I have a 16 year old Pomchi. Her vision and hearing are both failing. She does yap a lot more now. But not constantly. She wants to be close to us all the time now. She sleeps a lot more now though too. We let her sleep with us.
Does your dog stop yapping if you sit with her?
It can be hard to find a vet willing to put a pet down but there are some that will.
The local vet we used agreed to put our St. Bernard down but then afterwards had some guilt about doing so.
I happened to have some videos on my phone showing how much she was suffering and had the vet watch them.
It did help her feel better about it.
I actually do see more people moving over nowadays than I used to. Several years ago no one would move out of the way for emergency vehicles. I'm not saying everyone does now. Just that it used to be a lot worse.
I'm not sure about manslaughter charges. What if the person had died several minutes before the ambulance arrived?
There should be a large fine at least though.
If he goes in and applies himself they will most likely check to see that he had at least 800K in his account for 3 months after the last extension and 400K the rest of the year until he needed to bring it back to 800K 2 months prior to this extension.
So if he did not have the required funds in the bank for the whole time since the last extension best to do what someone else mentioned and use agent again.
My wife has a KTB account and the bank app had an update. After the update the app would not open and gave a message that another app needed to be removed before it would open.
The other app identified was Bitdefender. We both have Bitdefender on our phones for protection. Our SCB apps work with no problem without removing Bitdefender.
That was pretty normal back then. Our first house around the same age had mostly 3 prong electrical sockets but none of them had a ground/earth wire. I had stuck my head up into the attic space and the electrical wires were just thrown across the ceilings. They also had a lot of twist and tape connections.
Newer construction now usually has a ground/earth system and wires run thru condiut. Best to still make sure that the main ground from the breaker panel to the rod is one continuous piece of wire and not spliced anywhere.
There are lots of natural herbal hair growth tonics being sold everywhere in Thailand. Lyo brand for one example.
None of them work.
One of my nephews asked me if I thought they worked. I told him if they did there would not be any bald people.
Arcoxia is a reformulation of Vioxx which was taken off of the market for increased risk of heart attacks.
Vioxx and Arcoxia work wonderfully for me for pain. But last time I took Arcoxia I checked my pulse and it was very high. About a day later it was back down to normal.
I will not take it any more.