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Everything posted by Presnock

  1. Well, if you go through the process with the embassy, you also have to process that through the local mail system or make trips to the embassy and then for it to be valid for use here in Thailand, you have to do the transfers of stamps...it is all of the TOTAL process of passport renewal. But yeah you are thinking only of the US embassy process I can understand that sorry to get you upset about how I view the process of passport renewal. Good luck
  2. it depends on the source of the funds you remit into Thailand. It also will depend on when you earned those funds. Check out this forum - you can find the minimum single/married assessable income that means that you would need to get a Thai Tax id Number from the Thai revenue department in your area. Then, you can also find where to get the tax forms online (this forum gives you the address), and next year, Jan-March you will need to filll out and file the tax forms for your situation. There are deductions also found here but since none of us yet knows exactly what the Thai revenue dept will publish nor when they will publish the final paper on this issue, anything we tell you might just be a guess at this point. Many think that a tax agent may be necessary to figure things out for them but if you have done tax filing in your own country, you might be able to do your filing by yourself...good luck
  3. to me, that is the problem with windows - they seem to think that whatever they come up is exactly what EVERYONE wants but I find that mostly I get confused and wonder what IDIOT thinks that I want that change. If given a choice I always click on "no"
  4. Yessir! I have seen on forums from other countries in the region that their country too has gone or is going through this same process. Some of them indicate that pensions are just totally ignored by their country as it would be too difficult or they might lose too many expats...who knows for what reason, and who knows what Thailand might propose doing if anything. Maybe they will just wait until tax processing time and see what falls out from the masses. I sure have not idea what they might do...
  5. Well, I have to agree - at the end of the tax year I can only imagine what it might be like in any of the RD offices with so many expats speaking little if any Thai and trying to figure out what the RD wants or needs to fill out a form or show what needed to prove non-assessable income. With 61 countries also having DTA with their home country and Thailand, I wonder how well the RD folks are trained in that regard too. In addition, we already have seen AN members talking about remitting much less $$$ into Thailand for expensive purchases or sums of non-assessable funds so that one doesn't need to remit anything currently. I would imagine that the RD take for next year will prove to be less than this year depending on number of Thais that do submit new remittances. Guess we'll see soon just how many might leave before they even become tax residents for this year. Best of luck to all
  6. In most international schools there are many THAI students also usually from richer families unlike some international schools that also provide scholarships for less than rich local families - the student wll still need to pass the academics for the school but then are provided either US or EU academics...this would also enable at times for these poorer students to go to international colleges. Yes some of the richer local kids that go have a "surperiority" attitude in that they think that they can get away with just about anything. That is why in these instances, it is necessary for the parents to join through a lawyer to ensure that the school realizes that the public will eventually know which school is negligent and doesn't really care about their children, only $$$$. I have had two girls spend almost all their school years in international schools - luckily every one concerned the educational needs of my kids and they are doing great today and happy. I never heard about any of this type of acty and if it had occurred then I am sure my daughters would have advised me because they are well aware of how I feel on this issue.
  7. well once you get the new passport you will have to have all the stamps transferred from your old one.
  8. It wasn't necessary to have a caddy when I was there and on some courses there were no other players at all...I am sure that may have changed as they were really into opening more courses - a couple I was fortunate enough to be one of the first to play on a new course as I was always invited to play by a powerful govt group. There were courses that I couldn't afford to play on but for the most part the costs were negligible. However, I was last in the PI 1994 so everything could have changed in this regards.
  9. Good, meet witht the lawyer, he can advise what are the various responses you can make and get from the school, when meeting with the school officials in my opinion is to get rid of the boys responsible for this activity. If any other boys or kids try to BLAME your daughter, then they too should be held for their activities. The school can fix this issue if they choose to do so. If they don't then it would be up to your daughter but I myself would talk with her about how to stay or go and your support either way.
  10. some of the worse are from rich local families and know that their family will keep the school from doing anything that might jeopardize their money. a lawyer with contacts might be the best bet but don't punish the victim and make sure those responsible are out of that school system
  11. Well, all of the negatives were periods that I experienced those very natural problems so am still well aware of them.
  12. My 2nd choice of country for my retirement was the PI. I lived there for 7 years and loved it. I am a certified scubadiver and the waters of the PI are literally crystal clear. At night, 140 feet deep one can still see the moon clearly (if it is shining and above you). Golf is readily available. People are friendly. Food - any kind nowadays is available depending on where you would live. The weather is much like near the beaches of Thailand with winds off the ocean. Only problems - active volcanoes, typhoons, floods, strong earthquakes, and that is what decided me on where to go! If I did have to leave Thailand though, I would definitely consider the PI.
  13. Well, I have personal experience with CM international school and with International school fo Bangkok - both prepare students well for international colleges - primarily the US and some students from both of these go to some of the top US universities. I admit that the cost may be prohibitive for some but I gladly sacrificed for my daughter's education. I also know that some tuitions in BKK and are higher than the local colleges. My daughter graduated 2 years ago - speaking, reading and writing 4 languages and even taught Chinese at a different HS during her junior year. She learned great computer skills and her math scores are very high. She applied for college in the US and was accepted with scholarships but for personal reasons she opted to go to the #1 college here in BKK and right now during term break she is in Seoul Korea summer Language training at SNU the Korean #1 college. CMIS taught my daughter to WANT TO GO TO school each day and she learned great study habits from there. One must also ensure that the school selected is accredited internationally too if the student will be going on to college over seas. Good luck
  14. These same questions have been asked of numerous sources including tax experts etc...thai tax law says one who remites ASSESSABLE funds into Thailand should obtain a tax id number within 60 days so that they can file the tax forms. If not assessable funds remitted, not necessary to file tax forms nor get a tax ID number in my opinion. Maybe the RD will provide guidance on this sometime in the future
  15. the BOI LTR folks can get a work permit through the BOI also but would then pay taxes on funds earned in Thailand
  16. yeah that is also why folks are suggesting get a lawyer - lawyer will have press contacts and know what and how to complain
  17. other than Thai law which is very specific and most likely will no change in our lifetime
  18. if he shared any intel with outside of need to know channels, he should pay the penalty just as Trump should pay for all that he has exposed.
  19. give the story to the press both here and in your native country...publicity will affect the school and force them to maybe make the criminals pay
  20. Actually, doing the yearly extension requirement for ret-O in CM just became easier the last few years. Previously some folks even got in the queue-ticket line to get a queue ticketg for the same day by getting in line between midnight and 4:AM. Previously had to get an Embassy letter for validation of pension funds - not free either and had to make an appointment etc so with just getting the bank letters, the cost decreased too and didn't have to go to embassy/consulate at all. Just saying as it became much easier for me and I had been doing those extensions for 15 years before it got better.
  21. now he will have to pay with some jail time - bet he won't consider it a worthwhile CAREER in this way again
  22. some forum members have said that they visited their local RD office and were told that they have not held any discussions with BKK on this issue and I can only imagine when they are inundated with foreigners not speaking English or Thai asking if this or that is allowed or what needs to be done. I have some questions too and believe that they are pretty basic in following this new trend but just have to wait to see if the govt will or will not advise us soon.
  23. Yessir, penalize the victim yet let the rich skate and then when they do something really bad it is too late! Stop this type of activity immediately by kicking those kids responsisble out of school!
  24. Absolutely not! don't penalize the victim as they try to do here so often. Make the school terminate permanently those students responsible for this - yeah they prob have rich parents but unless someone doesn't stop this type of activity, it will probably only get worse. The press is your best bet it seems to me unless the school penalizes those responsible to your satisfaction!
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