say. Even the crossings with lights a certain amount of cars will run them anyway. I imagine someone considering themselves upper class will not stop for peons that have to walk. There is not a day I don't see motorbikes and cars running red lights let alone a crosswalk. (unless I stay home all day) It's against the law to drive without a license, not wear a helmet on a motorbike, not having your car registered, etc. But millions are doing it every day.
  10. As he said, "Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country." Now the Democrats say, "Let us do everything for you."
  11. In general, too much sugar and too much oil.
  12. Hopefully he will spend time in prison getting abused.
  13. Well hopefully it was actually the fruit vendors necklace...
  14. 1) How would they know he fell asleep? 2) How would legal proceedings follow against someone that is deceased?
  15. Pitbulls were specifically bred for fighting over the years.
  16. Try to source some old Chang beer from back when it was 6.9%. Cheers Xtra is 6.5%
  17. All the people working on the repair are burmese...
  18. I had my male dog fixed. He still gets hard and tries humping our female dogs.
  19. It's good to check the screens on the inside units every month and clean them if they are dirty. You can vacuum or wash them. Also check the coil on the outside units and if they are dirty you can hose them off if possible. Twice a year is usually good for having the units serviced. If you are having problems with the condensate line clogging up then maybe more often.
  20. So it was just a few people, not all Malaysions.
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