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Everything posted by lom

  1. That is flat lug and it should only be used in a switch that has a flat bottom, not a round bottom like your switch has. Its connection to the switch is only on the side edges when you use it as you do
  2. Looks like you are using some kind of lug on the wires, maybe DZ47/C45 lugs like this: the switch however is intended for bare wire which you can see from its rounded bottom. I use DIN-rail enclosures for all my other switches but the battery DC switch I used is this one: it has proper M8 hex bolts and not weak Philips type screws..
  3. Maybe you could do a one-time exception to your rule just for test purpose?
  4. 500 baht you or your Samui landlord must have done a TM30 report
  5. Some 1-year dTac cards does not have to expire, you can fill them up at a dTac shop for another year.
  6. Elon should have built his mega-battery in Grünheide instead of building it in Australia.
  7. That means that you can temporarily overload your meter up to 50++ Amp somewhere above that your fuse will trip but your meter could withstand up to 100A (before it heats up so much that it starts to spin slower ☺️ )
  8. A 15/45A single phase meter can withstand 15A continuously and 45A for a short time, not 45A continuously! The same goes for a 30/100A 3-phase meter, it is 30A per phase continuously.
  9. Interesting to see that I'm not the only one to have a consumption peak 31/3, our daily consumption during March was 52KWh ± 3KWh with 0.5KWh daily purchase from the grid (because current transformers in wrong place) and no feed-back to grid. 31/3 we had the record consumption of 68.4KWh and we had to buy 6KWh, I'll have to rectify that purchase today 😁
  10. What could make a difference is telling them that you need the account in order to apply for a non-O visa.
  11. There is probably something not so good about your "real me" if they start to dislike you when they get to know you. Your persona probably needs more drastic changes than a new after-shave lotion...
  12. That sounds very unlikely to me. Arrested for a week or two until the investigation is finished? In a democratic country? No... Edit: He was brought in for questioning and then released, that's not arresting.
  13. Why would he be arrested if the "runaway" was due to a car fault? There's more to this than what is reported..
  14. lom

    Acrylic Sheets

    Global House
  15. I was once told that the max span PEA do is 20m.
  16. That's what Thai PBS said, Srettha himself said "he may have an opportunity to..."
  17. Still waiting for the flashbacks they say we would get.
  18. How does it affect the lifetime of lead-carbon batteries if you only have an hour or two of absorption time before starting to discharge them?
  19. A week ago I had a transfer delayed by 24hours or money returned to the ource if I didn't reply to their question which was "please explain further the reason for the transfer" I replied to them saying that I had selected "for living expenses" as I had done for my last 10 transfers, so what is it you don't understand about living expenses? They transferred the money with the 24 hour delay. I'd guess that they either didn't have enough THB in their Thai account or they just wanted to wait for a better exchange rate for them. I didn't give them any information in my reply that they didn't already have.
  20. It is an ok inverter for the money, it is a cheap inverter from a known company. The price diff between the 4.2KW/24V and the 6.2KW/48V is so small that you should buy the 6.2KW version. Edit: The inverter can not export power to the grid.
  21. Thai's don't care where their half-gods grew up.
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