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Everything posted by rumak

  1. opening google there will be many claims about how necessary and great having insurance is, What the "copy and paste experts" here on TV don't have a clue is how these are all written and paid for by the insurance industry . Just to add a little spice ....... let's see if there are any "opposing" views : https://www.decof.com/documents/insurance-company-tricks.pdf
  2. As in all things in life ???? . As i mentioned, i broke my hip, when i was 70 . Looking at google one finds this tidbit : "One in three adults aged 50 and over dies within 12 months of suffering a hip fracture. Older adults have a five-to-eight times higher risk of dying within the first three months of a hip fracture compared to those without a hip fracture." Let me say, when i broke my hip the pain was incredible. Couldn't move. I had the surgery done at a private mid range hospital in CM . Total cost 140 K baht . I was on crutches within a month... and walking without them within 3 months. This is why i might repeat in some health threads the advantage of taking care of ones self . I understand what you say, that sometimes in life unexpected things happen. Car crashes, hit by a drunk driver, sudden rare illness, etc . One person's choices will not fit all . Health insurance for a major catastrophe such as you mention ( in the millions) would be great. On the other hand there are hundreds of thousands of people who have been denied or had horrible experiences trying to get insurance companies to pay. Working for a company or govt that gives good insurance is definitely worth it. Self employed and retired people who pay themselves have a tough decision . (well, for me not tough) . Pretty sure you will make right choice for yourself when the time comes .
  3. indeed ! one of my favorites ............. note: i took my rod and tackle and came here when I was 36
  4. naive fools . always the name calling . I feel pretty darn smart to have taken care of my own medical bills over the last 40 years. saved me a fortune . which, being a naive fool, i still have instead of some insurance mafia that i must beg and fight to pay .
  5. It amazes me that the majority of people who i thought were intelligent turn out to be slaves to medications that IMO and experience are not only not needed but actually can cause other problems (just read the side effects) . the medical establishment has the whole world on drugs. YES, there are of course occasions where there may be no alternative. BUT, as you point out...... and as i too have discovered, a dedicated person can overcome and avoid many of the "ailments" that come on as we age. Diet and exercise ..... and a few "alternative" ( or as they used to be called , Natural remedies) can indeed solve many health issues.
  6. I am more terrified that one of those army helicopters will come crashing down and completely destroy my collection of original Picassos .
  7. One must listen to their body and take care of it the same way that an automobile or appliance needs to be . The world basically does not do that..... but instead just waits till the noise turns into expensive damage . IMO the world is so ignorant and without discipline concerning their health ( i will not post photos as the WOKE will surely object ) . Even tucked away far out of people's mindset are these CDC statistics : What percentage of diseases are preventable? Each year, nearly 900,000 Americans die prematurely from the five leading causes of death – yet 20 percent to 40 percent of the deaths from each cause could be prevented, according to a study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
  8. "self insure" is a term that some on this forum ridicule ..... falsely saying that it means you are kidding yourself and it means nothing. Looking up the definition one will find this :" Self-insurance is a situation in which a person or business that is liable for some risk does not take out any third-party insurance, but rather chooses to bear the risk itself." I could debate why I choose to bear the risk with others but really what's the point ? Thirty=five years ago when in the second year of a health insurance policy the company raised my premium without me having any claims is when i made my choice. Risk / Reward : well, i was about 35 at the time and in good health. I also intended to maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle , which in my mind meant I had a pretty good chance of not having any MAJOR problems. Foolproof ? of course not. What i was pretty sure of was that the cost of health insurance would go up. and up. (little did I imagine just how much UP that would be) . REWARD : I was fed up with life in US anyway so tried a new way in Thailand. A lot less stress. A lot less processed foods. Sunshine. Friendly people (if you live away from the tourist traps), and very cheap and good healthcare . After 35 years how much did I "save" by not handing it to a third party ? About 2 MILLION baht I would say . So i made it ! Possibly spent about 200 thousand on all medical out of pocket (120 thousand 2 years ago for a broken hip. Playing basketball ! at 70 years old i guess that was not a good risk/reward . Back walking and biking and feel very good to have done it this way. Note: your results may vary ????
  9. I was thinking along "similar" lines. I believe that all my restless travels and experiences fulfilled my wander(lust) and enable me now to enjoy a modest and simple old age retirement. i definitely will not be one of millions who on their deathbed wish that they had done and experienced more in life.
  10. I would disagree with those here that think the house is "extravagant " . Its just a 3 bd single story house...... nice style.... and the usual wall that people put around their property . hundreds of thousands of these houses in urban areas all over Thailand . Yes, building such a house ( though not a mansion by any means) in a rural area it will be nicer than most of the others. As some Sherlocks on the forum hypothesize ......... being a farang does make one a target sometimes, especially if it is known that there is money or valuables. Does happen to Thais as well..... but we as foreigners seem to be an easier target . As for the "who dunnit scenarios" ...... all just guesses. We shall see who wins the prize
  11. i have a wonderful place with a rice field view . Never had any problems with robbers .............
  12. edit: after going back and reading Peterw post i would agree that i have used my pink card in similar ways ( easy to pull out and show if not having passport on me) Sometimes the office or bank would not want to accept it . More useful ( i have found) is the yellow house book that foreigners living here can usually obtain at the Amphur where they reside. ( here too, the "rules" for getting one depend on the Amphur) I have always ( at least 15 years) used this yellow book to prove my address for the Motor Vehicle Dept AND when doing my yearly visa extension . No problems ( this is in CM ) and also Lamphun province
  13. " grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference .... (AND HOW TO ACCOMPLISH WHAT I WANT TO )" Note: Rumak has indeed added a bit to that famous verse ????
  14. You are not alone in having a bad outcome do to someone's incompetence and stubborness (or attitude, or whatever) . I have had many interactions in all the offices i listed in my post. What i found was that the "underlings" were either unknowledgable or often just said the wrong thing. After asking to see the Hua Nah (head person) I had almost 100% success in getting done what i needed. Learning Thai helped as I learned how to ask POLITELY and not over react (does take self restraint, as many here will know ! ) sorry you had a bad one............
  15. Correct ........ a good "translator" does help immensely. Not easy to find ( or train haha ) too often the translator will try to answer or take over the Q and A . I was divorced and on my own for a long time..... so learned to do it myself .
  16. that is the answer i always give ! GO to the office ( immig, land, tessabahn, amphur, dmv, water, electric) etc etc and ask in person. I speak thai so always go to an officer to get an answer to an important question try to have relevant documents with you and ask SPECIFICALLY what your concern is , and just be calm and collected; NOTE: having the wife or gf do the asking may not have the same results ( as often they do not want to seem to be pushy .... or can not ask a follow up question if there is confusion.)
  17. i think you are the one who is wrong about what he meant. I have asked him, so why not wait for an answer .
  18. Can you explain your post to me? The way i read it is : you had those vaccinations and" have developed some severe side effects" . Am i wrong in interpreting that as meaning you believe the side effects are FROM the vaccinations ? Oddly enough, two very adament pro vaxxers gave you a "thanks" for that post . That is very confusing IF , as i read it. you are blaming ( the word that comes to my mind) the vaccinations. if i gave a "thanks"..... it would be for informing us of your bad experience . Your second paragraph could use a bit more explanation for me to understand better . hope you are recovering rumak
  19. DEFINITELY those that are young and healthy are much better off to let their very amazing immune systems deal with covid, as they do with other viruses and flus. Actually, from the large numbers of HEALTHY older persons ( included in this group are athletes, airline pilots, healthcare workers, truckers, cops, firemen, on and on ) that DO NOT want to be forced to take these drugs....... I would say that trusting ones immune system is a very popular decision. Come to think of it ...... even old Rumak and a few of his healthy older friends seem to have done just great . Not vaxxed , and just doing fine, thank you. Pretty good choice to have maintained a healthy lifestyle, I would say.
  20. "they" are feverishly searching for the latest paid "articles" that continue to spin this 3 year old narrative on a very unfortunate world ........... to repeat it... oh, btw, fauci just had covid. and now, Biden ! "Just get the shot ! "
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