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Everything posted by Stevemercer

  1. About 50% of 7/11 shops sell them, but the stocking is hit and miss, and they go quickly. I get a couple a few times a week. If my regular 7/11 has run out, I go to the next 7/11.
  2. I hope the Move Forward Party can take the long term view. All they need to do is hold it all together, be an effective and accountable oposition, and they will be able to govern in their own right after the next election. Pheu Thai is finished as a credible election force and their votes will shift to Move Forward.
  3. Here is my worthless contribution. I have nothing at all to add about ancient keyboards and will put up with whatever I am given. I am forced to use a laptop for various reasons and the in situ keyboard is no attraction. The fingers slip off the keys producing unique command combinations that have weird outcomes for the computer. For example, I am happily typing away on this message, look up at the screen, and find the text box has disappeared and somehow I am watching a Queen video (and not a very good one at that). Last week I spilt Coca Cola all over my laptop and thought it was a goner. The next day it started normally, but the keyboard and mouse did not work. We live in a small town and I took it to the sole computer shop not expecting much. To my surprise, they called my wife back that afternoon to say the laptop was working fine - they had replaced the in situ keyboard. The new keyboard is obviously the same size/configuration as the old one, except the keys are more slippy. There must be hundreds of different laptops and keyboard configurations hence my surprise they happened to have one in stock for my machine. The shop charged 650 Baht.
  4. The boss lady must know that your girlfriend has a farang boyfriend? It sounds to me that she is just squeezing you (knowing that you will pay for your girlfriend's absences). She (the boss) is taking advantage of you (in my opinion) and is no friend of yours. If you don't pay for the absences, your girlfriend certainly can't/won't and will have to find another massage shop to work. Maybe that would be for the best. I'm assuming you know and trust your girlfriend well so that she and the boss are not in cahoots.
  5. If the Korat Office has accepted your application, and you have paid, then you are most likely to be approved. It sounds like there may have been some confusion about your 'move' to Korat, but a long term lease (>6 months) should have been acceptable in evidencing your intentions. The office should have requested this sort of information if they had doubts. Anyway, I would be surprised if you are knocked back. I don't doubt it can and does happen, but I have never heard of it or read such on this forum over the last 10 years.
  6. Sounds like you never did find a good book.
  7. I think it's a problem of miscommunication. Unless you both speak the same languge, and have a similar cultural background, it's hard to get the sort of subtle message you want across. Even if your girlfriend has good English, there will still be different cultural understandings and expectations. Personally, I wouldn't worry too much about it. Continue to enjoy the company of attractive women and maybe one day you will meet someone you really match with. The constant follow-up communications are just a necessary evil you will have to deal with - politely and with a minimum of fuss. You'll get apt at it over time.
  8. You can currently apply in Australia. A regulation was brought in during Covid allowing visa applications to be made by people in Australia (when they normally had to be made overseas). This regulation is in force. It is much easier to make the application in Australia. Once accepted/paid, your wife will get a bridging visa with the same conditions allowing her to work, get medicare etc., until a final decision is made. Do you already have your Australian old age pension? If not, you can only apply in Australia and you need to stay in Australia for 2 years before it becomes portable. So if you are going back to Australia to apply you might as well also apply for the partner visa. Then you can kill 2 birds with the one stone while waiting out the 2 years.
  9. My wife insists she is going to Bangkok to march at the next vote (supporting Pita).
  10. I cycle a fair bit and sometimes get a rash in that area. A hydrocortisone cream normally helps me.
  11. I know there won't be a lash-back (as we say in strine) in Thailand - Thais don't complain. I don't own a mobile so I guess I'll have to go the branch to do transfers, or find a bank with online banking.
  12. It would be impossible to shut off online/computer banking services in western countries because of the outcry and it possibly being discriminatory (e'g. the assumption that everyone has and is willing to use a mobile). I suppose I'm hoping there will be a similar lash-back when/if SCB actually closes online banking. So often in Thailand we hear about something that is going to happen, but someone high-up flip flops when the hue and cry goes up, and the status quo remains the same (e.g. nobody has really thought through the consequences or done any sort of risk analysis). I'm not sure why SCB would want to shoot themselves in the foot by pissing off loyal customers. So called security concerns are just an excuse, it's simple cost cutting.
  13. Make sure you take a good book with you
  14. I think reading can help boredom. If I'm on a good book, it brightens my whole outlook for the day because I know I will be onto a good read when I'm ready to relax. It took my a long time to move to a Kindle, but now that's all I use. I used to cart hard copy books from Australia, but no longer. It's easy and instantaneous to download (paid) books from Amazon. Most popular stuff you can download for free. I'm not a great TV watcher, but I enjoy the odd series. I check what's hot and download from the pirate bay. Sometimes old stand-byes are good. I've been downloading and watching ER - an episode or two will suck me in during the evening, and then its time for bed. Sometimes, I'm not in the mood for reading or videos, and give it a rest for a week or two.
  15. I'm with the SCB and typically use SCBEasy on my laptop. I've received emails saying, or implying, SCBEasy will be terminated on 14 July and I need to download the SCB mobile phone App. I don't have a mobile phone, and have sort of been hoping/assuming I can continue to use SCBEasy. I've never received any emails about 'facial recognition', but my transfers are always under 100,000 Baht.
  16. Well, at least the OP got a few people talking and, just maybe, gave him a few things to think about. For me, I go cycling 4 times a week, forcing myself to get up early to beat the heat. The other 3 days I can sleep in so it feels more like a holiday/rest day. When I read the title of the thread, the obvious answer was to go have good sex. Maybe the sex you are having now is not so good, and just habit.
  17. Yes, it is nice. The lake is surrounded by lush vegetation and the water is clear (at least when we visited 2 years ago). The drive from Chiang Khan along the Mekong River to Nong Kia is spectacular, with many good spots to stop for a gawk, but is a bit tricky to find at the Chiang Khan end.
  18. I brought a second hand one in Australia about 14 years ago. After comparing it with the Suzuki Swift, and a few other compacts, I got the Ford because it was slightly bigger (I could carry my outdoor gear), the fold back seats had metal backs (compared to the others), manual and the interior was more sporty (reddish seats and highlights). It drove well and was reliable.
  19. They could implement many of the measures used during Covid: Allow repeat medications to be mailed out. Increase the duration between standard check-ups (assuming the patient is stable) (e.g. from 3 months to 6 months) and dispense medications accordingly (e.g. 6 months worth) Allow nurses to prescribe medicines (signed off by the doctor) for obvious/routine/seasonal ailments.
  20. There are 2 or 3 reported deaths from buffalo each year in Thailand. Much fewer than deaths from dogs or even lightning strike. Statistically, you are more likely to be killed crossing a busy road in Thailand, or riding a scooter for a day. I'm sure it would make front page news if a farang managed to get himself killed by a buffalo.
  21. We have those native chocolate brown ground birds around (they make a loud hooting that sounds like monkeys). They have learned to follow me around when I mow the grass. There favourite food seems to be centipedes and they always leap on any trying to escape the mower. I confirm the painful bite which seems to last nearly a day. The second time I was stung was the worst because I knew from experience that I was in for a sleepless night, endlessly twisting and grimacing in pain for the next 12 hours or so.
  22. Sorry, I should have clarified that, of course, my passport is stamped 'under consideration'. They will call me when it is approved so I can get the final stamp. The documents required for Mahasarakham marriage extension are: Passport Copy passport and pages with all stamps relevant to entry/departure (no TM6 (Arrival/Departure card) needed these days) Form T.M. 7 completed in hand writing in blue ink, plus passport-sized photo. Original Kor Por 2 Confirmation of Marriage (recently obtained from Council) Copy Marriage certificate and certified translation (if originally married overseas) Bank letter and statement (original obtained same day) Copy bank book and pages going back 2 months Copy spouse ID Copy spouse blue house book Map showing how to get to your house from the nearest town or highway (keep simple) 4 photos (one per A4 sheet) of couple in kitchen, dining room, outside front door, outside front gate (showing house number). The last is important. All copies must be signed individually or jointly, as appropriate. At the moment, the office will accept just the one set (e.g. extra copies not needed). You need to bring your original bank book/s and yellow house book/proof of residency in case they ask to check. You may or may not be subject to a 'house visit' during the under consideration period. They will tell you this when they have processed your paperwork. If not, there are usually a few forms to be signed on the spot.
  23. Yes, you need to give him some money after your business is finished. If you haven't met him before, 500 Baht is appropriate. Let your wife give him the money. As a farang, you should never directly give 'bribes' to anyone (it can be misconstrued).
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