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Everything posted by Presnock

  1. wrong in that while I was on a retirement O for 20 years, I now have an LTR - cost effective and better benefits, less papework for ME anyway as my financial and health insurance issue is really simple and takes care of me an my family.
  2. Yessir mentioning how great a negotiator he was for Afghanistan, look at that country today - back to the stone ages! He just gave in to the Taliban as he knew he would be out of office by the time the US troops had to leave. Hope the world can survive for the next 4 years until hopefully someone more qualified for that office is elected.
  3. as much as I am surprised and probably others too, so far those tariffs seem to be working as both Mexico and Canada while expressing their promises to counter "tariff" they appear to be making some initial efforts to respond positively to methods to help stop the practices at the border. Same with Colombia one the immigrants, and Panama on the Agreement with CHina about the canal use. I don't agree with everything that Trump promises to do but much better than Biden and Co.
  4. For anyone with local banks, especially Bangkok Bank. I know in december, that Kasicorn Bank sent out forms CRS and FATCA or their customers and said that it was mandantory to fill out and return the forms to the bank. Has anyone with other local banks been informed about these international banking exchange systems? just wondering as from what I have read about the systems, ALL international banks are affected and have to coordinate with their customers.
  5. Most big US banks have already done that - began with FATCA and my bank BOA closed my acct that I had for over 50 Years! fortunately, the State Department Credit Union (bank) opened an account for me with credit cards etc and for 5 years i have had outstanding service. I send my annuity payment to them and then send whatever to my BKK bank and 1day service each time. One does not have to be a US govt employee or State Department member - they just ask that a prospective customer join one of a long list of organnizations in the US. I join American Citizens Abroad (ACA) and so far all seems well. The US Congress/Trump are changing some taxes on Social Security folks (dropping tax on seniors) and more changes I think on double taxation avoidance. Since I am not impacted by either of those (YET maybe) I haven't paid much attention to them. But for anyone that is dropped due to lack of a US mailing address/phone number, contact "sdfcu.org". Good luck. For other countries doing the closing of accounts, suggest you go on line (google or elsewhere) and query any banks in your area that will open accts without your address there. What will happen eventually, is some kind of penalty for folks using a friend's or relative's address as most countries now seem to be delving more and more into expats' locations reported. Just saying, and only hope all expats are not just dropped without any legal options out of that situation.
  6. yeah, shelved Canada afte Trudeau spoke with Trump and probably sending troops to the border area and Mexico after the Mexican govt sent military to block the immigrants going to the US. China - who knows what they are up but I also read that Panama is trying to break the long-term agreement with China and the use by China of the canal. Just saying, I am not a fan of useless tariffs, any price increases due to the tariffs, only means consumers don't have to buy those products. To buy many products from other countries, usually means that someone in the US could not producce the same quality product at a better price. My opinion anyway. and I have never been a fan of Trump nor of Biden and any Democrat.
  7. nope, pounds both for the average of my HS football line and for myself too. Today I only weigh 66 kilos (soaking wet of course.)
  8. just doubles the equation as obesity makes it difficult for the body to fight any other disease at the same time. I am not any kind of expert on disease and cancers of any type but I do have a logical thinking mind. too many coincidences IMHO but if I am wrong, it doesn't change what is happening.
  9. Not only the NBA but the NFL too.... in one of the college playoffs, Georgia Tech linemen were reportedly 389 poouds! by the way just look at the stats https://hortonbarbell.com/average-size-of-college-football-players-by-position/ when I was in HS, I played football with a line that averaged 220 yet I only weighed 110 and was still able to contribute to the team. Seeing how big the folks are today, I couldn't even consider playing let alone wanting to.
  10. yeah that is why the US granted them "unablecfor users affected to sue the manufacturers" to protect them. The way I look at it, seems the death rate where vaccines were used widely had more deaths than the areas where the vaccines were not widespread. At the same time, what is a cancer - it is when the cells are being replaced, the DNA gets screwed up so that cell becomes a potential cancer if blood is provided. Scary for sure is our dna is being screwed up because of the mrna vaccines then believe we are screwedl already and not a whole lot we can do about it. I lucky enough to be OLD then if/when we get a cancer who can prove where it came from. But seems I read almost daily that younger and younger folks are coming down with cancers at a much younget age and higher numbers. Scary for our children. govt leaders are responsible but never take the blame nor most often are just allowed to escape. My opinion anyway but based on what I read more and more often.
  11. ancient? older than that even! But almost daily I learn something else about people and this country. Guess it is true that one is never to old to see something new.
  12. totally agree with OMF, I have spent over 20 years total living in BKK, 10 years+ in CM and 1 year in NKP (VN era). I have never had any safety problems - it all boils down to one's lifestyle. Now, one can live within many areas of BKK and with the trains situation, can cheaply move around the city or can easily grab one of the cabs/grab, so one can avoid much of the traffic problems. Yeah, I raised a daughter 10 years in BKK, 10 years in CM and believe the CM time was well spent on education - she is now a college student between BKK #1 UNIV and Seoul #1 Univ. Evenliving within BKK doesn't mean big city living conditions, depending on what district one lives. But, remote rural living or island lives seems to be among the favorites here too so just about any type of environment is now available. Big changes in taxation of foreign-earned income could become a problem for some and for some no real problem at all. If one reads this forum regularly, one can ask or learn about just about anything dealing with life here but always remember, this is an opinion forum so everyone or anyone might have a different opinion. From me - I retired here 20 years ago, spent some time working here beginning in the 1950's, and around 2000, but loved it each time and still enjoy living here and plan to stay until I pass.
  13. Not special, after reading the stats for most developed countries, just more healthy if one is coznizant of the facts.
  14. seems to me that the US DTA is very specific on wording of different pensions, stating like SS, US govt CIVIL SERVICE pension is only taxable by the US. State and private pensions are not protected like this and can be taxed by Thailand. or where one is a tax resident.
  15. Thailand should give you tax credits in my opinion but you would need to check with the TRD reps to see what or how much in the different taxes and if credits are available here.
  16. problem is the love is too short-lived! just looking at the picture , I see some beautiful lookiing dogs. I am a dog lover since a child but I have had many pets and never abandoned one! One older daughter in the US takes in abandoned dangerous dogs mostly huge in size, never been bitten and at any one time has 5-8 dogs living with her and her husband too loves the dogs. I note than now, people are in BKK are supposed to register their dogs and it should become a naionwide practice and then strays need to be neutered to begin the shrinking strays as the govt finding a stray can check for the owner and a large enough fine for abandaoning the pet should be levied. Citizens need to have some responsibility which seems to be lacking in many areas still. IMHO anyway but I still love it here.
  17. Many of the negatives are affected by one's lifestyle - as for me none really irk me, I am still in paradise , especially when I see all the problems in my home country both human and natural.
  18. Idon't think you need any letter, US emb doesn't give one and you fill out an immigration form for the transfers so they have all the information that they need with your old and new passports. Maybe someone else has other info, mine was at CM immigration.
  19. Having watched so many different webinars, you are exactly right! failed to ake the direct questions affecting so many here!
  20. ExCellent message for this forum readers, especially as it clarified entirely my financial situation and no need to file!!! Thank you.
  21. BTW the document within the TRD para 1 says obtain the ID within 60 (sixty) days of having assessable income.
  22. Under the FACTA exchange of banking data is actually very litle information only the aggregate bank account money fo the year, acct # etc but in reality, the local bank already has most of that info anyway, except for the additional amount that is different from the total that I remitted to Thailand. (gotten from the local Thai bank). I had to provide them with my ss# when Iopened the local acct and they see the money from my state side bank every month. I only have my US govt pension as an income so doesn't supposedly count as assessable income since it can only be taxed by the US govt. As for the lesser amount that I remit, all that is exempt by the LTR so again isn't acounted as assessable since it supposedly cannot be taxed by the Revenue Dept (YET anyway). Just saying that unless the RD does come out publicly and state that ALL expats/foreigners (adults) have to get a Tax ID and file then I won't. If the RD contacts me about the remittance source, I can provide govt documents showing my income is solely the civil service pension and that I have an LTR but they should really be active in contact with the BOI and Immigraton. Have a great day!
  23. But even this from the TRD - they fail to mention foreign earned income exempted by LTR or DTA (i.e. US SS, civil service pension which local rd's advise that no tax id is warranted nor filing of the tax forms since in the referenced chart, it says "subject to tax" yet fails to say that these exempted sources are not subjec to tax so nothing needs to be done about them other than to be able to justify the exemption to the TRD if queried WHY no id nor tax form.
  24. I totally agree. The problem from what I notice is the failure of the Thai government through the Finance Ministry and TRD who are looking to garner additional funds through the expansion of the tax base here and have failed to keep the expats informed of any other changes to the taxe other than the 31 December 2023 change date on remittances. Even this they have failed to advise officially by easily interviewing with news media if all foreigners MUST obtain a Thai Tax ID and file 2024 tax forms for exempted foreign income i.e. protected by DTA's, LTR exemptions, or pensions taxed already in one's home country because it is my understanding from what we have seen on this forum of members going to a local RD office and being advised that they don't qualify for a tax number because they have "exempted" income so not necessary to file tax forms so do not need a tax id. Then we hear webinars that give us some advice that we do need to get that tax id and file whether or not we have assessable income here even though not taxed. I feel I will ot have to pay any Thai income tax on the funds I remit but would appreciate an official TRD interview to the press that ALL expats with ANY remitted funds needs to get a tax id and file or not. my feelings anyway, as I like to follow any of the local rules and regulations and not just speculation. I notice on every one of these different tax stories, one of the big problems is lac of credible information instead of GUESSES on what is expected of us.
  25. Did they provide the address of the "THAI" Embassy in Thailand?
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