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Everything posted by bkk6060

  1. Great design! Fantastic for those of us who have enlarged Prostates and pee several times a night.
  2. Do neither. Just eat apple sauce and blended drinks.
  3. Real Estate business is a big sham in my opinion. The commission structure is unfair and out of control especially in the U.S. 6% is standard in places like California what a joke for putting a house on multiple listing and making in many cases with the price of housing, $60,000 commission up. That is a year salary for many people but agents put in a few hours work. Here and everywhere, they should get paid by the hour same attorneys. I would try to negotiate as low as possible. They put your property on a website, show it, and help with paperwork I doubt most put in 40 hours on any transaction. That is about it making 60 to 100k for what? A sham joke.
  4. Your gf is about 50? Find a younger one without these problems.
  5. Generally CM is pretty boring I think. Maybe a get away place for a few days to relax. The golf is decent. The mountain and adventure activities are OK for tourists. I find the girls to be mostly stuck up and unfriendly. The red light area is a huge rip off with bad attitudes. Food veggie and coffee shops every where.
  6. I am not sure what the thinking is on this. If a LB looks like an attractive lady, any man may be attracted to them. But, when a LB looks like a man like in this situation, why not just go with a man.
  7. I have had sex twice today it is not even noon. Probably over sexed, but not complaining.
  8. Yes, there is virtually no follow-up to a large majority of these stories. Child molesters, rapists, murders, etc. Is it all public record? It would be helpful if there was an investigative reporter who could access status/disposition/sentencing and publish the information.
  9. Yes, we suggest you do that before posting false information. False. It is 14,737 not 1437. According to data revealed by ThaiRSC on Friday, road accidents claimed 14,737 lives and injured 924,799 in Thailand last year. Of them, 536 deaths and 7,885 injuries were foreigners. ThaiRSC said that the average damage incurred.
  10. I actually know people who went to Cambodia specifically for the 50 cent beers. Telling people how great it is because the beers were 50 cents as their number one reason to go. The same people may not go now due to the higher prices. Interesting what motivates and excites people.
  11. The Nun Il Went with gf was not expecting much. Lots of horror action kind of funny not boring I liked it. GF loved it.
  12. Monogamy is unnatural I think. I have always cheated. It is just sex not love. If my partner cheated turn about is fair game. If we loved each other and wanted to continue together, yes I could tolerate it.
  13. Unixx is OK, the issue I have seen is short term rentals. More Chinese and others going in and out of the place. Check the major rental websites people have it listed you can rent for a few days for around 1,000 b a day.
  14. I say Scandi he is too skinny to be a Brit or American.
  15. I think you should consider changing your diet. Get poached eggs and drop the fries all together. Ordering lean meats and veggies is not difficult. But yes, you are right sugar is in many things here just make better choices.
  16. Even if he had full Dementia, he would continue. His ego and arrogance will not let him go.
  17. I hate the idea of being forced to buy an electric car. But, I think in 15 years that may be the only choice.
  18. I got in an accident recently a young Thai girl made a turn in front of me and we collided. I called the cops and they escorted us to the police station. There, they found her at fault and they made her pay me for the damage to my motorbike. I enjoy riding it sure provides a lot of freedom and I have been to and seen places I otherwise would not have. But, you really need to be aware of everything, head on a swivel, wait a few moments at intersections as many run red lights, and on busy roads I stay to the left. Obviously, no guarantees just try to ride defensively and always be aware of your surroundings.
  19. Before I came here I sold everything. House, cars, came here with just a large suitcase. I lived in a 28 sq mtr before that was actually a one bedroom. Small kitchen also. Had a nice infinity pool and gym. I was fine for me and I had girls over who described it as "cute". In a 50 sq mtr. now but could do the smaller room again no problem.
  20. I guess it may be young people commenting, but too many seem to think even 70 is old. Someone dies at 70 and they justify it with comments that it was time to go. 82 is not young, but I know several 82 year olds riding motorbikes around Pattaya, driving, and traveling, meeting girls not a problem. Anyway, too bad he had to pass in this way without family near. RIP sir.
  21. In the event that a foreign national travels and stays in another place on an occasional basis, and then returns to stay at the same premises within the period of stay specified in the T.M.30, then a new T.M.30 will need not be submitted each time they arrive. The new rules are applicable to all foreign nationals who stay in Thailand on any type of visa, including holders of multiple-entry visas and re-entry permits which enable the holders to leave and return to Thailand within their visa validity period. This is from an attorneys website and is the rule instituted in 2020. You should be fine traveling within country no problem.
  22. Crypto? Be careful, if you borrow from a Thai they do not take lightly if a person does not pay back.
  23. So, if I buy LB manager a drink is it a man or lady drink?
  24. I am a people I want free Visa and free health care because I spend so much money here. Thank you sir.
  25. It is a criminal matter from the report he committed criminal property vandalism. Just another loser who gives Falang a bad reputation. Hope they deport him.
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