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Everything posted by Presnock

  1. Hopefully the Thai RD will advise us sooner rather than later if at all about the taxes next year
  2. well at 77, got the LTR so odds are this is my last home stand. If not, then hopefully there will be another LTR. Love my life in Thailand. Miss my other daughter in the US. Miss one or two others but not enough to make me want to go back to the US. It is a different country than that in which I was born and raised. Life goes on and luckily Thailand may change but hope not for the worse.
  3. That is why governors of various states have taken up the issue of squatters in their state to change laws to protect the owners as too many liberal judges/lawyers bend towards the squatters and other criminals.
  4. I agree wholeheartedly and as mentioned previously one daughter graduated from IS in Rome - successful highly paid CEO asst in US, younger daughter graduated from CMIS 2 years ago speaking, reading, translating, etc in 4 languages - Thai/US native, Chinese (11th grade after hours taught basic Chinese at another HS) Korean - has passed level 4l of the international Korean test - also very high level math and computer skills. CMIS students usually love learning and the school is very supportive of that issue.
  5. I think you are the one with your head in the sand. This is an issue that the school admin needs to fix immediately. Teachers if they ignored it need to fired or punished appropriately too. A lawyer should set the stage for the school admin - press would be if nothing is done.
  6. students are usually international too with some locals mixed in usually of a richer family
  7. yes, if they need any further documents they will email you or you can check online with your application number and see if it is asking for anything additional to be added in each category. Good luck
  8. Anyone that thinks that they can endure whatever torture that is done to them where the person doing the torture has no limits is totally f&^*edl for sure and is delusional.
  9. If you have any questions about the documentation, feel free to query me and I will advise as I am an American who just got my LTR in March 2024 - took about 3 weeks total time. I had several phone calls with the BOI as they questioned some of my documentation that literally fit the qualifications perfectly as an English speaker both in finance and health insurance but once that I chatted with them I realized that other documents that were just as easily obtained fit their needs perfectly and yes from there only a week and I was in. I did the wealthy pensioner - used 1040 tax doc for 2 previous years and health insurance although unlimited benefits, needed to get a letter from the insurer stating in writing of the USD $50K hospitalization. Easily done and quickly.
  10. not correct. The BOI advertises that they will assist any LTR applicant that wishes to work in Thailand, in getting a work permit. Therefore, tax exemtpt is only for funds remitted from overseas and any salary earned in Thailand that is assessable, will be paid at the 17% level. That is the advertised benefit. Google the BOI LTR and read the benefits for each of the categories. a WEALTHY PENSIONER can obtain a work permit too.
  11. My opinion only, I worked for the US gvt including 4 years military and from my experiences at all levels, the folks in the BOI office that interface with applicants, have a SET of documents that THEIR supervisors who actually approve the issuance of the visa can accept. Their supervisors do not and will not try to figure out what any documents say other than those that they will acdept without any explanation. Originally, I felt that my 1099R's for two years documenting exactly what I was paid by the Office of Personnel Management that sends my pension funds monthly, and the taxes taken out also monthly, plus my monthly annuity documents also provided by OPM monthly for 2024, would be sufficient documentation but, only after talking with them on the phone, I realized that the only documents that their supervisors were really concerned with were my 1040's for two year. I had already gotten a letter sent from my health insurance provider stating that my coverage for hospitalization was USD $50K even though I had already submitted the benefits package from my insurance provider stating that hospitalization coverage was "UNLIMITED" so even more that the 50K but it was obvious that the BOI folks' supervisors wanted that written figure on a letter from the health insurance provider. Once I gave them the 1040's, within less than a week I was told I could make an appointment to receive my stamps. Easy once I understood that the folks in the BOI are just "weeding" out anything that would cause their bosses to have to figure whether or not some document or letter was valid documentation for the qualifications. Too much explanation could cause even more problems. Documentation needs to be clear and fits with their expectations. Good luck.
  12. I never said anything to BOI that my wife didn't contribute to the taxes paid - my 1099R were also included so guess they can read.
  13. Yes, My 1040's submitted were the same - i.e. Thai wife with no income and after submitting along with govt health insurance letter attesting to USD $50K for hospitalization - application zoomed and a week later I had my stamps. Total time 3 weeks.
  14. LTR is the only visa type that I have seen any information about and so far is the only exempted tax on remitted funds into Thailand the Elite visa is not exempted !
  15. I believe that 20 USD an hour was passed recently for Calf only and immediately prices at Mickey D's went up and some workers were let go as the owners said they couldn't afford to keep business as usual due to the increase of basic salary for their workers. Other states are a lot less than that.
  16. I read the same description, bought a dress shirt and tie plus new shoes....I was the best dressed at the BOI especially among those coming to get their visa stamps. Just dress respectively neat, no jogging clothes, football or sports jerseys, as long as clean and neat, they are very accomodating in my opinion.
  17. if you qualify, get an LTR visa from the Board of Investment (4 categories) and they will also get you a work permit if you want to work. No taxes on remitted funds from outside Thailand and lower taxes on Thai earned income. Just saying, a lot cheaper than the elite visa
  18. Previously I noted on the forum about illegal squatters in the USA...today there is an article in the Atlanta News First (AFN) report about squatting in Georgia now is becoming a state wide phenomonom with some homeowners are trying to be evicted, charge rent on their own homes, as well as vacant homes being "sold" by owners deceased many years prior to the transfer papers! An interesting article and shows how widespread this is in Georgia as well as how it is being done successfully at first and shows how current laws do not even address this activity. So, NY is not alone. Scams are only allowed to become widespread due to blatant criminal activity and unscrupulous government officials that allow it to happen. What would you do if you came home and were told you are trespassing on someone else's property?
  19. Actually, I disagree with home schooling unless the parent that will do that has some experience in schooling and especially home schooling. We don't know the circumstances of the girl's parents, whether they could just quit work and start teaching...I could yeah, but I am retired and still I couldn't do home schooling, I value my children's education. Both my daugthers went to and granduated from an internatinal school and based on my experience with those schools, nothing like this would happen as the students are provided rules and punishment for those who break those rules. Their teachers too, some young some old were usually parents of a student or two or even more in some cases. Anyone saying BS to anyone about not being able to home school is definitely someone I wouldn't want to decide anything for me and my family nor for anyone else either. Just saying...good luck to all
  20. I fear it is alreay too late. On top of this invasion from the south, the two front running candidates are MY AGE and I have 40 years of US govt experience at many levels and I will be the very first person to tell anyone that neither of these two are qualified to run the US govt or any other government. They need to RETIRE near the beach and their regular home. That is my opinion.
  21. BTW where are you from and if any help is needed on what they ask for and what you have prepared for, let me know and if you are fm the US then I can steer you to exactly what they want to see. The initial send of documentation is for the BOI regular folks I am sure that ther superiors who actually do the yea and nay have a SET IDEA on what they want to see. Just a suggestion if you are US.
  22. I have read too many stories over the last couple of years about the disintegration of our legal system where criminals are longer called criminals but are instead freed as the laws are changed to make whatever crime they committed to disappear and I live in a country where the immigration of unskilled labor means that the locals work for less than 10 dollars a 12-hour day of hard labor and whenever the government talks about increasing it even a tad, rich business owners complain and it never happens so wages remain so low folks can hardly survive - birth rate dropping every year so in 30 years or so the immigrants will outnumber the locally born citizens. Not a pretty picture. World is going to crap...that is why I retired here instead of the US and just can't escape it anywhere except maybe the autocrat-ruled countries and I know I couldn't survive there.
  23. there are so many diverse immigrants today, one can find a lot more than taco stands!
  24. I recognize many of the same results of the mass invasion into the US some legal and much illegal with the democrats unwilling to really stop it but, it is literally a growing problem with the republicans not joining in any serious discussions with the democrats, using this as a thorn against the democrats for this year's elections. I note also that in previous immigration periods years ago, immigrant would try to assimilate into US society and contributed much to the successes of the US. But in recent years, the immigrants have changed mentally it seems to me in that now they congregate into certain areas, where they have learned that with the right amount of numbers, they can elect one of their own into the US elected bodies at all levels and they also begin to try an change living conditions to reflect those in the country that they fled. Not sure I understand the reasoning anymore...maybe I am too old but I sure don't see the younger generations willing to fight the negative changes in our society. Guess the USA will become a vanished "civilization" like so many before. Hope all have a happy and healthy rainy season!
  25. on this forum, the story of sexual harassment in middle-school-aged students shows how young, many males begin this evil journey - it will be really interesting to me to see how the authorities/school officials respond to the actions of the male students. Another sad story but this one today is absolutely one of the worse I have read. Reminds me of some other countries (different religion) that I have lived in. An UGLY subject for sure and hope that the young girl can recover mentally.
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