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Everything posted by rumak

  1. Whenever someone starts out with "it's clear" I turn right off . No, it is NOT clear ! You have the unfair position of being judge and jury . The FACTS that i have studied from many sources , and then make my decisions based on ..... is how I decide what is CLEAR or not. If people here have the power to choose the sites and people that are allowed to present ( citing the corrupt and paid for "fact checkers"............... then really, no use for me to read any further. I think that is very clear to many of us who have been correct on so many issues where the "facts" have long since been shown to be DISINFORMATION .........have had the freedom to voice OUR views shut down for way too long. Even the people throwing out the indignities such as "tin hat" and "anti vaxxer" .......MOST of them have changed their minds. If you have not, OK. But please stop with the "it's clear" and "everybody knows" rhetoric. That is not the way to present your opinions . And that's what they are , since any opposite interpretations or presentations that dispute the ones on pro vax sites are censored. That is certainly NOT the way to establish what is the truth. FREEDOM of expression is , where all can make their own decisions, not be TOLD what is the truth
  2. Boy, sure glad he got those shots. Who knows what could have happened otherwise ????. But shame on him for not getting that fifth shot . We all must keep up , no exceptions.....
  3. I was going to try to answer your question, After reading your next post I now see (disappointed so) that you really were not looking for an answer. You are the smart one. Personally i use hindsight to help me in my quest to make better decisions going forward . One of the first lessons I learned very early in life... which helped me make the right decision to WAIT when this crazy fear mongering led "you all need to get this shot" narrative pervaded all the media , and then anyone opposing it was called a quack if not worse................................... is that when someone tells me "we are doing this to you for your own good" ...... I know that they are lying ! especially if they will not let you hear what others have to say..
  4. haha but not me TA . you were putting sarcastic laugh emojis on my "anti COVID vaccines" since a long long time ago. More than a year, in fact i was trying to help you understand ????
  5. The modus operandi over the last few years , where governments have acted tyranically to carry out the whole pandemic with lockdowns and terrible mandates can be summed up now : "It's always the one with dirty hands pointing the finger" Many more see that now. And there will be many more to come .................
  6. WHY WHY WHY ? Just no explanation that I can think of. Millions are beginning to see . And yet some are still trying to defend. At least (for now ) the PTB (powers that be ) are realizing that people are going to vote them out. And backing off ..... a bit
  7. don't accept responsibility until you do a paternity test !
  8. Is yours (or is it ARE yours ) any different ?
  9. I used to like the twenty year olds. Now i prefer at least 30.....as they walk slower going to the ATM .
  10. ..I wrote down the numbers of the last six gals i've been with , bought a lottery ticket and now I'm rich !!
  11. Its a good thing Mr Trump does not call your column by such names. You might just take it personally and have him..... oops can not say that word . pretty tough rules when one is the ruler and please....before anyone thinks I am a Trump lover, forget it. I am on record many times about how corrupt and self serving , maybe even evil, all these public enemies servants are. i also don't have much respect for people that just throw potshots out of nowhere. especially those who do not like to receive them in kind
  12. i forgot to say...... i always did what Excel recommends . Go to the land dept you will be dealing with ! forget asking lawyers, friends, girlfriends brothers..... anyone other than me hahaha Think of all the facts and questions beforehand. Keep it simple if possible. I always asked the really important questions to a HUA NAH . They were always helpful..... and later on in my dealings I learned to be "helpful" to them as well ???? You would be amazed how they smile the next time you walk in. BUT......they would not do anything illegal , just help to facilitate .
  13. I have purchased , and sold, 5 properties over the years..... using a POA from my daughter . here is what i have experienced ( 3 different locations / land offices ) . Mostly done all on my own, but did have a lawyer involved (once mine...... another time the buyer had one) 1. If a "simple sale" , easiest being One Chanote being transfered/sold between 2 individuals then with a proper POA (usually land office will want a fairly recent one..... each office will tell you different times. IN Fact, everything will be up to the discretion of the office you are dealing with !!! ) 2. If the POA is from a foreigner (being the buyer OR seller)....... then the POA form and ID and Tabien bahn must ALL BE NOTARIZED and also brought to the THAI embassy ( or done by post if allowed" in the country where they are residing at time of sale.) FOR VERIFICATION ! NONE of the Land Offices i dealt with would consider doing it any other way. Period . 3. Regarding payment : If on the POA (if being sold) the owner states that he wants the payment made to so and so ..... that has been accepted in my case . I being the father and not Somchai may have something to do with that. Again... remember that most important DISCRETION from No. 1 i have more than 10 experiences, some easy and some not so much. Most were not so hard, but surprises and MAI DAI were things i had to deal with. KEEP COOL at all times. NOTE: i always tried to avoid having a lawyer involved. once it helped me. the time the buyer brought one it COMPLICATED things .
  14. "The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) today released new data showing a total of 1,379,438 reports of adverse events following COVID-19 vaccines were submitted between Dec. 14, 2020, and Aug. 5, 2022, to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). That’s an increase of 7,964 adverse events over the previous week. VAERS is the primary government-funded system for reporting adverse vaccine reactions in the U.S. The data included a total of 30,162 reports of deaths — an increase of 181 over the previous week — and 251,075 serious injuries, including deaths, during the same time period — up 1,959 compared with the previous week. Of the 30,162 reported deaths, 19,462 cases are attributed to Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine, 8,038 cases to Moderna, 2,613 cases to Johnson & Johnson (J&J) and no cases yet reported for Novavax. Excluding “foreign reports” to VAERS, 854,084 adverse events, including 13,972 deaths and 87,488 serious injuries, were reported in the U.S. between Dec. 14, 2020, and Aug. 5, 2022." after 2 plus years it seems very hard to comprehend why there is any question at all about the "vaccines" ( which obviously are not vaccines in reality. changing definitions , changing safe and effective, changing you won't get covid, changing the narrative ) And still some fight tooth and nail so as not to be wrong. I applaud this website for allowing the other side to express opinions.
  15. i do not know if Aseannow will allow this recent data (vaers) and latest information from the CDC . I find it really shocking...... but, if deemed not from a "reliable source" then go ahead and delete it. I surely would not want to break any rules https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/cdc-quarantine-distancing-covid-vaccine-injuries-vaers/ can this information really be labelled as disinformation ? Just read the facts given (vaers report and CDC info ) ...... no need to read other "comments" .... just make your own judgements ????
  16. you are very wrong .......but i do not want to argue with you or anyone. feel sorry for you guys that have no idea what is happening
  17. same here. And.... in my personal circle of 12 people that have not got the shot..... None have gotten covid. as for how many vaxxed are having serious side effects, oh well ....... I do believe even mainstreet sites are starting to talk about that. maybe if y'all searched a bit you might find people like that guy on youtube that you used to trust giving out some news on the subject. don't get me wrong. its your decision individually. and mine
  18. that's impossible ! Biden, Fauci, Walensky (head of CDC ) all said if you take the shot you will NOT get Covid or pass it to others .
  19. Of course you are right.... but these threads are always good to get the Fight going : name calling "vaxxers" against the "stupid anti vaxxers" ( actually, i have always reserved that word , or lets just say "misguided" ..... for those who unfortunately were too quick to follow) For me and the few (very few) i know that said no thank you from the beginning... we are noticing a slight increase in those who followed the narative from the beginning are now seeing things differently. The hardliners, of course, will keep posting links to the original "safe and effective' stuff put out endlessly by mainstreet. The biggest shame of all was how those who did not want to be FORCED to take this gene therapy stuff were lambasted and treated like loonies by the others.
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