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Everything posted by FruitPudding

  1. Thailand is a unique case as ladyboys have been in Thailand for a long time. So, yes, in Thailand people are aware of it more than most other places in the world and children do understand the concept intellectually once they are old enough, but it is not something that children instinctively or naturally understand.
  2. It isn't basic. It isn't even relevant to most people. Imagine thinking the world revolves around your little group of people. Jeez. The whole gender ideology is no more important than any religion. Jesus identified as the son of God. Not everyone has to accept it, or look it up, or be interested in it. If a man identifies as a woman, fine. But this topic is not for everyone.
  3. The only thing about this incident and their gender/sex is if they had been biological women, then they probably wouldn't have gotten a smack on the chops. They would have likely been treated differently. Most men are ashamed to hit females. I think labelling someone as intolerant is probably a bit harsh. If my grandfather saw them he'd probably call a spade a spade, doesn't mean he's intolerant. A child would probably accurately describe them as a man in dress. Again, no intolerance. It just is what it is. A lot of people are not so wordly wise or sophisticated. Many small town people have never seen such a person. And then there are people on the spectrum who see everything as factual. To them, a man is a man. You really don't need to tar and feather everyone in the world who isn't up to speed with your woke/gender identity stuff as 'intolerant' And if you do, then you're just as bad, ironically.
  4. I suspect it mentioned that they were trans women to make it seem more newsworthy. A couple of blokes getting a smack on the chops isn't really newsworthy; society doesn't care about male-on-male violence, unless it's particularly serious.
  5. This thread should really be: the positives of going back your home country. Rather than: move to Cambodia, Laos, or Philippines! Like, why move to a worse place than Thailand? Positives of the UK for me would include: -golfing -fishing -hiking -cool climate -seasons -better food -better drink -healthcare -nicer environment To be honest, I'm looking forward to when I retire and having a 50/50 split between Thailand and my home country, if I can afford it, of course (but people have decades to prepare for retirement, so I'd say it's doable...........so is having 800k - or even double - in the bank for a Thai retirement extension).
  6. What money grab? Is the cost of retirement visa going up? I thought they just want to see you have an acceptable balance in your account to provide for yourself.
  7. This viper pit thread reminds me of this quote.
  8. They'd likely have had more respect if it was a local, rather than treating him with such contempt..... mainly because they'd fear the local's reaction. Farang are generally not considered a threat to Thais in any way.
  9. The farang hate on the site really is a phenomenon.
  10. I know someone who took a non-stick frying pan (when they were first invented) back to the store to return it -- with a fried egg still stuck to it! Haha
  11. I don't think that's the OPs point. It's the way they treated him.
  12. Yeah, the only thing Cambodia had of attraction was it's cheapness. Unfortunately, Thailand too. And loads of Arabs It does baffle me. What would a family of Arabs want with Bangkok? And they always stay in Nana. Lol They ain't here for the temples, food, booze, or women. Why come to Thailand? Last time I was in Cambodia it was $15 a long time (and no bar fines). Lol
  13. Isn't that 90 baht a small bottle? Pretty much the same as Bangkok.
  14. I have no problem with gay people. I just think some types of behavior are for private.
  15. It would be appropriate for a public setting. It would also probably help their cause. They can't expect acceptance while shaking their bare butts at kids.
  16. It's true though. How is it homophobic to want children kept away from adult behavior?
  17. To be honest, looking at a pride parade, I'd have thought it was all about sex, nudity, kinks, and fetishes. I'd love to see a pride parade where they just wear normal clothing, or maybe their professional uniform, or whatever clothing defines them as individuals and how they fit into society..........rather than g-strings and gimp suits.
  18. This is just baffling. On the one hand, they say genitals don't define gender (e.g. when a man can use the ladies changing rooms or toilets, "It's not a man's penis, it's a woman's penis.") Then, on the other hand, they prescribe gender affirming surgery which includes cutting off genitals.
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