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Everything posted by brewsterbudgen

  1. You're welcome to your views and many have posted similar doubts, including @Sheryl whose opinions are much respected, on other threads about WRLife. This thread is about pooling experiences of using the company, not scaremongering. I'm not cancelling unless my broker advises me to. As he recommended the policy, I doubt he will, although I will mention your concerns at renewal. Now you've made your point, why not let this thread run as it was intended?
  2. Yes, you've been pointing it out repetitively. Why not leave this thread for what it was intended for - "WRLife medical insurance experiences"?
  3. One of the great things about living here is that there is no need to learn the language. Not that I could if I tried!
  4. Thailand agrees. https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/thailand-verge-using-voluntary-chemical-castration-sex-offenders-2022-07-12/
  5. If they decline my claim, I'll moan about it here and on Facebook just like everybody else does when they're declined by their insurer!
  6. If they've already signed-up and are a paid policy holder, they have already been convinced that it suits their needs. Not sure your scare-mongering makes a difference.
  7. I have a suspicion that some of those who are desperately trying to steer people away from WRLife may have another agenda!
  8. A key part of being a TEFL teacher is being able to teach multi-lingual classes.
  9. Not in the Daily Fail! https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13004801/Brit-teacher-faces-Thai-jail-accused-sexual-abuse-girls-aged-seven-eight-international-private-school-Bangkok.html
  10. Having a legalised degree is required for the work permit and extension wherever you teach. Of course, some teachers manage to work without one ("classroom assistants" rather than teachers) and some just work illegally. The fact that it's a Language School/Centre/Institute makes no difference.
  11. Who is Dan and why are his views worth resurrecting a thread from months ago?
  12. I've been working in language schools in Bangkok since 2005. All our teachers need legalised degree certificates for their work permit and extension. Despite it being more relevant for the job than a degree, a TEFL qualification is not required by the Thai authorities, although as employers we don't employ teachers without a decent one (CELTA) or experience.
  13. My wide neither knows or cares that this Forum exists.
  14. Surely this applies to all health insurers not just WRLife?
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